I got gumdrop angel :)
37 Votes in Poll
34 Votes in Poll
Less visible corpse, and costume F E E T
Also a missing tooth.
I like how he turned out.
14 Votes in Poll
Into the Pit/To Be Beautiful/Count the Ways/Epilogue 1/Fetch/Lonely Freddy/Out of Stock/Epilogue 2/1:35 AM/Room for One More/The New Kid(pt. 2)/Epilogue 3/Step Closer/Dance With Me/Coming Home/Epilogue 4/Bunny Call/In the Flesh/The Man In Room 1280/Epilogue 5/Blackbird/The Real Jake/Hide and Seek/Epilogue 6/The Cliffs/The Breaking Wheel/He Told Me Everything/Epilogue 7/Gumdrop Angel/Sergio's Lucky Day
Virgil managed to pry the smoked body of Hudson out of the oven. He had already been burnt, but now it was hard to recognise him. His clothes were nearly burnt off. Only his face was recognisable. The rest of his body had been charred to a crisp, like and over cooked thanksgiving Turkey.
Virgil flinched back in shock and horror. “What happened here?” he asked.
Barry, Duane and Faith stood next to him. “It’s…” Faith gagged. “Is it Hudson?
Virgil shrugged.
“So… Do we call the cops?” Duane asked.
Barry gave him a death stare. “What else would we do?”
Virgil turned and called the cops. “Hello? 911… I’m at Fazbear’s Fright. O-one of my co-workers, umm, we found him in the oven.” He paused. “Yes I’ll hold.”
Duane turned to the slumped over Springtrap. “Did you do this?” He asked. The animatronic sat unresponsive.
Barry heard someone close the front door. He heard footsteps.
“Hello? I’m here for the job interview.”
Barry and Faith walked up to the man. He had long brown hair in a ponytail, dark blue eyes, light skin and a tall, skinny figure. He wore a gray hoodie, jeans and red sneakers.
“Hi,” Faith smiled. “I’ll take you to the boss. What’s your name?”
“Michael,” the man smiled.
The man only got a short look at the slumped over rabbit.
Virgil and Michael had a short talk over smoothies. Or rather, Virgil had a smoothie. Michael “wasn’t thirsty.”
“What happened to the guy before me?” Michael asked.
Virgil tried to explain what happened to Hudson. “He got stuffed in an oven.”
Michael tapped his finger on the table. “Was it the bunny?”
Virgil shrugged. “I’m not sure.”
Michael moved his finger closer to him. “Do you… Do you see the burnt up animatronics too?”
“No, just Springy. What burnt up animatronics?”
“I’ve nicknamed them the phantoms. They look like… I had a childhood very tied to Freddy’s. So I think I’ve been seeing like… Freddy and Chica and Foxy and Mangle and The Puppet, but dosed in gasoline and set on fire.”
Virgil gave him a concerned look. “Hudson said something similar. But…”
“I’m probably just hallucinating. I need to take my meds more often.”
“Oh yeah, I’m on a lot of drugs. Stuff for depression, PTSD, Bipolar, hallucinations, bodily pain.”
“Dude… are you ok?”
Hudson watched the new nightguard with jealousy. Being alive. He missed that.
The spirit inside of Springtrap… it puzzled Hudson. He was like an older version of the new nightguard.
“Michael…” He said weakly. Springtrap stared at the nightguard.
“Do you know him?” Hudson asked.
The spirit nodded. “He’s my son.”
Springtrap took a step towards the guard.
“You’re still going to kill him?” Hudson asked. “He’s your child!” Hudson got flashbacks to Lewis and his mother, the worst parent’s he could have possibly had. He grabbed Springtrap's suit. “He’s your son!”
“I can make him like me,” the spirit shouted. “Two springlocked vengeful Aftons. I mean, I’m not sure if he’ll survive it, but I’ve put enough remnant in him to power a car.”
Hudson looked on in horror. “You’d kill your own kid, your own flesh and blood?”
Hudson knew even Lewis wouldn’t cross that line.
“We don’t deal in abuse and neglect in this family. Well, we used to. But that was when I was alive. Now there’s no point. Killing him would be a lot more fun, and I can keep him with me forever. My own little murder slave.”
Hudson wanted to smash him against the glass, but that would only bring him closer to the nightguard.
Hudson heard a little kid’s voice somewhere else in the building. “Hello?” it asked. Springtrap ran off to find the kid.
Hudson looked back at the nightguard. “Good luck,” he whispered.
@Crystal Sea14 @Barney Slayer @MasterCrep @ShinyJDog1 @Risabom @Stacten2 @.that-gay-fox. @EmmzaCrazy @UyNaYz @Duusuthepeacockkwami @RandomAdvertisment @Mr VIX @Pumpkin Picker Without The Title @Kaiser emperor of cheese empire @A badly made sockpuppet
From "What we found" story.
Less withered so his corpse isn't that noticable, just like in that story.
I hope you'll enjoy this. I'm proud of this, so let's begin.(BTW sorry for every grammar mistake in these posts)
- Six children are murdered at Freddy Fazbear Pizza. Those victims are (in my opinion) Gabriel, Jeremy, Susie, Fritz, Cassidy and Andrew.
- In 1986 Coming home takes place
- A few years after MCI William Afton opens, Circus Baby's Pizza World, in that time events of Dance with me takes place
- Sometimes after William Afton dissappears. After that Circus Baby's Pizza World closes and animatronics are thrown out in junkyard.
- Around 90's Fazbear Entertainment wants to open Fazbear's Frights: The Horror atrraction. William Afton's corpse is found wearing Springtrap suit inside one of sealed Safe Rooms. Events of What we found takes place.
-After a while Fazbear's Fright burns down, firefighters finds still living William and police finds The Puppet's mask.
- William Afton is brought to Heracles Hospital to room 1280. After a few years events of The Man in room 1280 takes place and William Afton dies in Fazbear Entertainment Distribution Center. A bunch of toys are possessed by Andrew's And William's agony.
- In 1995 Sergio's lucky day takes place.
- Around this time Millie's Grandpa from CTW finds Funtime Freddy in Junkyard.
- After a while The Real Jake takes place. Jake's doll, Simon, is possessed by Jake.
- Around 1998-99 Count the ways happens.
- Sometimes in 2000s, events of 1:35AM happens. After events of that story Ella is broken.
More in part 2...
So I've seen a few people argue about whether the nightguard in FNaF three is Michael Afton or if he's Hudson from What We Found. I have two thoughts on that.
One, there is a character named Virgil who switches shifts with Hudson every six hours.
Two, Hudson dies at the end of the story.
So, my two ideas were that either
A) Mike is Virgil
B) Virgil took over after Hudson died.
I've always preferred the second personally, but I realized this while making a list of all the Fazbear's Frights character
What are your thoughts on the current last Fazbear Frights Story? It feels too similar to 1:35 AM, and Hudson loses his sympathis-able traits after we learn he starts a fire and kills his step-dad and mom. We should have learned more about Fazbear's Fright: the horror attraction. And the ending is really cruel. Overall, 5/10. What are your thoughts.
22 Votes in Poll
Of the three new Fazbear Frights Stories: Gumdrop Angel, Sergio's Lucky Day, and What We Found, which story had the character with the most gruesome fate?
So the third story in "Fazbear Frights #8: Gumdrop Angel" is named "What we Found". Not gonna lie, I've got some sealed safe-room vibes...