Felix the Shark
Rosie Porkchop
Baby Crawlers
Jessica (Frailty)
Steve Snodgrass
Alanna, Ron, Lisa, and Jacob
FNaF World Enemies
Edwin Murray
Fanart belongs to Komomn, Firefoop, BarBADdroid, and Underscore.
Rosie Porkchop
Alanna, Ron, Lisa, and Jacob
Baby Crawlers
Majority of the FNaF World Enemies
Steve Snodgrass
Jessica (Frailty)
Fanart belongs to FireFoop and BarBADroid
Anyone else I should add?
No really, it so similar. The plan Jessica and Brittsny has is just what Julius wanted to do with Reed. Just that it a springlock suit.
No, you are not reading TBW again, your reading its ripoff
The Breaking Wheel but it is with a girl
One of my favorite characters, from this franchise.
25 Votes in Poll
Into the Pit/To Be Beautiful/Count the Ways/Epilogue 1/Fetch/Lonely Freddy/Out of Stock/Epilogue 2/1:35 AM/Room for One More/The New Kid(pt. 2)/Epilogue 3/Step Closer/Dance With Me/Coming Home/Epilogue 4/Bunny Call/In the Flesh/The Man In Room 1280/Epilogue 5/Blackbird/The Real Jake/Hide and Seek/Epilogue 6/The Cliffs/The Breaking Wheel/He Told Me Everything/Epilogue 7/Gumdrop Angel/Sergio's Lucky Day/What We Found/Epilogue 8/The Puppet Carver/Jump for Ticket/Pizza Kit/Epilogue 9/Friendly Face/Sea Bonnies
Mindy and Cindy looked around at the class. Jessica and Brittany had gone missing days earlier. They’d swapped projects, but never managed to look inside.
During their presentation, something glitched. Perhaps an old bug in the suit. Or maybe Mindy and Cindy forgot about something.
Whatever the case, the hatch opened to reveal two corpses. One had skin as pale as paper, eyes rolled back into her head, blood dripping from its nose and mouth. The corpse had long shiny blonde hair. The first corpse wore a pink blouse and darker pink skirt, now stained in blood.
The other had tanner skin and long black hair. Blood dripped from every crevice on its face. Her blue long sleeve shirt and jeans had blood dripping from it.
“Jessica…” Cindy realized.
“Brittany…” her sister added.
The classroom broke into screams. Those close to the door sprinted out. The kids in the back hid behind their tables.
The teacher called the cops, as he should have.
Mindy and Cindy walked around in black. Everyone wore black. Of course, the homecoming queen and princess were dead.
Derick and Irwin, Jessica and Brittany’s boyfriends respectively, sat in tears in the cafeteria. Cindy and Mindy weren’t sure if they were really upset. Those girls were annoying.
The girls, Derick and Irwin joined them outside, watching Rosie Porkchop get hoisted into the truck, to be taken back to Freddy’s where it came from.
“Cindy?” Mindy asked. “What do you think happened to them?”
“They died,” Cindy said, stating the obvious.
“No. Their souls. What happened?”
Cindy hadn’t thought about it. She closed her eyes and listened, as if waiting to hear the answer.
And from the pig came two guttural, feminine screams.
@Crystal Sea14 @Barney Slayer @MasterCrep @ShinyJDog1 @.that-gay-fox. @Risabom @Stacten2 @UyNaYz @Duusuthepeacockkwami @Mr VIX @RandomAdvertisment @Pumpkin Picker Without The Title @Kaiser emperor of cheese empire @A badly made sockpuppet
From "Together Forever" story.
Tried to be accurate to given description.
Is Rosie Porkchop related to Pigpatch?