Okay, so considering that we are guaranteed at least two more movies based on the FNAF 2 and 3, I wanted to revisit some of my ideas of what we're going to see and what we might see/see set up for based on new information. So let me dive into this dust and sweat covered ball pit once again, and travel back to 1985 to revisit what I think could happen in FNAF 2:
1. Garrett as the Puppet.
Previous take:
Yeah this one is a fairly big and obvious assumption for everyone. Mike saying he feels closer to Garrett at Freddy’s, the confirmation that Afton killed him, the "Come find me" message at the end of the movie with the Puppet's music playing, Garrett is going to be a bigger part of the sequel. If he wasn't then why would we be set up that perfectly for it? Unless it's a red hering or Garrett is the Balloon Boy figure, which is possible but doubtful considering that would Burton a lot of good will Bloomhouse has built.
Current Take: I still think it makes the most sense for Garrett to be The Puppet in the next movie. However I can also see him being Toy Freddy, but I'm still leaning towards The Puppet.
2. More murder victims under Afton's control, enter the Toy animatronics.
Old take:
There was never just one, there's probably another restaurant out there, possibly in Nebraska with 5 more dead kids. Besides, if Freddy’s was as big as say Chucky Cheese or Showbiz Pizza, combined with the Balloon Boy figure apparently being haunted, taking Cory's taxi presumably to this other location, we're probably going to see those characters on the big screen, at very least in flashbacks if not in the present. Interacting with Abby and the Classic Animatronics.
Current Take:
While I still believe that the Toys are haunted, they could also end up being soulless machines under Afton’s control. Which would greatly disappoint me, but considering that no one knows if they're haunted or not, it's up in the air. However we do know that Jim Henson's workshop is already working on both the Toy and Withered animatronics. So at the very least we'll see them in flashbacks. Although I'm still hoping we get the Classics in the present as we last saw them in the first movie.
3. Springtrap
Old Take: Do I need to say more? "I always come back."
Current Take: Mathew Lillard is still contracted for two more movies. My old take is probably still on the money.
4. Expanding Vanessa's character.
Old Take:
Hopefully they won't kill Vanessa off screen and force her to become Circus Baby for the final film or something as stupid as The 4th Closet having her be a robot. But this isn't about what I want to see, it's about what we're probably going to see. Vanessa will probably return and help us get more information about what happened to Garrett and how her father knows so much about how possession works. Possibly due to something else that happened at a certain other location.
Current Take:
I still stand by my previous take, however knowing Scott as well as Bloomhouse Productions experience with "Megan" I can see them trying to make robot kids a thing again. I hate this idea almost as much as I hate The Mimic, but I do admit that robot kids might be a possibility. With MatPat coming out of retirement again to go "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, WE GOT EM!" But I still think it's extremely likely that Vanessa will return in the next 2 movies.
5. Mike's Father further explained.
Old Take:
We don't know a lot about Mike's parents, except the fact that {understandably} they were devastated by Garrett's abduction. The current working theory is Mike's father in this continuity is Henry, or at least a parallel to him. Would it be surprising if Mike's father was named Henry Schmidt, or changed his name to Schmidt from Emily to get away from Afton? If Garrett is the parallel to Charlotte then the obvious connection is their father is connected to Henry.
Current Take:
While unfounded, there has to be some reason Afton went our of his way to abduct Garrett. The way he abducted Garrett goes outside his known pattern of killing people, especially children. Afton likes to use his Spring Bonnie suit to lure the kids away before killing them. He also seems to enjoy wearing it to kill adults directly. We see it with Mike, even though the argument can be made that this was a "special occasion". In Afton’s own words:
"This is perfect! First I killed your brother, now I'll kill you. Symmetry my friend!"
Now on to some more, lose and speculative ideas I have. There's currently no evidence for these so take them with a healthy amount of salt:
1: Vanessa has a sister.
Old Take:
Circus Baby is one of the more popular characters in the franchise, and since the movies seem to be blending different eras and sources together into a new universe, I think it's likely that Vanessa has a sister, a sister named Elizabeth. A sister in yet another location where something terrible happened to her. Perhaps a prank gone wrong, leading to her sister's soul possessing a 7 foot tall clown girl. A sister who's death William has been using to influence Vanessa via guilt and the promise of "putting her back together".
Current Take:
While admittedly unlikely, it is nonetheless possible. Also if the next two movies are as successful as the first one, I can see them doing a second trilogy based around 4, 5 and 6. But admittedly we're jumping the gun thinking about a FNAF 4 or Sister Location movie.
2. Funtime Animatronics.
Old Take:
If we’re bringing in Circus Baby then the next logical step would be the rest of the Funtime Circus gang. Now, I know they said that they were going to focus on the first 3 games, but we also have Vanessa from Security Breach. Of course I could be wrong and this will all age like milk left out in the middle of Death Valley in the middle of July during a heatwave.
Current Take:
I think that my previous "Current Take" covered everything that I have to say about this. Although as an aside I would love to see Funtime Freddy and Bon Bon on the big screen with his voice actor reprising the roll of the psychotic, possibly gay animatronic. I can almost see Mike barely dodging Bon Bon after he was launched by Funtime Freddy. "HEY BAWN BAWN, GO GET EM!"
3. The fate of Aunt Jane.
Old Take:
Yeah I could imagine it would be bad for Mike's credibility if his aunt was dead in the middle of the floor. Her seeming death at the hands of Golden Freddy/Fredbear isn't going to fly with the police. Who's going to believe that a 6"7' teleporting yellow animatronic bear unalived her that didn't know there were haunted animatronics in the world?
Current Take:
Frankly I expect them to completely gloss over Aunt Jane. If they do even mention her, I expect Aunt Jane to be either very dead, or locked up in the loony bin where she belongs. Frankly she probably belongs in prison more, considering the way she tried to get Mike fired, and would likely have him killed if she thought she could get away with it. It's only because Afton wanted Mike dead, either by the animatronics, Vanessa, or by his own hand.
Speaking of:
4. The animatronics come to Mike's house.
Old Take:
Yeah I can see the next movie having the doorbell ring late at night and Mike opens the door to see Freddy, Bonnie, Chica and Foxy all outside like he got the Fazbear delivery service. If Abby can't come see her friends, then why not have them come see her? Stress ensues for poor Mike. Considering they tried to kill him and Abby last they saw him, Mike isn't going to be keen on sharing a much smaller space with 4 or possibly 5 giant robots what have been known to endgame adults. Hell the freaking cupcake has a kill! This could lead to moments both frightening and hilarious.
Current Take:
I can still see this as a plot point, and it's still hilarious to me. Imagine an Amazon delivery guy comes with a package only to be greeted by Freddy Fazbear at the door. Or a pizza guy being met and chased by Chica who just wants his pizza?
5. The final death of William Afton. {For now}
Old Take:
It wouldn't be Five Nights at Freddy’s if William Afton wasn't burned to death somehow. I can almost guarantee that we're going to have flame broiled Afton on the menu in the third film. However considering Afton always comes back, it also wouldn't surprise me if his soul was somehow transferred in a sequel to another animatronic, possibly even The Mimic. However at least in 3, Afton is going to burn.
Current Take:
I still think that my old take here has merit. Afton will probably burn by the end of the third movie, bringing an end to his reign of terror. At least until they decide to make a 4th movie and bring him back.
And these are the things I think we'll see in FNAF 2 and 3 updated. Agree? Disagree? Don't care? Tell me your thoughts in the comments below. And most importantly, remember to smile because you're the face of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza!