Hellotheredemons·10/8/2024in GeneralSo...i just read Bunny Call and...What IS Ralpho? Is he an agony being?RalphoBunny Call
WC54467·11/1/2023in GeneralBest bunny mascot suit?Bunny call/ RalphoGlitchTrap Vote54 Votes in Poll(Edited by WC54467)Five Nights at Freddy's: Help WantedGlitchtrapRalphoBunny Call
Horrorbaby22·9/25/2023in Fun and GamesYour dad has been waiting for you....(Edited by Horrorbaby22)Ralpho
SpringjoyARK·1/7/2023in Fan ArtRalpho (Bunny Call)More accurate than on the cover art.RalphoBunny Call
SpringjoyARK·8/31/2022in Fan ArtThe winners of my pollSo here they are Ralpho, Nightmarionne, and Toy Bonnie. Weirdly there were three winners but whatever. I Hope you'll enjoy them. Toy BonnieNightmarionneRalpho
SpringjoyARK·8/28/2022in Fan ArtWhat should I draw?ScraptrapRalphoNightmarionneTwisted FreddyToy BonnieBidybabVote22 Votes in PollToy BonnieNightmarionneWilliam AftonBidybabTwisted FreddyRalpho
Footyzilla1321·3/18/2022in GeneralFavourite FF Antagonist (Part 3)Ralpho (Bunny Call)VR Springtrap (In the Flesh)William Afton (The Man in Room 1280)Blackbird (Blackbird)RWQFSFASXC (Hide and Seek)Tag-Along Freddy (The Cliffs)Vote34 Votes in PollRalphoThe BlackbirdWilliam Afton (Fazbear Frights)Tag-Along FreddyVR SpringtrapRWQFSFASXC (Fazbear Frights)
...Clear.As.Christal...·11/30/2021in GeneralWhich of these animatronics would you want in the core series most?Twisted WolfFelix The SharkRalphoFetchThe StichwraithThe AgonyVote33 Votes in PollAnimatronics and BotsFetchThe StitchwraithRalphoTwisted WolfThe AgonyCoils the Birthday ClownFelix the Shark
WikiStinson·9/19/2020in GeneralRockstar RalphoFive Nights at Freddy's: Fazbear Frights 5: Bunny CallRalpho