What if when we saw burntrap doing something on the computer in fnaf sb he was uploading himself to the Freddy Fazbear’s technical system and the entity that we see in fnaf sb ruin is actually William Afton???
idk what to put here
I have made an introduction post before but it was like a year and a half ago and I left not too long after so uh
Hiya! I'm Wolf, she/her pronouns. I've been a FNaF fan for several years now, and my favorite game is Help Wanted 2. My favorite characters are The Entity (or as I call him, Tom. Honestly, i just love his design so thats the main reason hes my favorite.) and RWQFSFAXC.
Some other stuff I like are Chikn Nuggit (hence the pfp), DDLC, Transformers, Undertale and a LOT of other stuff. I would also say my favorite game but uh back before I left someone used me liking it as a roast for some reason, just because it's a kids game
Anyways, been working on a fanfic so like why not post it here
They'll mainly come up in later chapters but like this is just for fun (and related to a fun little thing I've been doing with friends on another wiki) so please don't harass me for anything going against lore.
That was a sound Sam knew all too well. She was still groggy, but best not to wait. She rubbed her eyes and sat up, grabbing her phone. A new email. Of course. She skimmed through jt. She'd read the rest later. Right now, all she needed was the general info.
Haunted house... Fazbear's Entertainment... malfunctioning robots? Thats... new. Nowhere near the things she was used to. Granted, neither was this 'Fazbear's Entertainment.' Though, it did sound... familiar. Eh, she likely just heard it in passing once or twice. At least it's nearby.
Once she was all dressed- and fully awake, of course- she went ahead and headed out. The drive was short, about twenty minutes. The attraction was sectioned off from the main roads, a bit into a forest. It was a large, dark building. Obviously meant to resemble a mansion. Out front was a sign, with an image of a cartoon, humanoid bear, and the words "Fazbear's Haunted House." Probably meant for kids, Sam assumed.
Next to the entrance was a small, compact graveyard. Sam walked up to the entrance and entered, not even bothering to knock. Chances are, noone's there. And, even if they are, she has an excuse. It was about 12 in the morning, so it was, of course, quite dark. Luckily, she brought a flashlight. I mean, who wouldn't? Shining it around, it actually looked like a normal house. Well, one that was abandoned quite a while ago. There were cobwebs in every corner, the furniture was quite old, and the floorboards were creaky.
In the corner was one of those animatronics mentioned in the email. It seemed to be a traditional bedsheet ghost- albeit, it didn't seem like it was wearing a bedsheet. Well, of course it wasn't, but it resembled more of a regular human body than a human wearing a sheet. There were lines all over its body, with it having one eye indented on one on its face. Its head was tipped with a little fluff on top, like some soft horn. It was pitch black, save for its white eye.
It was deactivated, as expected. After all, the place was closed. There was a door besides the front door, labeled 'Employee's only.' It was locked.
To the right of the room was a hallway, with two rooms coming off of it. One was a large kitchen, and the other seemed to be the dining room. Neither had anything of note, so Sam returned to the first room, and... the animatronic is gone.
So, I don't think this is advertisment since this is quite litterally as my normal theory posts and it's not promoting anything particular
Anyway, here it is the theory. It talks about MXES, the entity, glitchtrap and the mimic.
Alternative scrapped thumbnails
Here’s my newest animation https://youtu.be/a6IlJf13u-w?si=4aFalzEysgUY6mTo
It uses audio from a funny video I saw.
I hope you enjoy!
I already posted this art recently but NOW...
(click for full)
No background:
(click for full)
No background and logo:
(click for full)
@Joeythedog (you are mostly inactive from a while)
@JackKennedy1957 (the DSAF fan)
@MrPotatoDude01 (scraptrap lover and wiki official lore master)
@Unwithered-Bonnie-filename10 (rat enjoyer and costume maker)
@Dual Hetochromia Crepe (funny girl)
@TheOdd1Out117 (doom, halo and ultrakill fan)
@FoxWithIrisesofBlue (theories guy)
@D1n0634 (Guy who writes "I would win" under who would win posts)
@TheCatKidG (art enjoyer)
@Clearwaterstars (big fan of space-related stuff)
@GABEDABABE27-IS-STILL-ALIVE!! (from your posts you sound like a fan of spring bonnie)
@LunarWolf64 (you have a ping on virtually every fanfiction in the wiki)
@Doorsbestprovemewrong (cool user)
@CLALT (idk why your ping doesn't work)
@Glitched Funtime (funny user)
@Rather-be-on-Earth-17628 (Regularly a shadow haunting the backgrounds)
@Primus133 (peak user)
@IyTheNoobie (burnt and me are not the same person, ok?)
@AriToast (one of the nicest users in the wiki and talented artist)
@NotABurntSpaghetti (bendy fan n.#1)
@XXAutumngamezzXX (Carrott cake is the CC name)
@Lumenniic (like tato, but better)
@Im.charlie.okay.got.it. (I recently discovered you are a donkey)
@Random fnaf and wof fan (one of the first nice people I met in this wiki)
@BlizzardFreeze (He is the wiki’s graphic designer)
@TheLastRingBearer (funtime guy)
@EeveeTheAdventurer (waluigi worshipper and big steven universe fan)
@RedBeardedRaptor (The chaotic autistic person and dorito body drawing maker)
@PenOrSaber1 (your local theorist expert in lore)
@TheStupendousDipplin (a very good shtiposter since the start)
@G0r3kittyz (modly cupcake fan)
@Thatrandomdudeorguy (he is funny)
@MrDrN1nja (cat enjoyer)
@00GalaxyCAT (still now, but he is learning fast)
@ToastGaming2023 (dinosaur lover)
@SlleepyHollow (Looking at your posts and replies, 90% of them contain images)
@TheAverageLlama (fruit punch clown supporter, fruit punch for everyone)
@KennedyTrap (our local springtrap simp)
@Smile123toes (average lemon demon fan)
@ScraptrapOrCaine (a wandering animatronic, no more, no less)
@Iexsist18 (creator of beautiful pixel art)
@Super taction (the weird one who hates Ballora and like nightmarionne)
@GGaribaldiSci44 (friend irl)
@Ramzito360 (the cheese enthusiast)
@AidenDoesGD (He's trying to be a positive guy on the wiki)
@SpookyFries64 (Withered peaka best fan)
@Awesometurtles (I pinged you, now don't rip out my organs)
@Hello209 (Don't even try to eat my art)
@Wdstone21 (another peak user🤑🤑)
(for the pinged guys, if you start a drama in the comment, I will gently remove yours ping😊)
(sorry if I forgot someone)
(if you want a ping please give me an idea for the description if you can, I don't assure that I will follow it, but I might need it if I don't have ideas. I will probably add something)
(If I did not comply with some of the description requirements, I warned you that I would not necessarily follow)
hey, hello there, I bet many of you already know what the theory is.
Many will be thinking aftontrap but nope
It's about this good fella here
Okay, by now I think everybody by now has figured out what theory I am talking about and for those who are not familiar with it, I am talking about glitchentity (the name is glitchentity not entityafton I hate when people use that name) the beautiful theory that predicts that Glitchtrap is the entity.
A little heads up, this theory requires aftontrap to be true, but please in the comments let's not go through and discuss that but stay in the topic, okay?
Let's start by talking about the fact that the entity according to this theory is not MXES, they are two completely different things but related somehow, I will explain more soon.
Something that people often use to prove that the entity is actually MXES is the fact that it exits MXES when we disable it. This can't really be used as a point for entityMXES since even under glitchentity this is possible since in this theory glitchtrap infected and attached itself to MXES (more explanation coming later).
Plus then, if the entity was MXES, why in the cutscene would he be so "desperate" we might say? He seems to be lured and eliminated with MXES against his will, which should not happen if he were part of MXES.
Then an argument that is also used is that the nodes are similar to the entity, but looking at them they don't have much in common.
Someone also uses the fact "the face of the entity is the texture of the nodes".
On this point I already had a resolution long ago, but I didn't know if my assumption was correct, so I asked on twitter. Since most people there are stupid, however, I also asked the lore master about this and he confirmed my suspicions. That's right tato, you gave me the answer, thank you very much. And the answer is... drum roll please....
tah dah, the answer is in the tapes, or rather IS the tapes. How do they appear in the game? well, they appear glitchy, and as confirmed by twitter and the great tato, this is caused by glitchtrap being inside and attached to the tapes.
So glitchtrap is able to change the textures of the objects or entities it infects. Does that remind you of something I mentioned like 1 minute ago?
All right, I think I've discussed everything about MXES not being the entity, because that's literally the only evidence for that, if you want to discuss the motivations instead, I'll get to that soon, wait a minute.
All right, now I can move on to my evidences, right? right?
Let's start with the weakest but also totally obvious ones that for some reason everybody keeps ignoring.
Let's start with
I don't know if you've noticed, although it's actually not hard, but the entity, glitchtrap and burntrap share many poses. Images below.
(to specify that immediately after the entity does this pose it seems to "burn" because of the orange pixels, as happens to burntrap in the boss battle)
No, wait, wrong pose, forget about that.
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, let's continue
And here we are at today's second point
Both are called anomalies in the system, but we will come back to this later.
Continuing, we have the similarities in appearance with glitchtrap and burntrap.
Starting with the obvious one.
Is a rabbit, this does not prove much but it is always best to keep it in mind.
Continuing, just like glitchtrap and burntrap, the entity shares a beautiful and very broad smile.
Moving on, if we put burntrap and the entity next to each other we see some similarities between them.
In addition, both have bare arms.
And let's continue, why not?
Now the obvious thing
The entity literally has the same powers and behaviors as glitchtrap/burntrap i.e. control over animatronics or sending them against you (like burntrap). However, there are people who say "nuhhh, the entity sends signals, glitchtrap controls them." You are right my friend and the answer was given in SB and HW2, with the PQ3 ending. After that ending we see in HW2 that glitchtrap is weakened, with little power, so it seems normal to me that it does not have complete control.
Let's continue
Obviously the closer you get to the entity in ruin the more static on your screen increases, but you'll never guess who else uses that static, exactly, very good, glitchtrap, in HW2 during the foxy log ride and during helptrap ending causes static on your entire screen for a few seconds.
Oh, boy, we are still far from the end
(discovered by @/fort_post1 on twitter)
When the entity appears in the bridge to get to Cassie it is accompanied by a series of purple flashes behind it. These flashes also come out of the PQ arcade, itself infected with glitchtrap, or at least very much related to glitchtrap. In addition, these flashes also appear in AR versions of the foxy ride in HW2. Small hint, these flashes go to a glitchy coffin, interesting isn't it?
Also to specify that the entity is totally surrounded by purple, a color related to glitchtrap.
hey, would you have ever guessed, there are even links to springtrap. Okay, there are not many of them, but it is fair to mention them.
When the entity appears often we can say that it "shakes" its head, almost twisting it, now go and see the menu of fnaf 3.
The effect is not the same, but it is very similar.
(Original discovery by @/fort_post1 on twitter)
Also, look at their jumpscare, they both approach you and smile directly in your face.
worthy of mentioning in the glitchtrap room how similar the two are.
Oh, yes, about that room, it's quite interesting how you get inside it.
That's right, you get there through a weird big digital tunnel and guess what is the huge head that appears at the end of the tunnel, right before you enter the room, but bravo, the entity appears.
Also right before that huge head what appears? exactly the springbonnie plushie, the same one that glitchtrap uses in HW and HW2.
Let's move on to a beloved character, beautiful, he is ruinborn afton and he always come back
Well, this is quite obvious as a point, although it is not 1:1 with the description of Afton's soul, both are skeletal beings with rabbit-like characteristics.
Very well, now that we've finished connecting them (I think) we can continue with motivations, helpi and why he doesn't try to control cassie mentally.
Let's start with the control thing. I explained this before, glitchtrap is weakened, otherwise why didn't he also control the protagonist of HW2.
Now, why did I mention helpi?
Well because this little friend has an interesting dialogue at the beginning of ruin
(helpi dialogue was pointed out for the first time by @/average_fnaffan on twitter)
Obviously this happens just before the first appearance of the entity, wait, an anomalous entity? I wonder what else is an anomalous entity that appeared when it shouldn't.
Some might say he is talking about the nodes, but blue eyed helpi has demonstrated through various dialogues that he knows about the nodes as if they are a normal thing for the vanni network and therefore as if MXES is normal for the vanni network.
But it doesn't end there, because shortly afterwards helpi adds one more thing
A rogue entity that hijacked the security protocols and then infected them? I wonder what we've been talking about in this whole post that literally does what Helpi just described.
Someone says that this is MXES infecting the basic security nodes of the vanni network, but I honestly don't understand what that means. The vanni network does not need security nodes, in fact even when they are all disabled the vanni network continues to work anyway, both in the MXES room and towards the end of the escape from the mimic.
Furthermore, the MXES computer says that all the security nodes were disabled, so the nodes were related to MXES.
In addition, we can understand that MXES is not an anomaly for the Vanni network since even after we have left the area covered by the Vanni network we can use the mask in the MXES room, strange isn't it?
Also MXES was created to keep the mimic hidden, not to brutally kill any technician who tried to touch the nodes, since as helpi also says technicians usually repair nodes
(Original idea by @/average_fnaffan on twitter)
Well, now we continue with instead why glitchtrap should infect MXES and why it attacks Cassie.
This is quite simple, we see in HW2 how the mask can be used to kill glitchtrap and glitchtrap definitely does not want that.
He also does not have strong power over the mask since he is weakened by SB's PQ3 ending so it seems logical to me that he cannot control the wearer, as we have already established before. What is he doing then?
Well, he wants to take back his mask so that he won't risk being killed with the PQ4 ending (which I don't think is canon anyway) and so that he can keep the mask without losing it while he regains power and returns to being able to control people. Why stick to MXES? For the same reason he sticks to the ribbons, to have a safe place to hide.
There are people who think that gregory and vanessa created MXES and the entity by being inspired by glitchtrap or by using some of its code. This theory has several problems.
Why would vanessa and gregory literally base the entity on what caused them trauma and nightmares (as mentioned by handunit in HW1)?
Or why use the code of the virus that until two days before was killing children?
A little too risky.
Also as we said before MXES did not have to kill all the technicians.
FURTHER, MXES is very rusty, dusty, and old, since between SB and Ruin can't have been long since both Gregory and Cassie are still children, so it doesn't make sense for MXES to be that old.
Also Gregory has no idea what the mimic is, if he went down there he should have at least known what he was locking up.
Also, the concrete can take up to 2 days to dry out, so it seems unlikely that they would have distracted him for two whole days in the same room without drinking or eating.
If you ask me now "then who locked him up?", I have a theory for that, but that's for another day.
I think I'm done with the theory.
Just a warning, I would like to debate with ONE person at a time, not 5 all at once+ people who just tell me "you can't win the debate" (these people know who they are)
(click for full)
I already drew this in the past, but I think was like the third drawing I posted on the wiki
Tomorrow I will post the better design of this guy
@Joeythedog (you are mostly inactive from a while)
@JackKennedy1957 (the DSAF fan)
@MrPotatoDude01 (scraptrap lover and wiki official lore master)
@Unwithered-Bonnie-filename10 (rat enjoyer and costume maker)
@Dual Hetochromia Crepe (funny girl)
@TheOdd1Out117 (doom, halo and ultrakill fan)
@FoxWithIrisesofBlue (theories guy)
@D1n0634 (Guy who writes "I would win" under who would win posts)
@TheCatKidG (art enjoyer)
@Clearwaterstars (big fan of space-related stuff)
@GABEDABABE27-IS-STILL-ALIVE!! (from your posts you sound like a fan of spring bonnie)
@ItzBenZy II (garten of banban fan)
@LunarWolf64 (you have a ping on virtually every fanfiction in the wiki)
@Doorsbestprovemewrong (cool user)
@CLALT (idk why your ping doesn't work)
@Glitched Funtime (funny user)
@Rather-be-on-Earth-17628 (Regularly a shadow haunting the backgrounds)
@Primus133 (now you are back from global ban. I have to re-find your description)
@IyTheNoobie (burnt and me are not the same person, ok?)
@AriToast (I think your dad blocked fandom to you)
@NotABurntSpaghetti (bendy fan n.#1)
@XXAutumngamezzXX (Carrott cake is the CC name)
@Lumenniic (like tato, but better)
@Im.charlie.okay.got.it. (I recently discovered you are a donkey)
@Random fnaf and wof fan (one of the first nice people I met in this wiki)
@BlizzardFreeze (He is the wiki’s graphic designer)
@TheLastRingBearer (funtime guy)
@EeveeTheAdventurer (waluigi worshipper and big steven universe fan)
@RedBeardedRaptor (The chaotic autistic person and dorito body drawing maker)
@PenOrSaber1 (your local theorist expert in lore)
@TheStupendousDipplin (a very good shtiposter since the start)
@G0r3kittyz (modly cupcake fan)
@Logank9999 (also called freddy but spelled backwards)
@Thatrandomdudeorguy (he is funny)
@89Mari0 (creator of Waddles and Sploinkus)
@MrDrN1nja (cat enjoyer)
@00GalaxyCAT (still now, but he is learning fast)
@ToastGaming2023 (dinosaur lover)
@SlleepyHollow (Looking at your posts and replies, 90% of them contain images)
@TheAverageLlama (fruit punch clown supporter, fruit punch for everyone)
@KennedyTrap (our local springtrap simp)
@Smile123toes (average lemon demon fan)
@ScraptrapOrCaine (a wandering animatronic, no more, no less)
@Iexsist18 (creator of beautiful pixel art)
@Super taction (the weird one who hates Ballora and like nightmarionne)
@GGaribaldiSci44 (friend irl)
(for the pinged guys, if you start a drama in the comment, I will gently remove yours ping😊)
(sorry if I forgot someone)
(if you want a ping please give me an idea for the description if you can, I don't assure that I will follow it, but I might need it if I don't have ideas. I will probably add something)
(If I did not comply with some of the description requirements, I warned you that I would not necessarily follow)
What's your opinion on this fella ?
39 Votes in Poll
Old M̶c̵ Doodle is known in the FNaF Fandom for s̵t̷arti̷n̷g̷ the Fandom Theory. But recently, he went missing for almost 7 w̷ẽ̵͙̞ĕ̴̡̬k̴̫̭̅̀s̵̋! What is he reall̶̗̳͝y̵̩̦̏ hiding?!
That, loyal theorists, is what we shall find out today!
After his long bre̶͇͔̯̓͗̓ã̴̢̹̘͝k̷̖̃̐̓̾̄, Old Mc Doodle came back with strange messages.
If you have ever played Undertale, you may recognize this as W. D. Gaster's language, Wingdi̵̙͕̓̐͝͝͝n̶͉͛ǵ̴̢̨̛̙̲̒͘ş̸̧̛͇̈́. Fandom user Aritoast decided to plug the message into a Wingdi̵̙͕̓̐͝͝͝n̶͉͛ǵ̴̢̛̒͘ translator, and it came out with a lot of strange phrases, like "Chaos will take it." There also messages that had missing letters, like "It's almost he*e. He is almost the*e. da*ke* yet da*ke*."
It seems like the letter missing is 'r,' as the phrase 'Darker yet darker,' which į̸͎̇̾s̴̙͔̫̤̊̓͐̅ ̴̢̻̭̿͆͑͜a̶̿̒̈́ ̴͈̞̉̕ phrase said by W. D. Gaster to describe the Roaring.
But what d̷̩̎̈́̏ő̸̡̯̈́ͅe̷̲͓͘ͅͅs̸̛̺̪̑̍ ̶̤͎̪̈́̿̑t̵̹̺̆͘ͅḫ̶̦͉̮͘i̸͎͎̺̱͌ŝ̷̢̞̘̎̊̽͜ have to do with the Fandom? Is this an ARG? Just a funny troll? Well the answe̶̳̪̺͕̊r̵̛̲̻̯̝̗̔̂̇̍̒͑̌͑͘͝ ḯ̵͖́͗̉͂̑͊̔̍͆̄̈́͂́͑̕̕͝ș̵̘̱̹̎̐̔͆̿̎̈́̀͆̐̍́͊̅͆͑͌̈́̄͌̒̅̽̚̚͘̕̚ ̷̨̨̡̮̲̘͇̻̩̹͈͉̲̪͍͉͕͔̆́̓̇̌͐̈́̊̒́̓̒̃̈́̒̊̑́̽̀̾̏͘͘̚͜͠͝͠ͅf̵̡̛̠̙͙̤̻͉̤̮̣̝̠͍̻͓̗̦̝͖̯̱̞̯͍̝̯̘̂͌͐̎̿̀̔́͒̊â̵̺̲̣͓͓̹̪̯̪̹̱̝̯̻̟̒͛̒͂̉̋͊͑̀̍̆̿̆̂̚͝͝͠͝ŗ̵̨̭̜̼͇̙̻̱̞̠̞̲͎̗͎̘̼̒̀̀̌͗͋̄̇̃̿̓̄̅̆͗̀̇̃͆̀͊̀͛͝͝ͅ ̸̧̡̢̧̠͓̱̫̻̦͈͕͈̻̯͙͍͎̜͉͓̪͂̅̐̽̂̀̔̀͆̈́͋̉͛̋̈́̍̑̍͘͘͜ͅͅw̷̺̩̦̃̇͊̈́̚ͅͅǫ̴͚̼̭̣̙̱̤͕̰̣̥͉̲̝̤͔̺̪̲͖̖̖̬̻̖̟̮͉̒͌̍̀̓̌̀̽͜͜͝ͅȑ̸̨̤́͛͒̇̈́̇̀͊͒̿̃̊̈́͐͛͘͘͝ş̵͓͔͇̫͔̬̼̰͉̝̗̭̳͉̥͇̰͚͓̖̘͍͇͙̭̀̈̓̐̔̃̿̊̽̄̄͌̀̾͊͒̈͋̓͗̔̉̀͊̚͝ę̴̡͈̭̜̯͔̥͉͑͘.̶̡͙̰̝̙̠̰͓̺̳̯̯͓̥̣̍̈́́̀͛̀͑͌́̄͂͛̆̒̽̊̇͐̏̓̈̆͌̉͂̀̐̇͊͆́̑͐̐̄̆̈́́͒͊͘͘͘͝͠͝ ̴̡̰͇̼̺̫̞̠͕́̈̓̍́̍̃̄͐̈́̿̿͐́̂̒̇̾̑́͊̄̎̽̒̾̈́̐̽̌̓̈́͘̚͘̕͠͝͝Ḯ̵̡̡̘̹͔̙̻͍͕̣̼͖͙͕͇̻̠̓͒̄͂͛̒̎̽̑͐͊̈́̄͑̊͋̾̔͂̕͜ţ̴͕̫̗̺͔̪̟̜̱̣̯͕̣̰̞͇̤̪̙͕̳̮̣̯̗̯̙̝̀̆̿̀̄̓̑͐ ̶̧̨̩̤̜̪̥͚̯̳̽͐͆̒̈̃͂̀̎͊̏͋̎̕͝i̵̡̢̨͇͍̖̤̟͎̘͍͙̭͚̰̲̠̳̺̩̗͛͋̒̂̑͂͑̂̑̋̓̍͗͑̅̐̈̈́̐͂̽̕͝ş̵͇̫͉̙͚͚͇͍̞̈́͒͒͊͝͠ͅ ̶͉̰̖͎͎̙͕̤̣̱̲̝̤̜̼͔͓̠̯̣̮̰̭͂̋ͅą̷̨̡̲͔̮̘͖͚̠͙̯̯̤̫̳͚̠̱̫̻̟͍͇̟̗̳͍̮̦̮̰̝̮̗̖̩̱̬̤̙̹͍̒͐̏͒̈́̕ͅ
👍︎ ⚐︎ 💣︎ ☜︎ ☞︎ ✋︎ ☠︎ 👎︎ 💣︎ ☜︎
See here, M.X.E.S. has 4 fingers
While in RUIN he has 5
Hey the photo isn't ass this time
It's only mid👍
Art cult:
@Cynuzi With the absolute solver
Let me know if you want to be pinged.
The Entity and Shadow Bonnie's glitching effects look pretty similar.
As you can tell, both of them also seem to resemble a rabbit.
Or something else?