I want to know from the faz bear frights, secret of the mimic, sb ruin, movie, stuff i missed
I want to know from the faz bear frights, secret of the mimic, sb ruin, movie, stuff i missed
29 Votes in Poll
I was wondering on which ending of RUIN is canon and I realized that in the Scooper ending the elevator ending entrance is blocked and there is no way to enter it and also Gregory leads Cassie to the scooper room and not the elevator which is weird as he lead her to the elevator in the elevator ending and also allegedly crashed it? It's weird that in the scooper ending it's barricaded (the picture below shows the barricade in the scooper ending) but in the elevator ending it isn't barricaded (the pic is above the barricade of the scooper room door) and it's weird why they didn't do the same. Did they gave themselves away? Is the scooper ending canon?
50 Votes in Poll
42 Votes in Poll
I don’t really use Fandom anymore, and I don’t think I’ve ever posted anything on this fandom but I desperately want to share something I found that I don’t think anyone found yet(surprising given that people have been data-mining Ruin for like a year now).
I’ve always been rubbed the wrong way by Fredbear’s Nom Nom bites, the fact that they used the old FNAF 4 Fredbear sprite from the Bite of 83 always gave off the impression that something was off, I could tell that there was something more to it.
I decided to look further into it in Ruin, to put the mask on and see what happens to Fredbear’s Nom Nom Bites… And it was just as I expected.
Unlike the other Arcade’s had some glitchy effect, stayed largely the same or even had something stabbed into them(Princess Quest), Fredbear’s Nom Nom Bites is the one Arcade machine to completely disappear when you put the mask on, confirming my suspicions.
Fredbear’s Nom Nom Bites isn’t part of the Pizzaplex’s systems, neither the electrical nor security. It’s exact role is unknown to me so far, but it goes without saying that it’s another gigantic overlooked piece Scott and Steel Wool have left for us and with the high focus on glitchy arcades and in universe playable games amidst the growing plot, there is no way that it’s not important.
Personally I think that Fredbear’s Nom Nom Bites is going to be the last of the arcades we’ll need to deal with from the Pizzaplex.
Note to anyone on the Reddit: I did not plagiarize this post from there, I was the one who posted a less detailed version on Reddit.
I think because it’s in the torso it might mean it’s chica’s stomach and because nobody is really that disgusting I also believe a cute theory that maybe after a long day she will take it out and throw it away to get replaced for more food 😁
I'll cut to the chase: Curses by the Crane Wives has lyrics that...*gulp*...parallel RUIN and its events/themes. Before you comment, I know the song released seven years before Ruin. This is just something I thought was neat.
Every word I say is kindling
But the smoke clears when you're around
Won't you stay with me, my darling
When my walls start burning down, down, down?
Roxy and Cassie find comfort in one another's presence which helps them through the unimaginable circumstances they both face.
There's still cobwebs in the corners
And the backyard's full of bones
Won't you stay with me, my darling
When this house don't feel like home?
"Cobwebs in the corners" could be interpreted literally, but I like to think of it as the spirits stuck in the remaining wet floor bots.
"The backyard's full of bones" could be interpreted one of two ways:
The Pizzaplex is literally full of bones bc a lot of people died there, more than any other location in the canon
The deaths and disappearances have long since been swept under and forgotten about by the time of the earthquake and Cassie answering the call, never to be solved and questions never to be answered. These "bones" are the buried past.
Oh, ashes, ashes, dust to dust
The devil's after both of us
Ooh, lay my curses out to rest
Make a mercy out of me
Pretty obvious here. MXES and the Mimic are both pursuing/manipulating Cassie, and Roxy toward the end. "Lay my curses out to rest" could mean purifying Eclipse and killing Chica and Monty. "Make a mercy out of me" could mean anything, honestly.
This tired old machine is a-rumbling
Oh my, oh my
Singing songs to the secrets behind my eye
Oh my, oh my
Interpret how you like. I think it could be about Roxy, the Mimic, and even whatever's left of the Storyteller if you wanna go there. "Singing songs to the secrets behind my eye" sounds a lot like the Mimic1 program.
All my aching bones are trembling
And I may yet fall apart
Won't you stay with me, my darling
When the war starts in my heart?
When the war starts in my heart
Roxy stuff
Oh, ashes, ashes, dust to dust
Tell me I am good enough
Ooh, lay my curses out to rest
Make a mercy out of
"Tell me I am good enough" sounds like Roxy overcoming the malicious programming within her and being able to quell her ego to save Cassie.
The final lyric doesn't have the "me", so I like to interpret this as a question mark for the duo since both of their fates were left ambiguous by the DLC's end.
48 Votes in Poll
What if when we saw burntrap doing something on the computer in fnaf sb he was uploading himself to the Freddy Fazbear’s technical system and the entity that we see in fnaf sb ruin is actually William Afton???
The DLC may had flaws I didn’t like, but nonetheless, I still think it was ok.
Without shading or better look:
(One with Eclipse: 5 hours, 31 minutes to make.)
Added some details to some of this one. Like Cassie’s birthday hat is the color of Roxy’s nails and purple lower legs and arms. Or that Helpi doesn’t have shadow bc he’s digital (aka not real).
MXES was dragged along by Helpi, that’s why he’s so done with everything.
If you can’t see well, Helpi’s shirt says “I 💜 sleepovers”, and since boredom caught up to me, I gave Helpi night cloths.
(One with the Glamrocks: 6 hours, 28 minutes to make.)
Chica was the one that took so long to make bc I added so much detail on her.
Since Monty has a bottomless jaw, I thought it would be a little funny if I added Chica’s broken foot under/through it.
I don’t know how to draw a human, but I think I nailed it first or two time(s) drawing Cassie.
Tbh, I don’t usually put like more characters in one canvas, because of how kinda challenging it was and the much time it would take. It was a fun challenge at least though :)
I can’t draw the Mimic well- so get a weird looking thing.
There was suppose to be a Glamrock Bonnie and Prototype Freddy art, but I’ll show those at a later time.
Now as you’ll excuse me I’ll be at my hand’s funeral tomorrow because of the pain to draw all of these characters in one.
Imagine it being your birthday and all the posts celebrating it were talking about how you’re just ok at best.
For the people who don’t like the art just turn down your brightness I swear it’s actually really cool-
It had it’s downs but it was overall pretty good so cheers ig idk how to make these posts
This is a post I’ve been thinking about for a while now, this character is a fantastic idea and concept, it’s scary, and has a lot of potential. What’s the character in question? Well to answer that, we have to know a bit of a backstory.
Ah, Security Breach, it sucked. Yeah, there wasn’t much good about this game, the story sucked, the main villain gets like 8 minutes of screen time, and it’s filled with bugs. Everyone knows and agrees upon this. However, there is something about this game I do like, DJ Music Man, he’s great! He has a cool design, scary, and the song that plays during the chase scene slaps! He’s definitely my favorite character. So, when RUIN was announced, I was ecstatic at the idea of Ruined DJMM, it would make this already amazing character even better! So, when he didn’t appear, I was sad. Ok maybe a little more. Ok maybe I cried.
Then Help Wanted 2 was announced, I was unsure, but hopeful he would appear this time around! And he did! But, he had like 3 minutes of time on screen. Steel Wool, I’m disappointed in you. Go listen to LowTierGod.
17 Votes in Poll
Note: Sorry for the bad grammar, I’m not good with that kind of stuff :P
FNAF has been in a rough patch for a while, with the existence of Security Breach, and Ruin as well as HW2 just not being what we need to save the franchise. So I think it’s pretty safe to say Steel Wool and Scott need some help. So here’s some things to put in future FNAF games that could stop the franchise from being so mid.
Go back to your roots. In order to make the modern games as good as the old ones, I suggest getting more inspiration from the old ones. That’s why I think SW needs to make another point and click, while also putting a fun twist on it to make it more unique. This will be a delight for the OG fans, while also being something new for the newer fans, if that makes sense.
Make the lore less complicated. Let’s be real here, FNAF lore just isn’t fun to analyze anymore. Steel Wool has given us way too much to work with the latest installments, and it’s causing dread to many theorists. So, a future game should confirm a lot of theories the fans have come up with, while also sprinkling in a tiny bit of new stuff for us to solve, and it seems like ITP seems to be doing that, which is really good for the future of FNAF.
Put more time into your projects. When it comes to this topic, SB is the poster child. It has several bugs, an under-shadowed main villain with a lot of potential, several plot-holes, and the list just goes on. My solution? Just put more time and effort into your stuff, man, Don’t announce your stuff too early, and just think if what you’re making is what the fans really want.
Uh, that’s it. I don’t know how to do outros, so uh, bye!!
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