Since I love FNaF and Trolls, I decided to make a crossover AU fanfiction about my 2 favorite franchises!
So my idea is that the Trolls characters are gonna be possessing the animatronics instead of the children. This is the cast so far:
-Queen Poppy as Charlotte Emily/The Puppet (Since they're both my favorite characters, I decided to give Poppy that role!)
-Branch as Golden Freddy (Please be aware that even though Branch and Poppy are in a relationship, that doesn't mean I ship Goldie and Puppet, because I don't! 🤮)
-John Dory as Freddy Fazbear (The leader has to be the leader.)
-Spruce (a.k.a Bruce) as Bonnie
-Viva as Chica (Now that I noticed, there's so many Trolls and FNaF ships mentioned, sorry. 😭)
-Floyd as Foxy
-Queen Barb as Mangle (Barb will be the victim of The Bite of '87, but the twist is that she will die from her injuries and go on to possess Mangle.)
-Clay as Balloon Boy (Fun Boy power! And...there goes all the Brozone members, may they rest in peace. 😢)
-Creek as William Afton/Springtrap/Scraptrap (It makes sense because he's purple, and a villain. He kills Poppy for revenge because she kicked him out from Trolls Village after the events of the first movie (Spoiler alert for Trolls: Creek ends up betraying Poppy and the rest of the trolls to save himself from getting eaten by the bergens. So basically, he deserved it.) and for rejecting his love for her and chose to date Branch over him. He then kills Brozone and Viva when they were investigating Freddy Fazbear's Pizza.
-King Peppy as Henry Emily (Since he's Poppy's father, he's perfect for the role of Charlie's dad.)
-Violet as Elizabeth Afton/Circus Baby/Scrap Baby (Violet is my Trolls OC. She is Creek's fancanon sister. Instead of Lizzy getting killed by Baby, Violet will be the one murdered. She is the only sibling Creek had and he was protective of her, so of course he was devastated.)
-Keith as Crying Child/"Evan"/Fredbear (He was supposed to be taken care of by Rosemary (another OC of mine) when they went to Fredbear's Family Diner, but Rose got distracted talking to her friends there and 4 adolescent trolls took advantage of the situation and started bullying Keith. They then shove Keith's head in Fredbear's mouth, causing The Bite of '83 to happen. Rose felt guilty for not being able to save Keith in time. (In my AU, Goldie and Fredbear are separate animatronics, so I'm applying that to this story too.) Creek has a good friendship with Kieth, so he blamed Rose for his death.)
-Rosemary (a.k.a Rose) as The Night Guard (She's another Trolls OC I made. (Fun fact: She's named after my friend!) Instead of Michael being the protagonist of the FNaF games, we'll have Rose be the night guard and survive while the animatronics are taunting her. She was Keith's babysitter and was a good friend to both Creek and Violet. She was also Poppy's Teacher Assistant whenever Poppy was doing her teaching job.)
Those were the characters so far. I'll keep adding more once I get started on my story. Thanks for reading this 'till the end, bye! 😁