The Mimic is it's prequel that happend in the late 1970s but this story takes place 40 years after it's prequel which would be in late 2010s as Edwin is 64 and 24 in the prequel, but the Pizzaplex opens in 2030 so is this story having an error with Edwin's age as well?
Could Gregory be related to Edwin Murray like not his son but at least his great nephew or nephew as so far Edwin is a really important antagonist in the Steel Wood Era so I'm just wondering?
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"Henry = Edwin is a theory that states that Edwin Murray, from the Tales From the Pizzaplex books, is a stand-in for Henry Emily, who would be the one who created the Mimic for Charlie in the games. This theory, however, has so many details that just don't work.
First off, Edwin did not create the classics; people took him creating Chica as him being the creator of the animatronics, when that's just not true. He got costumes sent by Fazbear Entertainement; he just made endoskeletons for them. (Image1)
Edwin doesn't even know the names of the characters; he calls them by their animals, and later on, the characters get called by their actual names by other Fazbear Entertainment staff. It's intentional. He's not the creator of them. (Image2)
While on the topic of Fazbear Entertainment, William and Henry founded Fazbear Entertainment, while Edwin gets bought out by the already existing Fazbear Entertainment 1.5 years prior to the story taking place. These are two completely different things.
The epilogues take place in the Pizza Place. FFPS cannot exist without Henry as a character. Edwin would not have the motivation to create it. Furthermore, Edwin lives way past Henry, and if he did create FFPS, he wouldn't be alive, which he is.
If we are going by the parrallel logic, Henry is appearently the creator of the Indie games in the games. Because would you believe it or not, Steve Snodgrass shares more parralles than Edwin does with Henry.(Image3)
This also applies to Travis' dad from Alone Together, who convinces himself that his son is still alive and creates something out of his son's plans before smashing it out of grief. Does the tales universe have multiple characters?
The truth is that Scott just likes to reuse the "father in grief creates something disastrous" trope: Henry, Dr. Talbert, Steve, Edwin, etc. This doesn't mean that these characters can't co-exist. Thematic parallels exist.
What have like what? 4 Jeramies that had some injuries done to their faces, does that mean that they can't co-exist? I think you can start seeing the flaws in this logic.
Scott has never, and I mean never, invented another character to represent another character; William is William, Henry is Henry, and Charlie is Charlie. Names stay consistent, and this current era of FNaF is way more straight-forward than before.
Why would Scott invent Edwin to be a parallel for Henry instead of just showing us it was Henry? Why didn’t he invent another character in GGY to represent Gregory? Michael Brooks doesn’t refute this, by the way. Cassidy still exists as one of the missing children in the novels"
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