Noticebly looks like a normal shadow, just with Bonnie's head, with pointed teeth and glowing eyes.
Kinda surprised this what he looks like, according to the text.
Noticebly looks like a normal shadow, just with Bonnie's head, with pointed teeth and glowing eyes.
Kinda surprised this what he looks like, according to the text.
35 Votes in Poll
34 Votes in Poll
Into the Pit/To Be Beautiful/Count the Ways/Epilogue 1/Fetch/Lonely Freddy/Out of Stock/Epilogue 2/1:35 AM/Room for One More/The New Kid(pt. 2)/Epilogue 3/Step Closer/Dance With Me/Coming Home/Epilogue 4/Bunny Call/In the Flesh/The Man In Room 1280/Epilogue 5/Blackbird/The Real Jake
“Someone call 911!” Tabitha shouted. Toby had spontaneously started bleeding from his chest. He was rolling on the floor, laughing hysterically. Like he was the freaking Joker.
Connor stood on the other side of the pizzeria, petrified. His brother hadn’t just…
“I did it!” Toby shouted. “I won!” He went back to his insane laughter. It was somewhat creepy.
“TOBY!” Connor ran up to him. He searched anywhere for some sort of first aid device, anything to stop the bleeding. And Toby just kept laughing.
“I’ll beat you Connor,” he said. “I’ll finally beat you.”
“What are you talking about! You’re dying!”
Toby kept laughing, refusing to answer his brother.
“I’m sorry ok? I get it. I was a jerk. Just-”
Toby’s laugh became downright demonic. Deep and distorted. It didn’t match him at all.
Connor took a step back, pressed up against the wall.
“R… w… q…”
Toby’s body went limp. Connor stared in awe and horror.
“RWQ,” Connor muttered to himself. “RWQ.”
His brother’s last words. What had he meant? What did he mean ‘I’ll finally beat you.’ Toby’s last moments racked his brother’s brain.
Connor heard something fall in the hallway. He stood up to follow the sound.
The hallway was dark, as it should be at midnight. Connor reached for the light switch, but it didn’t work.
“Bulb must have gone out,” he muttered.
He grabbed a flashlight from his dresser and pointed it around the hallway. A lamp tall laid on the floor.
Connor signed in relief. He walked over to the lamp and placed it back up. He pulled the chain to turn it on.
Connor screamed. Next to him was a mass of black, shaped like a rabbit, but weird. Like an animatronic. Connor could hardly comprehend it.
“Con… ner…” the black bunny said. It had Toby’s voice.
“Toby?” he asked. He was breathing heavily. He was petrified by terror.
“You… lost…” The rabbit said. A white glow appeared along it’s “face” as if smiling. Two orbs appeared, like eyes.
“I… won…” The rabbit spoke as if every syllable hurt to say. “Time… to… destroy… the… loser…”
Connor ran down the stairs, as fast as his legs could carry him. He ran into the pitch darkness of the night.
The rabbit chased him outside. It grabbed his shirt. Connor tried to escape, but the rabbit pulled him back to the patio.
“Please, whatever you want! Don’t-”
The thing grabbed a shovel from the patio.
“NO!” Connor shouted.
That was the last thing he remembered.
Melinda found her neighbor lifeless and bloody on his patio. He was alive, thankfully.
Connor was muttering something about his brother and a black rabbit.
Melinda took him to a hospital.
When she checked on him later, he only told her one thing.
“He finally won.”
Toby roamed the world as a shadowy black mass. A life he at first hated, but soon he grew to love it.
And a little bit of brotherly vengeance was good too.
@Crystal Sea14 @Barney Slayer @ShinyJDog1 @UyNaYz @Duusuthepeacockkwami @EmmzaCrazy @.that-gay-fox. @Risabom @Stacten2 @Pumpkin Picker Without The Title @Kaiser emperor of cheese empire @Mr VIX @RandomAdvertisment
From "Coming home" And "Hide-and-Seek" stories.