Should I buy HW2 and just play that or wait for SOTM and play it when it comes out I really need help deciding
Should I buy HW2 and just play that or wait for SOTM and play it when it comes out I really need help deciding
The first Thing is that I finally got to the mini game with baby with flashlight tag and more. And after a couple attempts I was able to beat it but when baby came down to give you the ice cream I thought it was something to kill you so I looked around and found a plush baby on her right leg I shine at it and it made baby disappear but her voice was still there saying “take it” after a while of me not being able to do nothing because I couldn’t take something that was not there I got jump scared by her and I had to do it again and I thought it was a bug of how here voice line was still there but she not there so when I beat the mini game again I looked for the plush baby and I couldn’t find it and even after a couple of times of me re-beating it to get the plush baby to appear it would only be baby by herself. Now I haven’t really done any research on this but I think it was a scrap idea seeing how it seems like a way to dodge baby (if baby was meant to kill you by taking the ice cream), Another thing I saw was in the ending where you get stuck in the claw machine where you give the plushie to vanny, on one of the glamrock chica plushie's (or atleast one by her) I saw a green question mark I took a pic of it on my vr and I can show it in the replies if I can log back into my ps account by the ps app, I did a quick google search and look but I didn’t really see anything, if anyone can answer why these things happen or why something is there will be nice and hopefully I don’t sound confuse and dumb in this. Edit: I think the green question mark may be a clipping bug with the Monty plushie being right by the chicas plushie but it look like a question mark so much
Hello, everyone! Today, I'll announce the results of the last matchup. You know the drill. But, I would like to begin by saying that we got a new record of votes! Yup, that's right. A total of 52 people voted in the last matchup. Thank you to everyone who is voting! With that out of the way, let's actually get to the results. The last matchup was between Help Wanted 2 and FFPS. The winner was... Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator, with a total of 27 (51.92%) votes! That was a close one! In a few days, I'll post the final matchup of the round. See you then!
54 Votes in Poll
I know we see them all the time... I'm talking about the tier list. Look, I went to research all of it. It's done. I am giving a VERY accurate tier list of all the FNAF characters (this doesn't include FNAF: AR or FNAF World, Freddy In Space, Security Breach: Fury's Rage. Some double characters and side characters may not be included). If you want to know how they are all scored then look below.
(If I'm missing a character, I most likely forgot to add them on accident).
Lore Added
My Personal Voting
MatPat's Lore Input
Wiki's Thoughts of Character (This took so long to read through comments)
Bonus Points
And that's it... I know some of you are still going to disagree with some things, but I tried to make it as accurate as possible.
Candy Cadet in S Tier is a joke, by the way.
29 Votes in Poll
Hello again. It's been a while, huh? Sorry for the wait. I got busy with lots of stuff and just put this on hold. Regardless, here are the results of the last matchup:
Freddy in Space 2: 0%
Help Wanted 2: 100%
The next matchup will be in a few days. Goodbye!
Hey Everyone. If Help Wanted 2 Get Another Update Or DLC, What Do You Want And Need?
I Want:
Arm Wrestling: Arm Wrestling is my favorite game and sport. Arm Wrestling is a trial of strength in which two people sit opposite each other with one elbow resting on a table, clasp each other's hands, and try to force each other's arm down on to the table. I always dream and/or imagine myself arm wrestling Glamrock Freddy and Monty to see how strong they are. 2 Normals - Glamrock Bonnie & Glamrock Freddy and Hard - Montgomery Gator.
2. More Food Prep Levels: I enjoy the Food Prep levels. I was thinking of perfect levels: Atrium's Food Court like fried treats, drinks, burgers, pizza, ice cream, pasta, salads & sides, Temple Of The Fox's Sushi Rolls from Roxy Raceway to make sushi, Ice Cream Parlor from Bonnie Bowl to make ice cream, Cupcake Shoppe to make cupcakes and cakes, and Faz-Pad to make coffee or other drinks and food like Pepperoni Curry. I think the Atrium's Food Court level will be in the kitchen like Pizza Pizza Pizza and might be the hardest level because the food court has different kinds of food.
3. Monty's Gator Golf: Monty still needed and deserved his own minigame. Monty needs the player, Cassie's dad, to complete the golf course to make sure he's perfect to be the golf instructor. If not, Monty will jumpscare him and Game Over. There's going to be 2 Normal(Regular) and 1 Hard Modes.
4. Stacking Prizes: Normal Mode - Glamrock Gifts and Hard Mode - Prize Counter. This mode is about you must stack as many prizes as you can before Plush Baby sneaks up and you need to get rid of her before she steals them all. If Plush Baby steals all the prizes, she'll jumpscare you and Game Over.
5. Bonnie Bowl's Hard Mode. I think Bonnie Bowl deserves a hard mode.
6. I want Halloween DLC like Help Wanted 1 and I want a Christmas DLC.
So everyone, that's it. That's all I want. So, what do you guys want in Help Wanted 2 if the game got another update or DLC?
49 Votes in Poll
I have no idea what this means! Just wanted to share
50 Votes in Poll
42 Votes in Poll
38 Votes in Poll
yesterday (as per potatos suggestion.) I played more of fnaf helped 2. And finished all but one that was locked in both ar/reality.
I also unlocked all the figures and so I undid the box, gaining the faztron and cassie secret
But that can't seriously be it. Right?
I don't feel like I saw any secret Easter eggs, important lore parts, or major story directions. At all. And it didn't really take thast long to complete.
The trophies on ps5 also seem to give the indication I'm no where near done. (Although some weren't triggering but I digress.)
Whats the last mini game in arcade and how do you unlock it?
By opemimg the box on the stage, did I lock myself out?
Five Nights At Freddy's
Impossible, you would have to sneak directly through either Foxy and Bonnie's hallway or Chica and Freddy's hallway. And then you'd have to cross the main area to get the bathrooms, where sometimes they might be in there. Assuming the cameras aren't portable Foxy would likely just charge straight at you but either way, FNAF 1 is a high chance of "hell no, just pee in a cup"
High Risk
Five Nights At Freddy's 2
Using YouTuber CuppaTeaExe's Minecraft build of the FNAF 2 map I'll be assuming the bathroom is directly across the hall. Unlike previously in FNAF 1 the animatronics apparently aren't even persuing you (quote from phone guy saying the animatronics don't have a proper night mode and are just searching for the party). You could just wear your Freddy Mask as you cross the hallway and if Foxy shows up just well, bring your flashlight with you. But be sure to wind up the music box before departing (if the cameras aren't portable) and it should be a breeze to wees.
Five Nights At Freddy's 3
Considering Fazbear Frights is just an attraction it probably doesn't have a bathroom within the building itself, and with the phantoms in your way, Afton wandering around and since we KNOW that the cameras this time have no chance being portable because they hinge from the right side than just rising from wherever you are. This is probably impossible again, even if you escaped the building Springtrap could just wait for you return.
High Risk
Five Nights At Freddy's 4
This one gets a bit complicated, so I'll split it into two parts.
Night Version
This one is sadly impossible, every one of the animatronics gathers up in the halls so you would not be able to escape them, and is there even a bathroom in this twisted version of the house? For this instance, I'll just assume that a bathroom is at the end of the FNAF 4 house's left hall. But still, you'd have to swerve through Bonnie to get there, and Chica and Foxy if they are also currently at the very back. And similarly to FNAF 2, you'd have to hurry up so you don't get attacked by Freddy immediately upon return.
Day Version
But... that isn't the real layout of the house, this gets into theory territory and I don't really want to get into it so I'll just leave this as-
It's complicated...
Five Nights At Freddy's 5: Sister Location
Even though I don't know where a bathroom could be in the bunker (besides the proposed one in the FNAF 4 room), at least we can surely assume it does have one. Even if Circus Baby and gang were targeting you, you could probably still make it just depending on what night it was.
Probably Yes
Five Nights At Freddy's 6: Pizzeria Simulator
If you needed to go during the simulator phase, you'd be a-ok. Surely this place has a bathroom and there are no threats during that phase. But when you're in the actual horror part, you wouldn't even be able to access the bathroom in the cramped vent space. This weird question is about getting to the actual bathroom, not cups or pants. Considering the salvage phase has you directly across from an animatronic you are SUPPOSED TO KEEP YOUR EYES ON, leaving for a bathroom break would most likely not work and once you return you'd just find the "I'm already inside" sign either way... which would mean you'd survive? But not successfully.
Simulator: Easy Peasy
Horror: Improbable Chance To Even Get To The Bathroom
Salvage: Easy Peasy (but you'll likely fail the salvage in the process)
Five Nights At Freddy's 7: Ultimate Custom Night
Wouldn't the pee just evaporate if this was really hell? Whatever...
The player, William Afton, seems to be either dead or in some kind of coma. I'll go for a coma since dead people don't have to pee. When in a coma, people can't pee normally so either we have to settle for (quick Google search) a urinary catheter or hope that we can project some kind of signal to tell the doctors to carry us to the proper toiletries... which is not happening. Also considering this is supposed to be hell by the one [we] should not have killed, they probably would not include a bathroom as punishment. So this is impossible, but not because of the danger.
Five Nights At Freddy's 8: Help Wanted, FNAF 9: Security Breach, and FNAF 10: Help Wanted 2 [LIGHTNING ROUND]
FNAF 8: It's VR (canonically), just take your headset off and go to the bathroom.
FNAF 9: There would be bathrooms dotted all over the place, just hop into Freddy and make your way to one of the many rooms.
FNAF 10: Also VR (canonically) I think??? Correct me if I'm wrong I fell behind on the most recent lore. But if I'm right I'd be the same thing as FNAF 8
The End?
47 Votes in Poll