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47 Votes in Poll
Incase you didn't see it during the anniversary
I cannot believe it has been ten years since the first fnaf game came out. Since then we gotten a lot of cool things: more games, a movie, a series of books, an abundant amount of merch, and a plethora of passionate fans!
For a long time I actuallywasn't a big fan of Five Nights at Freddy's. But when I opened myself up to the game again about 4 years ago, I saw a different side to the series than a horror game. It was a community of smart and talented individuals alike who expressed their admiration for the series in their own unique way. This caused me to step of my comfort zone and made me the person I am today! I don't know where I'd be if I wasn't interested in fnaf, I have met so many cool people and accomplished so many amazing things!
I am so greatful to be apart of the community.
And in celebration of the 10 year anniversary, here is some pixel art I've made!
I cannot thank the community to influence me and welcome me in with open arms. Thank you for all your support!
And thank you Scott, for everything.
Happy 10 years of Five Nights at Freddy's 🐻🐰🐔🦊🎂🎉
Anniversary Art:
Post your own reaction image thingies down there
Example: Crazy Nate as Shadow Tails, Schaffrillas Productions as Ignited Bonnie, and so on
I'm trying to make an UCN (Ultimate custom night) reskin (except Dee Dee summons more people) but i don't know how would he work.
Any ideas?
(Ps. I do NOT ship characters this is only meant for a joke)
(Single image version)
Ok so first question I must address is picking which character would be in which role I chose Henry cause in the novels he’s shown to be a bit odd this feels in character for him.
I was trying to think of what I was going to draw for Valentines Day and this idea came to mind and it was too funny to not do. Unfortunately I still had to draw foxes kissing (I used the Tony Crynight animations as reference). The fox animatronics seen are OCs of mine (Spring Foxy and Shadow Foxy) I chose them because they were Foxy and Mangle’s parents in a Freddy and Friends AU I had.
What do you think
I will try not to spoil the comic this will be a panel from but this is towards the end
Here are some other panels
Try and see if you can guess what the story is from this
You awake in a dark void. There is nothing around you except for a bright light. Out of curiosity you walk towards the light to see where it was coming from.
You reach the source of the light and you find that it was a giant, glowing, white gate. In front of the gate was a giant present box that was about half your size. Having nothing better to do you open the box and a human-like figure popped out. It seemed to be crying but had a large smile on its face. She wore a green jacket and her torso had three white buttons on it. "Hello there, said the figure, my name is Charlie. Could you tell me yours?" You tell her your name. She seems friendly and you feel like you can trust her. "Well okay hun, welcome to the Kingdom of Shadows. A place where souls from the living world can enjoy themselves and live happy, normal lives." You ask her why you are here. "Well it seems you have met your end in the living world. Fear not hun, this place is a place for relaxation and enjoyment." You ask her how you died since you don't remember how you met an end. "Let me check your file."
She pulls out a pile of files on souls who live in the kingdom. She gets to the files of people that have the same first letter as you in their name. She looks through them. She starts to look confused. "That's strange, I can't find your file. Um hun, can you please excuse me for a moment?" She pulls out a phone and calls someone named C.C. "Hey C.C. We have a problem at the gate... No it's not that. We have a soul who doesn't have a file... Yes I know that's not possible, that's why I'm calling you. Did you accidentally forget to hand me one of the files... Okay thanks."
Charlie then looks at you. "My friend will be here soon and sort things out hun. But for now, can you move out of the way, there are people behind you waiting in line." You step to the side and watch. The next person in line was a woman who had blue hair and was about your height. You watched as Charlie greeted her and told her about what this place is. Charlie was able to find her file. She then welcomed her to the Shadow kingdom as the gates opened on their own and behind them was a beautiful city. You were amazed by the color and charm of the city that you hoped you had actually died and would get to live here. Then a purple and black animatronic bear came running to their location.
"Oh, there you are C.C," Charlie said, "Did you get their file?" "No because they don't have one," said the robotic bear known as C.C, "They shouldn't even be here. They aren't dead." Charlie looked shocked by this information. "Well then how are they here?" "I don't know," C.C said, "but I think we need to get Lord Allen to help." "You sure he isn't busy?" Charlie asked. "It doesn't matter, we need his powers to sort this problem out. C.C said. "Charlie, living kid! Come with me." Charlie hops out of her box and you follow her.
You ask her who Lord Allen is. "Oh, he's the ruler of this place. One of the newest rulers this place has had. That doesn't mean he isn't powerful though. If anyone can help with this, it's him." As you continue walking, you notice how lovely everything around you is. The people around you were hanging out, eating delicious food, and just enjoying themselves. Both Charlie and C.C stopped when they were in front of a giant mansion. "Well here we are," Charlie said, "Lord Allen's castle." And suddenly a black rabbit with pure white eyes and teeth. Those were the only things on his body. The rest of it was nothing more than darkness. "Charlie, C.C." The shadow rabbit said. "What are you guys doing here?" The rabbit seemed to notice you but focussed more on C.C and Charlie. "We have a bit of a problem, RWQFSFASXC," said Charlie, "This kid isn't supposed to be here." The rabbit Charlie called RWQFSFASXC was confused. "What do you mean by that?" Charlie told him all about how you aren't actually dead and shouldn't be here. "All of you, Follow me." Said the rabbit. You three follow him into the large mansion. It looked impressive. There were paintings of people with dates underneath them. You decided it was best not to ask about them. Your group finally arrives in a sort of throne room. The room was sort of long and you could see a throne with some sort of cloaked figure sitting in it. The figure had antlers similar to those of a deer. The cloak he was wearing was a dark blue color. "Welcome." Said the cloaked figure as he got up from his throne and walked towards you. You notice that he has only one eye and has long teeth. He frightened you. Oh, sorry was the hood too much?" Asked the cloaked figure. He then takes off his hood to reveal that he has a human head with his left eye gone, he also has silver hair. "Greetings," he said, "I am Allen. Ruler of this kingdom. Why are you four here?" Charlie then spoke. "This mortal isn't supposed to be here. They haven't died yet." Allen wasn't shocked by that info. "Indeed they are. You seem to have an aura from the living world that the souls here don't have. Well It seems that something brought you here but I have no idea what it was. I can send you home, but some people prefer to stay here and live in eternal peace. So I will offer you a deal. I also rule a place known as The Dark Place. It's a place where souls who have done awful, horrible things are sent. Some of those souls have escaped and been reincarnated in the living world. I can't leave my kingdom and my associates can't seem to find them. So here is the deal I offer you. You can go back to having a somewhat normal life while helping me bring back these souls or you can stay here and live a happy normal life. What's it going to be?" You think about the offer. On one hand living in a place like this sounds great but on the other hand, you feel like things here would get boring really fast. So you choose to go back to the world of the living. "Wonderful." Said Allen. "I shall send you home with the required equipment to deal with these escaped spirits. See you tomorrow!"
(This is filler spoiler images, not off-topic. Not that hard Endr {sorry, about that})
So the Shadow animatronics... they have been classified as irrelevant by the fanbase, but are canon. The movie, as well, appears to be pointing antention to these guys, by the fact that Max was stuffed into Shadow Freddy (based off this wiki). It also does not help that they are reoccuring throughout the games, and several of them at that.
What is your opinion on them? I want to hear what you guys have to say about them tbh
24 Votes in Poll
37 Votes in Poll
24 Votes in Poll
(The most people picked 30 years in the safe room)
”It seems like you’ve been through a lot.”
You’ve been waiting to ask this question for a while
“I have…but I don’t want to talk about it”
”Aw it’s okay William you can tell me.”
”No not like that. I just wanted to save it for last.”
You continue to stare at him not noticing your pity look
”Ew get your sympathy away from me, I’m supposed to be intimidating.”
You look him up and down again, remembering that he was a rabbit like shadow figure with glowing eyes and a glowing grin.
”Why do you look like a rabbit?”
He starts laughing his sinister laugh again, you know at this point it means he remembers something that amuses him.
”Well that’s a good story there. This in fact is the only story I actually know the date, it’s also the reason I lost track of time. It was 1993 October ”
”Ok finally this has been bugging me this whole time, I probably should’ve asked earlier.”
”No interrupting. Anyways I had returned to the pizzeria…”
”What pizzeria?”
”LATER! As I was saying I destroyed all the animatronics…”
”STOP INTERRUPTING! I was going to spare you since I’ve got this far but I might change my mind if you keep interrupting. Anyways after that I thought I was safe but the ghosts of the kids trapped inside escaped…”
He pauses for a second and glares at you expecting you to interrupting again but you don’t.
”Ah thanks for not interrupting. They chased me into my Spring Bonnie suit, Spring Bonnie is just a rabbit character don’t think about too much. The suit was dangerous due to the animatronic parts inside which were held back by springlocks, not going to explain anymore. It snapped into me fusing me to the suit, I think I died but I’m not sure. I think I said earlier that I still felt alive but I should’ve been dead. My insides were full of animatronic parts every second of my existence was agony. I was locked in that room like that. I was not sure if was still alive so I tried to sustain myself. The room was infested with rats, so I killed them and cooked them over a fire that I made by sparking my metal figure tips. There was also a leak in the ceiling which I believe was the reason the springlocks snapped in the first place, I drank from the puddle it left on the floor. I hope I was alive cause if not I was eating rats and drinking floor water for nothing. I was trapped in there for 30 years.”
”You lived of rat meat with metal stabbed into you for 30 years?!”
(Mimic watching)
(Dark past)
(30 years in the safe room)
(How the Springtrap met his end)