.. stardew valley
We've never gone to church (as a family, but I've gone with my friends) because my mom is a Buddhist and says she would light on fire if she walked into one
I'm a morning person so lack of sleep doesn't really bother me I was awake from 2 am to 4 pm once
As a Christian I take a little bit of offensive to that, just because you're an atheist it doesn't mean you have to shit on other religions
Okay thats kind of offensive
no. Trunk or treat bad
Bem can you not
Please does anyone have the meme that goes like "i want to draw 😐" "but I don't want to 👿"
my mom has been screaming at my dad for maybe 20 minutes and ive been laying here in my bed playing oregon trail on my switch trying to ignore it
Let the seas boil.
I read this as let the seafood boil
We went to a sweets festival today
I got this really cool keychain with a yen coin
And Hollow took a picture of me with a cup on my head
The quality is non existent what am I doing wrong 😭😭😭 CROP PROPERLY
Ahh happy birthdayy
LMAOOOOO fuckass building name
Hey guys I got a bunny today
I am also an intp-t
I'm a slytherin on the official website