what in the content farm is this
Its underated for me, I love all the diffrent posters in sb
I want to cancel his life subscription :3
Damn, they really are skinny.
Im going to go back in time, take William's fursuit away before he commits murder and sell it on eBay.
good on freddy for coming out (of the printer)
he looks like he uses rizz unironicly.
Ew, Mandopony.
I love this
Around the time SB came out tbh
I found it bc of the pope Francis version, but I really like it
*moves out of the way of the scooper*
Frederic can type faster bc he is a pianist tho
Roxy, Glamrock Freddy, Puppet, Springbonnie (Just the animatronic, not William Afton), and Sun
Vanny had potencial, but yeah, William wins 100%
Okay, but if were talking about human afton, unless you are at his pizzeria or stumble upon him killing someone, you should be fine.
And even I could probably outrun or hide from springtrap (just climb a tall surface)
Idk about that other guy though.
They look really cool :3
This whole wiki is a fever dream lol
Also, we have found the best super power called MURDER.
please link it i want to check it out