43 Votes in Poll
Ah yes, the funtimes, they would be one of my fav animatronics if they werent a part of the main fnaf lore. So i kinda redesigned them in sorta head-canon au fashion.
Gimme some new name suggestions for these guys down below!
(FT Freddy is a Lion and FT Foxy is a zebra now)
Hey, everyone. Merry Christmas. I found some FNAF Christmas Specials on YouTube.
Freddy & Funtime Freddy Show:
2. Roxanne Wolf & Gregory Show
3. Lunar & Earth Show
4. Sun & Moon Show
5. Eclipse & Puppet Show
6. Michael Afton & Glamrock Freddy Show
7. And A Monty Christmas. This one is Blender Animation, not VRCHAT.
I hope all of you enjoy these FNAF Christmas specials and have a Merry Christmas!
30 Votes in Poll
I spent all day at my friend’s house(she made the Fredbear cosplay). She made Lolbit and I made Funtime Foxy.
(Any mask in these pictures that isn’t Funtime Foxy or Spring Bonnie was made by my friend)
I used foam for the first time on this one.
I painted it.
It was basically done here but I hadn’t painted the eyes.
(Open face plates)
I’m really happy about how it turned out and impressed that I managed to get it done with only 12 hours.
This is the only picture I got of the Lolbit mask (it was finished I just forgot to take a picture).
And here’s a picture of my Spring Bonnie mask with her Withered Chica mask.
What do you think?
I stand tall. She is inside me still, and Jenkins hasn't noticed. I am 8 feet tall, a white and pink bear with a funny voice and a dark secret. My name is Funtime Freddy. Mr. Jenkins walks up to me and hits me with a crowbar, tilting my face. He is not a kind human. And yet I refuse to protest, I merely stare at him, and my gaze follows him everywhere. "Still won't dance for me? Fine, to the scrapyard tomorrow!" He shouts. I pay him no heed. The girl inside me does not stir. She hasn't stirred in the past week. Since then, I had been dropped off at a flea market and bought by the disgusting Mr. Jenkins. His two children, Lisa and Jason adore me, and when Mr. Jenkins isn't near, I sing and dance for the children. They are sad, skinny, and small, but they rejoice. I am built to serve, and serve I shall, delighting the children and taking them through my wonderland. For you see, I am Freddy, and I was built to satisfy.
One stormy morning, Mr. Jenkins brought Lisa and Jason up to me. He threatened to whip them if I did not perform. So, grudgingly, I began to act up, shaking and glitching. He snarls, grabs the crowbar, and jams it into my chest, knocking me over. Seeing Lisa and Jason cry at the sight of me being beaten, I began to scheme. Millie's soul is gone, but her body remains. She was a good person, and I was sad to fill her wishes of death. So I began to plan Mr. Jenkins' death. Oh yes, a satisfying death I shall bring.
In the morning, Mr. Jenkins comes down and picks me up, tilting me against the wall. My pink paint had weathered into grey, and my left eye had become red, glowing balefully in the darkest on nights. He grabs his crowbar and begins to pry at my insides, taking out my chestplate. He screamed the loudest of all, watching Millie's head drop to his feet and her body slump out of mine in a gruesome display. Now is the time, I thought,
"You, Mr. Steve Jenkins, have earned a treat!" I shout, springing to life. "How do you know my name, ya demonic piece of-" "I know EverytHiNG about you!" I laughed. Cornering him was easy. Cramming Millie back inside of me, I let my inner mechanisms get to work, a dozen blades and prods unfurling in from of him. The next two minutes were the bloodiest I had every witnessed, but I had shown him how he really is on the inside. Before the kids find me, I grab him and his filthy entrails and through them in a dumpster. Arranging Millie's corpse, I struggle to wipe Mr. Jenkins' vile fluids off of me. Lisa, Jason, and their sweet mother Lacie come down. All they see is me, a little beat up, but singing in joy. I end my song with "Children I came from a kind paragon, and now that vile Mr. Jenkins is gone!" I'm sure they'll thank me later. For I was built to satisfy.
This is a Bonius Bontino, otherwise known as a "BonBon". These are an endangered species as their only predator, Funtime Freddys, are sadistic to the BonBons. The Freddys force the BonBons upon their right hand, making it appear as though they are a pair. The Freddys use their new captive BonBon when the Freddy finds more prey, throwing the BonBon at the prey. This flight is sometimes fatal for the poor BonBon. If the BonBon survives one throw, the Freddy will keep throwing the BonBon until death. The Freddy then consumes the BonBon before going out to find another.
Hi everyone. Happy Halloween. Who wants to watch a scary video? I got a good scary video for you FNAF fans.
This video is called Freddy's Friday the 13th NIGHTMARE!? in VRCHAT. It's from the Freddy & Funtime Freddy Show. It's about Freddy Fazbear and Funtime Freddy who went to Camp Crystal Lake for camping, but, they encountered the hockey mask killer, Jason Voorhees! Will they survive and escape from Camp Crystal Lake?! Let's find out! This video was uploaded last October 2023, on the 30th before Halloween! Also, this video took place in Camp Crystal Lake in VRCHAT and we'll find out what kind of Jason Voorhees model/avatar: Part 2, Part 3, fanmade? Let's see.
Happy Halloween and don't get nightmares!
44 Votes in Poll
If we deny this meme potential what are we as a society
43 Votes in Poll
here are all the funtime animatronics during showtime at the funtime circus!
despite being a mother of three children (glamrock Freddy, circus baby and golden Freddy) ballora has aged gracefully to the point where it looks like she's barely aged at all.
graceful, elegant, polite and motherly, ballora is the unofficial manager and "mom" of the group, always checking on the funtimes if they need help or reminding them of proper behaviour and kindness. because of her graceful movements and gentle footfalls, she has a habit of appearing out of nowhere and accidently scaring her daughter and co-workers.
despite this, she's a graceful dancer and a highly valued member of the funtime circus.
circus baby:
the sweet, bubbly and cheerful singer of the circus, circus baby is the main show woman of the group, as well as ballora's daughter and glamrock Freddy and golden Freddy's sister. a beautiful singer just like her older brother, circus baby does her best to make every guest feel welcome, happy and above all, safe.
as well as singing, making ice cream and balloon animals, circus baby also keeps her co-stars calm and ready to perform. she also likes scrapbooking, helping others rehearse, organising shows and writing shipping fanfics.
ever since she was reunited with her brothers, baby has rebuilt the funtime circus and makes time to visit the original pizzeria and the pizza plex to talk to them. she's also grown quite found of the original Freddy.
funtime Freddy:
funtime Freddy is the comedian of the group, always cracking jokes and trying to find the best ones to tell to the audience. while sometimes he can be a bit obnoxious, funtime Freddy means well and only wants to see others smile.
unlike funtime foxy, funtime freddy is VERY talkative, to the point where he can accidentally end up talking over someone. he's also very fond of bon-bon and bonnet, two bunny sisters who are the youngest of bonnie's many, many siblings and like to perform with funtime freddy.
despite mostly being a cheerful character, funtime freddy is slightly jelouse of funtime foxy's popularity and good looks, but also has a not-so-secret attraction to the funtime fox.
bon-bon is a calm, cheerful and friendly little girl who is twin sister of bonnet and the younger sister of bonnie, toy bonnie, nightmare bonnie, glamrock bonnie and the twin sister of bonnet. she and bonnet often either dance together or help funtime freddy with his own act.
bon-bon is the more social of the twins, but always tries to help bonnet be more social. as well as being part of funtime freddy's comedy act, bon-bon also dances, sings and can juggle, seeing herself as a "bunny-of-all-trades".
funtime foxy=
the charming and mysterious gentleman of the group, funtime foxy is the dramaturge of the group. as you saw in sister location and ultimate custom night, funtime foxy has two very different personalities, one that's a showman and the other that's shy and introverted. there's a reason for that.
the UCN persona is funtime foxy's "showtime" persona, which he uses whenever he performs in the funtime circus. in this persona, funtime foxy is gallant, confident, charming, dramatic, chivalrous and a born perfomer. he can dance, act, sing and even play the piano, so not even the circus's naysayers can say that he's bad at performing. he also has a habit of throwing roses to the crowd during his performances, preferably pink ones.
the sister location persona is funtime foxy's true personality.in this persona, he's still charming and chivalrous, but he's also quiet, humble and gentle, only really speaking if spoken too. he uses his showtime persona to be confident while performing and helps him deal with his performance anxiety. his father is yendo, his mother is lolbit and his twin sister is mangle.
28 Votes in Poll
MANGLE is still number 1
2 bon bon
2.5 funtime freddy
When I was a kid back in 2016 when sister location came out when I watched a play through of sister location I tough that fun times Freddy’s voice belonged to bon-bon 😭