Because i found this
I randomly find this, I thought it was fake but when I read through it, its genuinely looks real.
Was this released early?
...its an opinion. Back then, i just want to say about how I feel about her.
And uh this is outdated. This is a year ago. I don't think about her like this anymore.
Not trying to be offensive but this is kinda old...
This is kinda old, i dont think we should necropost, the mods dont like that....
But good art
Frights: The Breaking Wheel
Tales: Frailty
That what I thought.
I tried checking out for the leak, to see if it was leaked. I find nothing, not even on Twitter or Reddit.
Even Scholastic didn't have a source linked to it, and I don't think the entire book is a leak? Its the Ebook that should been released later then now.
So either this is released early, or someone somehow got this full pdf(I don't even know how they got this) and decide to release it on the internet.
I can't tell if this is a good thing or a bad thing.
This supposedly should be released on December 26, 2023 and I feel like im missing something
Because i found this
I randomly find this, I thought it was fake but when I read through it, its genuinely looks real.
Was this released early?
On a scale to 1 to 10, how good is the FNaF movie?
Just asking
I just been away for 4 months and this is the best they came up with?
So much for getting hopes it would be better once i came back
On other hand, I want to incinerate this theory, actually.
What the hell even happen when i was away from the fandom for 4 months?
I'm just dumbfounded now.
The fact that there new theories that are bullshit now makes me wonder, like,: What the fuck is even happening anymore?
The theories i seen aren't even that good anymore, not even interesting or possible
It doesn't make any logical sense based on the ones I seen unrelated to FNaF
It like the creative theories we used to have is gone and replaced with shit that can easily be disproven.
I mean, geez, it makes the old theories that were debunked a few years ago actually seems like good theories in general.
My god, how did we go downhill?
Yeah, as someone who been here for some some time, I did see some shit like 8 month ago or so
Yeah, this wiki isnt really the best when it came to certain users
Basically, this is a hellhole
endure it
Wait, People actually thinks Baby is the mimic?
I think he turn into a soda
Ok now that i think about it,
Julius kinda looks like a sterotypical bully you would see in a TV show
The character were meant to be accurate.
But they were white washed as they look different in here
There nothing wrong with making a white character of course.
But if you took a dark skin toned character in the novels and changed the colors, it might counts as white-washing
I'll check out the drama for information
Pickle and Shelly.
They were meant to have a dark skin as mentioned in their wiki pages
Basically, their features were removed and it not accurate, which is why there's drama basically
Ngl, their not very accurate.
Idk about Julius and Reed's skin color.
Maybe Julius is white??
Idk about Reed.
So uhh the preview came out
They got white-washed as their skin tone is different. And they also got their features removed
(Reed was supposed to have a jutting jaw, he does not appear to have one here)