Don’t mind the sloppy lines I’m using a new program
(The yellow is Cassidy.
The purple is C.C.
The green is Andrew.)
Don’t mind the sloppy lines I’m using a new program
(The yellow is Cassidy.
The purple is C.C.
The green is Andrew.)
Starring Cassidy J, Charlotte e, and Liam (this is bite victim) A.
Plot: cassidy and charlotte help liam (bv) get a halloween costume
(im not a really good writer so if this sucks, mb)
Knock knock, Liam heard from his bedroom running down.
Openining the door, He saw his 2 friends, Charlotte emily and Cassidy Johnshon, Cassidy being micheal myers, while charlotte's raggeddy ann.
Charlotte: "Hi! Are you ready to go trick or treating?"
Liam blinked, looking confused. "Wait what?"
Cassidy: "You were gonna come trick or treating with us, and the others."
Liam: "Oh. well uhmmm."
Liam stood, just trying to find an excuse.
Charlotte looked, "Do you have your costume yet?"
Liam: "uhhh noo"
Charlotte and cassidy gasped.
Liam looked: "Yeah..."
Charlotte: "Your gonna need a costume! Or else your gonna get pinched by the kids from school!"
Cassidy: "Dont worry, I got this. Liam do you have any like spare sheets?"
Liam blinked. "Uhhh, i might."
Cassidy smiled "Lets go to the closet.
*30 min later*
Liam: "Why do we need sheets?"
Charlotte stood: "We're making you a ghost!"
Liam: "Why?"
Cassidy: "Cause its the only thing."
Liam: "Im not gonna be able to see!"
Charlotte: "Dont worry ya doofus, You will be able to see, Cmon lets go!"
Liam: "Ohhhh, Alright HEYYY WAIT FOR ME!!"
And then they all expl-
But hope you enjoy, decided to do a funny story that i have sitting in my head
Throughout the games storyline, we havent directly seen the name Cassidy mentioned(except ruin/sb), but its heavily implied if not outright confirmed she does and she is golden freddy.
Because I continue, I Can already hear people say "But she's a boy"
Oh really? Then why didn't Scott tell the voice actor to just do a little boys voice if it was so crystal clear? He told them explicitly to sound like either gender which implies Scott KNOWS this isn't a simple answer.
I also hear people say "The girl in the logbook has no connection to golden freddy", to which I reply:
She has the MOST connection to golden freddy.
She shows up in the logbook where we learned cassidys name.
Shes being gifted a present by the puppet(the only one not given a gift is golden freddy).
She has a yellow color scheme related to golden freddy.
Shes literally the only human in the entire book. It has to be SOME kind of importance, or she has to possess someone in the book.
Regardless, lets leave the gender aside for now. Because frankly, that doesn't matter.
The issue I want to adress, is how Scott creates contradictions in cassidys character, which I feel isn't a coincidence.
In the books, andrew is described as black curly hair. (Not saying he is in the games. But "Bear" along with me here). The girl in the logbook has black straight hair. You might say "Thats just a coincidence"
But that's where your wrong.
Even across metaphors and different universes, hair color remains the same.
In the books, charlie had brown hair.
In the games, her father, also has brown(therefore meaning she likely has brown hair.
In the books, Elizabeth has orange hair.
In the games, Elizabeth has orange hair.
In the books, jake(who likely mirrors bv. Although I disagree with idea, lets assume its true) has brown hair
In the games, bv has brown hair
Across most characters in the franchise. The same trend arises, including William .
So why would it not apply to Cassidy
Obviously, hairstyle would be a stretch. But its not a stretch to assume that same characters / characters based off of each other across universes share hair color. Its basic genetics, unless they have different parents in different universes or just so happen to be in that 25% recessive for a different hair color, they will keep the same hair color.
Which what does that say about cassidy, who Andrew is based off of?
Andrews based off of cassidy, I feel at least that this is a undeniable fact. Or at the very least. The man in 1280 represents cassidy torturing william.
But the image in ucn shows a blond boy as Toysnhk. He is obviously the one you should not have killed. Thats undisputed and I am not to uproar that claim.
But what if. Hypothetically , Toysnhk isn't vengeful spirit.
Before you get your pitchforks out. Listen to my argument first.
When referring to Toysnhk. It is always in the third person . HE you should not have killed. Im not a grammar professor (I bet I've made 5 errors thus far infact,), but its basic grammar to know that if the speaker is the person being referred to, it doesn't make sense.
If Cassidy was referring to themselves, why not you should not have killed ME,
I, who you should not have killed?
He who you should not have killed just doesn't actually make sense if cassidys referring to themselves, especially if cassidys speaking through the animatronics. Why refer to yourself in Third person if the person your speaking to knows the "HE" means you?
And it goes further than that, other lines, they speak normally. They don't use third person, and use FIRST.
Orvilles line is a classic example. So why shift from third person to first person if you could just refer to yourself in both? Or use third person for both?
...unless, Toysnhk isn't vengeful spirit.
Another thing to note, is , its never explicitly said that the vengeful spirit is Toysnhk. Or that Toysnhk is the one controlling ucn. Just that the speaker is mad about their death.
Lets go back to fnaf one for a second. Correct me if I'm wrong, but theirs a news paper mentioning how two MORE children went missing. Implying they went missing at the same time and happen to be not the first.
Cassidy possesses golden freddy, Gabriel possesses freddy. These are basic facts or implications.
But when looking at the news paper, would it be a stretch to assume they KNOW eachother? To make two children go missing at the same time, william would have had to lure both. Assuming they DIDNT know eachother, it would be strange for him to lure two on the same day for no reason. He might be evil, but William wasnt a idiot. He carefully planned over his steps, the silver eyes outright proves some of the steps he took to make his hands look clean of the murders.
So it would be extremely suspicious for him to lure two on quick succession for no reason.
Unless, they already knew eachother and didn't want to seperate. Like siblings.
While im not saying the souls of golden freddy and Freddy are siblings, I do think they st least were friends considering William could have just chosen to lure one at a time otherwise; two of them at once being taken to a back room could be EXTREMELY dangerous, especially when hes in a spring lock suit. Or even a regular stuffing suit, because one could scream. Again, I don't think he did it by choice, and chose to take the risk to taking the two to the back room.
The symbolic meaning of having two children go missing and two animatronics that look alike feels important. And it just so happens to be the most important and supernatural animatronics at the restaurant.
Another thing to note, is how golden freddy is summoned.
To summon golden freddy, you have to look at the Freddy poster. At first, this seems normal, like a secret version of freddy.
But think back, why does Golden freddy even REACT when the player looks at the freddy poster? The same one that Can be shown trying to break its own jaw?
In my opinion, I believe its related to their connection and how they died.
Freddy's actions on the poster represent how he died by William . Even if William had a weapon, their would still be A period where one of the children reacts to the others death. Which is why Freddy shows the action of a jaw breaking or neck snapping; Its how William ended him before he could react. It could also relate to a possibility that among the classics, he is the most miserable.
That last part has no particular evidence. But just my speculation on what the poster could mean. The poster obviously means something, so I don't feel it would be a stretch to assume that when Freddy replicates what happened to his soul bearer when Gabriel was alive, it aggravates golden freddy to a immediate summoning.
What other explanation could really explain it? Other than Scott just finding some random way to make golden freddy work? Which, then again, feels like a disappointment of a answer.
Back to the earlier point. If Cassidy and Gabriel were the two children mentioned; Gabriel could be Toysnhk. Which is why only third person is referred to with Toysnhk, because Toysnhk isn't Cassidy.
But Cassidy is the only one controlling ucn. Gabriel is just a marty for the basis of Ucn. In the books, it mentions how different emotions bring different amounts of energy, with agony bringing the most.
But, we dont see much on the level of cassidy. Who can teleport, change shape, and create a mental space. Andrew could only do that because of eleanor(or whoever is the name of the creature In the stitchwraith stories and parallels. Running this off of 1am energy)
Through sheer logic. If two people who were friends were killed by a person, and one witnessed the others death. They would logically have more amounts and types of emotional energy. Its basic human psychology.
Like agony, sadness, anger, and hate.
Which explains why Cassidy has so much power; their emotions of the incident relating to Toysnhk traumatized them and affected them to the point they were overwhelmed by emotions. Almost like the reverse of Charlie.
we have seen this happen to Andrew but on a smaller scale yet wider scale.
Another thing to add to this is with how andrew is almost outright confirmed or implied to be a parallel for cassidy, it makes it even less likely Cassidy is had blond hair because of kelsey
Toysnhk looks like kelsey. Who is NOT cassidy or Andrew. It is something else unexplained entirely. (Ngl. Which someone could explain that story. Especially the sound in the wall mentiomed in the story)
As kelsey and andrew exist in the same exact universe. And are mentioned indirectly in the same exact scene as two different people.
Cassidy is a complex and lore important character. In fact , every missing children name or character plays a important role and is at least mentioned twice in the series
Gabriel is the only name mentioned ONCE iirc. The one who just so happens to possess freddy, the suit mirroring golden freddy. And the only suit that has the most supernatural yet not godlike power. Freddy cant bring people back puppet, or change shape. But has the most reclusive yet paranormal activity of all the animatronics.
Bonnie is aggressive, but so is every iteration.
Similar stories go for the rest of the animatronics. Freddy is unique in the wsy that each iteration of freddy has different behavioral patterns.
Perhaps because the original suit has a soul that die in such a way that I wasn't enough of emotion like puppet or golden freddy. Yet had more emotion than most unlike bonnie or chica.
I don't believe Andrew is his own character. Just because he has a crocodile mask does NOT mean he has lore significance when, it was literally a random mask he could have had. And he had prior significance to Golden freddy to then. And its extremely unlikely that he possessed Monty in security breach who is a similar type animatronic, when while he was aggressive, Andrew didn't try to destroy everything violently, yes he hated William and wanted him to suffer but the other people who died by the stitchwraith were pure accidental deaths.
Sorry if this doesn't make sense. I had more evidence. But I'm too tired to pull it up because its 1 am..
40 Votes in Poll
Nice job on this TryHardNinja and Ivy Marie!
Here are the missing children in my AU.
Ping list:
Let's go!
Okay, so the missing children in my AU still have the same names, I don't think any of their last names were confirmed, but I gave them last names in this AU. They also possess the glamrocks in this AU.
Susie Richards - She was five years old when she died and possesses Glamrock Chica in this AU.
Jeremy Richards - Susie's brother. He was 6 when he died and possesses Glamrock Bonnie in this AU.
Fritz Andrews - He was 6 when he died and possesses Glamrock Foxy in this AU (Glamrock Foxy is real in this AU).
Gabriel Rodriguez - He was 8 when he died and possesses Glamrock Freddy in this AU.
Cassidy Miller - She was 9 when she died and possesses Roxanne Wolf in this AU.
Andrew Johnson - Andrew is not originally part of the MCI, but he died when he was 9 and possesses Montgomery Gator in this AU.
Um, you can ask to be pinged on all AU posts, for now have this picture I drew of my AU Susie.
I'm gonna go to bed now it's 9:30pm where I am. Anyways, yep
(pretty much just headcanons, you can use theese.)
Cassidy (ALIVE)
Would probbaly sneak food into her room.
She didnt really have a favorite, But she's heard of fredbear through her dad.
She wears a varsity jacket that belongs to her father.
She's bonds with her father a lot.
She was pretty much, the mature one (before she died.)
Cassidy (DEAD)
She has the ablity to set up traps, and pranks and stuff. She has pranked william plenty of times.
After she died, she became friends with charlotte, due to mainly sticking with her for 8 years.
Her little other ablity is, She has mutiple forms.
If she was a song, She'd be cabinet man by lemon demon.
She springlocked william once, Sadly he survived.
Charlotte (ALIVE)
She likes to collect bugs, sometimes she will give them to other kids.
Her and Elizabeth were best friends.
She was builled by 2 kids (who were the ones who pushed her out.)
She likes slushies, even when she was a ghost.
Her and sammy had that close sibling bond, similar to dipper and mabel from gravity falls
Charlotte (DEAD)
Her ablity is, She has 6 arms. (2 normal ones, 4 hidden ones)
Her outfit, sort of looks like thoose fancy jester outfits.
If she was a song, She'd be "Touch-tone telephone." by lemon demon.
She's, "Sane."
She runs like a cartoon character, and tends to say "golly." and likes messing with handpuppets.
Anyways uh thats all
If william aftons soul is still trapped he will be continuously coming back every year just to kill, so its better to just damn williams soul to hell, also cassidy is a child so commonly childrens ideas are dumb.
31 Votes in Poll
81 Votes in Poll
Here's the reason: Cassidy in general never had their gender revealed but I still think she's a girl makes sense by this photo
But I think Andrew has a larger role in this Andrew on the novels has black hair like Cassidy but you know the "Cassidy" of the movie
Instead I think that's Andrew reason is because in the novel story a man in room 1280 said he watches over the man (William Afton) this shows he has a role in Ultimate custom night for being golden freddy now this leads to a question then how is Cassidy the vengeful spirit?
Well it's quite simple remember this scene
The person inside the suit is Cassidy I don't know why she wanted to go here but either way i believe that's her and here is another question if that's so then why is Cassidy in Ultimate custom night and yet not be Golden Freddy?
Back to this image
See how she is gifted a cake but not a present is because she has no where to go that's why it looks like the girl (Cassidy) is stuck here the cake is The Marionette giving Cassidy a chance to torture William Afton Andrew wants to get back to William but he knows he can't do anything since his soul is free because of the true ending in Fnaf 3 with the masks being unlit meaning they are free once and for all
So that's my theory Cassidy is the vengeful spirit and Andrew is Golden Freddy
I could be wrong but the evidence is too much to ignore at all
If any of you have read at least the book of The fourth closet, you will know that there we meet the souls of children, Souls that have the same names in this novel as in the tombs of FNAF 6
As you can see from the images, only 3 of the children's names are in both the Games and the Books
Gabriel, Susie and Fritz
But what about the other 2 or even 3 Children who are not mentioned in Games as well as in Books?
Let's start with Michael Brooks, As we all know, technically Michael never existed in the Game Universe, so we can leave him out of it for a while
Jeremy, even though he apparently never existed in the books, He Existed in the Games
That leaves us with Cassidy, which you know what is really strange
In the games we technically know thanks to the Logbook that Cassidy is the soul of Golden Freddy along with the Crying Child
But apparently, in the novels Michael is the one who controls Golden Freddy, so logically, Cassidy Is who would control Bonnie
Which this is not reflected in the games since since Michael does not exist, and Cassidy is Golden Freddy, that would mean that Jeremy is Bonnie
It's weird knowing that technically Bonnie and Golden exchanged souls in that Universe
(Of course if we don't take Michael into account)
And you know what's the strangest thing,
even in the Movie Universe they have some kind of connection
During the opening credits, we can see that the two of them are the last to be killed by William
In the Games, it is theorized that Cassidy was the last to be killed, but in the Movie, Jeremy is the last to be killed
And some even believe, That maybe Michael could be a parallel for Jeremy,
Since Cassidy exists in the Novels and Games, that would mean that technically the children who could be related are Michael and Jeremy since one does not exist in Games and the other does not exist in Novels
54 Votes in Poll
So. I've always been confused about the MCI, and I recently came back to FNAF after, like, a year, so if I knew anything about the Missing Children, ik nothing now, lol.
So can someone explain the MCI and the children in detail? I'm too lazy to go on the Wiki page for it.
43 Votes in Poll