My dumbass thought they just dropped SOTM
My dumbass thought they just dropped SOTM
Congratulations, you spotted the Rare LOLCowz! Have a cookie 🍪
Nvm it’s just the deleted nentendo trailer . Smh
Usually I pop in here every once in awhile say something then dip, but idk what to say today. Moist spaghetti noodles
Have you guys heard MatPat singing in the new CG5 song? I was blown away when I realized it was him
Looks like they combined Glitchtrap and Plushtrap and said “go with it!”
Man, Fandom randomly gives me notifications from this Chat post and-
BWAHAHA scholastic themselves responded. 😂
Sometimes my dog just stands at my door and stares. It kinda scares me.
He doesn’t wimper, he just stares.
I’m definitely going to guess my game just bugged out, or maybe an update to the Full Time Edition accidentally removed it(?)
I don’t know how old the video you watched was.
One tape, and one coin is located in the Character Gallery. So I hope not 💀
FYM play more levels 😭
Ive beaten the whole game, including the DLC.
They legit took it out, or my game is bugged
@Sampaioe I’ve beaten pizza party..
Its not there
Was the button for it moved somewhere else that I’m not seeing?? did they give a reason for removing it??
(For proof, it should be right next to the prize counter button)
Its just a really weird niche thing to remove..
<I noticed it wasn’t addressed on the wiki so I made a post>