NOTE: I know this isn't gonna happen but it would be cool
So its a food prep level called "Tea Party" where you have to make the correct tea for ella.
Damn it i worked so hard on this.
I'm thinking of coffee
NOTE: I know this isn't gonna happen but it would be cool
So its a food prep level called "Tea Party" where you have to make the correct tea for ella.
Damn it i worked so hard on this.
I'm thinking of coffee
I was just discussing a different stance in a theory with someone when I realized something that should be addressed
Either I'm just too confused to understand, or the Fazbear frights has a massive plothole that is being overlooked
And that is
There a massive problem with This story that needs to be adressed, but I don't see others actually mentioning it
The basis of the story is a woman named delilah comes across a doll named ella at a sale(if I recall) , and when she takes it home shes unable to sleep at night to the doll being haunted (or at least she thinks)
And she eventually hides from the doll in a small space and dies(presumably)
Now that's fine(well. Not really. But you get what I mean, that's not the point). But the doll, ella, is a doll from the novel trilogy. The silver eyes, twisted ones, and fourth closet.
When I initially read this story, I was heavily confused, now after literal years thinking and no one bringing it up. I feel it should be addressed
Yes, the fazbear frights are most likely not literal canon(probably metaphors and similar)
But this suggests q massive difference.
Ella only exists in a very specific universe for a very specific reason. The fourth closet reveals she was the "baby" or child form of robot charlie. Henry made the fourth closet then ended himself with suicide robot.
...but Scott said the novels can't be used to solve the games
If you understand where I'm going with this, this story is a full contradiction. The Fazbear fights are meant to solve lore and be metaphors yet contains a character and storyline that only exists in a noncanon/non usable source.
Ella physically cant exist in the games because Henry didnt go the same direction as book henry. He didn't go into grief making her, and kill himself
He made a elaborate plan to end afton at fnaf 6. And lefty proves he knows that she is the puppet so theirs no point in him making a puppet to replace her. Shes already still there.
So why is this story, thats supposed to solve lore, using characters that can't be used for solving lore?
Unless either
A. Scott made a obvious contradiction. Which I doubt.
B. The novels can be used more majorly then whats assumed
C. Im Missing something major because I'm tired.
Another problem to this is if you look at the rest of the fazbear fright
Theres a obvious pattern that lines with the books
A third of every Fazbear fright book has a kid being turned into a robot, already a robot, or killed by a advanced science type antagonist (I mean fazgoo and seabonnies.)
Which is obviously like the novels
And then it gets worse, the count the ways book has a obvious connection to the twisted ones
Funtime Freddy having a stomach cavity large enough to fit a grown woman (not a child like in the games blueprints of him) that can kill someone on the inside, and you can see his face inside of him
...a bit like the twisteds. Not to mention the fact that the graphic novel literally shows twisted freddys unused form as fun time freddy.
And then theirs also to be beautiful, which has illusion disks like the novels to conceil a robotic girls true appearance. where she didn't realize she was now a robot until the last minute
And then we look at the trashtrap scene in the stingers and its a dead ringer for aftons goals in the novels
Get a more powerful body with more remnant and agony attached to the parts.
When he takes over the Andrew filled agony parts, thats very similar with how he was trying to take over the classics body put together in the fourth closet. In the novels he was trying to make a new body for him made out of the classics parts , filled with remnant and able to be taken over by stronger will. In the books he does the same exact thing, he lets andrew and Jake collect all the possessed parts to then take the body over himself.
And in both, they even say hes in a very weak state. Because its the same universe
The thing confirming this to me is the ending of the fourth closet. Aftons pushed in a fire by carson.
And afton in the man in room 1280 is found with severe burn wounds, no idea on how he's alive, but no suit.
Exactly like how he's portrayed in the fourth closet
Please give me your thoughts on this, this is something I just thought about.
Turning this old Anna doll into Ella
All i've done so far is her hair
I had The Silver Eyes and 1:35 A.M. under my desk and it was lined up enough that it looked like bonnie was looking down on Ella's uhm yeah- I was laughing under my breath lol
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Since the new Fazbear Frights book (1:35am) came out, I've been thinking about the first story.
Could Charlie's doll Ella (from the Trilogy books) exist in the FNaF games? My answer...very possible.
What do we know about the doll in both lines of books?
The Silver Eyes, The Twisted Ones & The Fourth closet - Henry (the creator of the Freddy Fazbear Pizzeria animatronics) created Ella alongside other toys for his daughter, Charlie.
Fazbear Frights - The Ella doll was discontinued.
I'm just going to cut it short to what I think.
I believe that early on before Fazbear and all that, Henry built the Ella dolls for early income, only for them to become discontinued for some reason, probably around the Fredbear's Family Diner era.
Remember a while back, Scott gave us a hint to solve it all; Something about things seeming different to the mind of a child.
Elizabeth in Sister Location - "Didn't you make her just for me?"
Charlie in the Trilogy books - Henry had made the toys "for her"
A kid could easily mistaken a toy built by their parent as something all for them, but then it leads into something that has only just come to mind; (in the Trilogy books) Henry could have had an Ella doll laying around long after making them and just fixed it up for Charlie.
Not really a theory that changes anything I guess, felt like doing what Scott wanted us all to do; search for answers in the books to fill in some gaps to the game world and just thought of this.
The doll on the book cover of Fazbear Fright #3 :1.35 A.M. resembles Charlie's doll Ella in the Sliver Eyes and Twisted Ones.
You will get what I meant when you the these pictures:
get what I meant if you the pictures below: