Just so I can see people who complain about Matpat Mpreg and Fazgoo get pissed
Just so I can see people who complain about Matpat Mpreg and Fazgoo get pissed
28 Votes in Poll
I lost a tooth just now and A HE TOLD ME EVERYTHING SONG WAS PLAYING??!?!?!?
Im scared dr little is just gonna crawl out of my closet tonight and I’m gonna become fazgoo 💀
To put it simply, I had a dream when Dawko's He Told Me Everything music video came out except Faz-goo became Springtrap
There was a scene where Chris goes into the science club and found Faz-Trap surrounded by heads that resemble Dr.Little.
Faz-Trap furthermore has another Faz-Goo but it's bigger. But then it failed and exploded.
I have no idea, but I kinda want Dawko to put that in. (this happened a week ago)
I hate Chris
He is ungrateful and I wanna commit homicide
Anyways here is the jerk moves this bitch has.
I don't even know, and his redemption arc is too fast, like it is very rushed, and it is where he died.
What. Also, the villain is very pointless and has little potential.
My cousin is obsessed with this crap.
He made me read it and I went insane.
I bang on my head ten times. Went outside, and started screaming.
I don't know what to say, but Faz-Goo. That's it.
I just can't take it anymore.
It actually made me sick,
So yeah, I'm not a fan of this one.
33 Votes in Poll
64 Votes in Poll
56 Votes in Poll
50 Votes in Poll
In it's phase, when Chris noticed it stole a few 'things' from him.
So, while I was reading Gumdrop Angel I realized how with what the gummy nose does to Angel from Gumdrop Angel, and what the faz-goo does to Chris from He Told Me Everything. With He Told Me Everything being the story right before Gumdrop Angel and being the story introducing faz-goo there is very good chance that the gummy nose was made out of faz-goo. In He Told Me Everything, the science club had to rip out one of their teeth and put it in the faz-goo. Then Chris took his baby tooth instead of a fresh new one. This could match up with Gumdrop Angel because to eat the gummy the kids use their teeth and then Angel used her teeth to eat the gummy nose. The announcer also stressed that Ophelia could be the only one to eat the nose many many times. Maybe it’s a different version of faz-goo, but I’m pretty sure that the gummy nose in Gumdrop Angel is made out of faz-goo.
16 Votes in Poll
Into the Pit/To Be Beautiful/Count the Ways/Epilogue 1/Fetch/Lonely Freddy/Out of Stock/Epilogue 2/1:35 AM/Room for One More/The New Kid(pt. 2)/Epilogue 3/Step Closer/Dance With Me/Coming Home/Epilogue 4/Bunny Call/In the Flesh/The Man In Room 1280/Epilogue 5/Blackbird/The Real Jake/Hide and Seek/Epilogue 6/The Cliffs/The Breaking Wheel
Emma and Chris happily walked to the park. Emma held a box of Girl Scout cookies.
‘Chris’ was feeling good about himself. He was being nicer to his friends, to his classmates, to his family, to his teachers, to his neighbors.
But of course it wasn’t the real Chris. The real Chris was a blob of goo back at the school.
And yet, there was one thing Chris had to do before he could truly become Chris.
He saw Brooke’s car pull up to him.
“Hey Chris!” she said. Sanjeet and Malcolm sat in the back of the open top, red car. “We have an arrangement.”
Chris looked at his little sister. “Be careful. I’ll be back as soon as possible.”
Chris got in the front seat of the convertible and they drove ahead.
They picked up one more replacement, Jacob. He smiled. The whole group had the signature purple eyes of a Faz-goo replacement.
Jacob sat next to the two in the back and they drove to Dr. Little’s house.
“Oh come on guys,” Sanjeet’s clone said. “Let’s give him another chance.”
The fake Brooke frowned. “That bastard isn’t even worth cloning. He’d probably be uncomfortable anyway.”
“He made us,” Jacob said. “That has to be worth something.”
“We’d find someone else,” Brooke assured him. “But how about a vote? All for it?”
Chris, Malcolm and Brooke raised their hands.
“All against?”
Jacob and Sanjeet raised their hands, defeated.
“Majority rules,” Brooke turned off the car and got out. Chris followed her as the boys got out of the car.
Dr. Little opened the door. “Perfect, you guys are here.” The doctor led them inside.
Sanjeet and Jacob turned towards a couch.
“Don’t sit there,” the doctor shouted. “You’ll ruin my carpet.”
Jacob looked over at Brooke and Chris. Is he serious?
“Ok, for my first task,” the doctor said. “I want you to make me dinner.”
Brooke looked angrily at him. She looked at Chris.
“When?” she whispered.
“Whenever,” he whispered back.
“Me and Sanjeet changed our votes,” Jacob butted in, still whispering.
“Now?” Brooke asked, slightly louder.
The boys nodded. Chris turned and nodded at Malcolm and Sanjeet, as if there was some neutral understanding.
“What are your five up to?” Dr. Little walked up to the group. “Who’s going to do my bidding?”
Sanjeet and Malcolm grabbed each of the doctor’s hands. Gooey pink tentacles emerged from their fingers and wrapped around Little’s arms.
“Real funny you two,” he tried to assure himself.
Brooke ran back out to the car. Jacob punched the doctor in the face.
“Do your chores?” he asked. “Really funny, doc.”
“I’m serious! I created you! You should do as I say!”
“Since when did we agree to that?” Chris asked. Brooke came back in with an axe, a crowbar and a pocket knife.
“I call dibs on the knife,” she smiled. Chris grabbed the axe.
“I am your master!” Dr. Little shouted. “You belong to me!”
“We serve no master!” Brooke said.
“I created you!”
“Technically William created us,” Chris said. “But we don’t serve him either.”
Dr. Little was never heard from again.
Chris continued to pretend to be Chris. No one ever found out. At least, no one that couldn’t be silenced.
@Crystal Sea14 @MasterCrep @Barney Slayer @Duusuthepeacockkwami @ShinyJDog1 @Risabom @Stacten2 @.that-gay-fox. @UyNaYz @EmmzaCrazy @RandomAdvertisment @Mr VIX @Pumpkin Picker Without The Title @Kaiser emperor of cheese empire
From "He told me everything" story.
Tried to be anatomicaly accurate, didn't go well but I still like him. And BTW this is meant to be his pre-final form.
I know most of them should end with funerals and therapy.
But what about Lonely Freddy and He Told Me Everything, and such.
How long does it take for the normal people to figure out there loved ones have been replaced?
How long does Alec have to sit in the dumpster before Hazel realizes that isn't her brother?
How mean does fake Chris have to be to real Chris's dog before his family finds out?
How long does fake Jack have to be nice before Becky learns he's a goo creature?
How long does Mott have to stand out in the rain before Rory realizes that his fish became his brother?
And how much therapy are they going to need
First story:damn creepy but ends with a happy ending
Second story:very gory
Third story:this is just disgusting and weird,and it ends sounding happy but when you look at this a many different perspectives its horrifying
Bonus shorter story:Trashy(what the story was mainly about its not opinion)