Don’t mind the sloppy lines I’m using a new program
(The yellow is Cassidy.
The purple is C.C.
The green is Andrew.)
Don’t mind the sloppy lines I’m using a new program
(The yellow is Cassidy.
The purple is C.C.
The green is Andrew.)
32 Votes in Poll
Although this isn't a theory I myself belief; it is one I was requested to do, and so I shall do so to my utmost ability.
To start the theory off, we should establish the base; Andrew is a member of the mci, and their were actually 6 missing children.
When he died, he possessed golden freddy or some other suit, possibly with a green crocodile mask.
Into the pit has 6 children being killed by pittrap(a rather harmful fellow), which at that point in the books and games alike, charlie would not have been killed or even at the restaurant. Which indicates that this 6th person is their own entity. Into the pit is clearly meant to establish when the mci did take place, so it wouldn't be too far a stretch to assume that a kid killed in that mci also exists in the games.
Andrew has a crocodile mask, as noted by literally every andrewmci believer, but what's also noticeable on how we know another green lizard in the series who it could also represent: Monty.
Yes, alligators and crocodiles are not the same thing, but at the same time; we were told it was a crocodile from someone VIEWING the mask, and not the one wearing the mask.
So the viewer could have mistaken the two, its a extremely common thing where people can't tell the difference between a alligator and a crocodile.
And it goes even further, monty could have seriously been a crocodile but just changed overtime because people considered him a alligator. If the shoe fits; wear it. And Fazbear entertainment loves money.
Monty is extremely violent and destroys everything around him, like Andrew does,
Hes persistent down to the last arm in sb after being scrapped. Like how Andrews persistent in torturing afton.
So is it too much of a stretch to assume he's connected to monty and in the games..., as well as the happiest day which he shares a mask with?
Perhaps. Lets move on.
Something to note is that toy chica in the anime toy chica high school cut scenes in ucn does kill 7 People.
Excluding puppet. Its 6. Just like Andrew mci.
The list being in total, Foxy, Freddy, Wolf, Toy Bonnie, the Mangle, the Puppet, and Pigpatch.
Now, if we just remove the puppet, it just leaves freddy, foxy, wolf, toy bonnie, mangle, and pigpatch. On which each could connected to a certain animatronic, (Freddy-gabriel, toy bonnie-jeremy, etc)
But of this list, one seems off, no?
On this list, every single person has made some kind of appeareance in game, some evidence of their existence.
Except wolf. Which has only been in the twisted ones.
And just because Roxanne is also a wolf doesn't mean their THE wolf, its a very clear different design.
One animatronic who had never shown up in the games matching with the one child who had never been mentioned in the games; almost a match made in heaven regarding evidence there.
In the man in room 1280, he clearly is recreating the conditions that are ucn; a eternal hell in aftons mind because of the rage felt against william. Which matches Toysnhk to a tee regarding rageful behavior. and would make sense on why old man consequences is telling Toysnhk to rest; we see how rageful Andrew is and how much that comment would be warranted. Andrew wished to torture afton forever for what he did to andrew, just like Toysnhk.
Toysnhk is also confirmed to be a male which, unlike the unconfirmed cassidy, andrew is confirmed to be a male and fit the "He" they refer to.
And then, theirs the fact that you have to pick up 6 balloons in Pick Up The Balloons in ITP , while your character has a red shirt and black hair. It being next to golden freddy and killed by fetch in the minigame, both of which hes connected to, heavily indicates this is referencing Andrew.
Which adds another layer to it when you consider the fact that their were 6 balloons he picked up, but only 5 when fetch kills you in the mini game; because the 6th balloon was for you.
@ScraptrapOrCaine hopefully this satisfies you. I tried looking for evidence but it was hard to find concrete leads; so I just went with confirmed leads among the evidence.
12 Votes in Poll
16 Votes in Poll
Decided to make another post because my other post is probably going to be locked soon
Anyway discuss why you think StitchlineGames/AndrewTOYSNHK is or isn’t canon
33 Votes in Poll
26 Votes in Poll
From left to right: Jeremy, Cassidy, Andrew, Gabriel, Fritz, Susie
Since the release of Five Nights at Freddy's: Into the Pit, a question has circulated within the community: who is the mysterious "Sixth Child"? For years, it was believed that the MCI involved five victims. However, this new addition raises doubts about what really happened at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza in 1985.
To better understand, we need to consider the canonicity of the Fazbear Frights series. These stories, though they may seem to be set in alternate universes, are actually part of the official FNaF canon, taking place right after the events of FNaF 6. The Ultimate Guide and the Tales from the Pizzaplex books reinforce this idea, treating the stories as real events in the game's universe.
The mystery of the Sixth Child begins to take shape in Into the Pit. In the story, the protagonist Oswald travels back in time to 1985, witnessing the grim scene of six dead children at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. Initially, many assumed it was a typographical error. However, with the arrival of the Ultimate Guide, the Graphic Novel, and the game Into the Pit itself, it becomes clear that this was intentional.
But who is this Sixth Child? The answer lies within the game itself. In Into the Pit, we find four minigames, one of which was removed from the final version. In one minigame, the player collects six balloons, each representing one of the six missing children.
The conclusion of this minigame is quite disturbing: after collecting all the balloons, the party room door opens. Fetch, a robotic dog, appears and disfigures the security guard's face. These balloons may symbolize the six victims, suggesting that the sixth balloon represents someone important—but who?
An intriguing detail emerges in the Balloon Boy minigame, where five party hats are collected. However, there is a sixth hidden hat, guarded by none other than the Purple Guy. If the player manages to grab it in time, the six hats are finally gathered, connecting to the scene in Into the Pit where the children wore identical hats. This suggests that the Sixth Child was a secret victim of the MCI.
A revealing detail is found in the game's files: a drawing shows the six children stabbed, indicating that the Sixth Child died alongside the other five.
This forgotten victim is Andrew, already introduced in the books as the soul that haunts William Afton. After the events of "FNaF 6", Andrew attached himself to Afton's spirit, torturing him in a hellish prison, keeping him alive. His concept is very similar to "The One You Should Not Have Killed."
I believe Andrew is the Sixth Victim of the MCI. Afton, by luring six children, placed four of them in the main band animatronics. The other two were stored in the Safe Room: the Fifth in Fredbear and the Sixth in a crocodile animatronic. We know from the books and the movie itself that there were numerous extra Springlock suits at Freddy's. The evidence that it was a crocodile comes from the books, where Andrew wears a crocodile mask. Additionally, in the story The Mimic, David builds a crocodile costume, confirming that Fazbear once had a crocodile mascot.
But why have we never heard of six children going missing? The books show that Andrew never received love or care, being neglected by his family. When he disappeared, likely no one cared. His story was erased, forgotten, and with it, the final piece of Henry's plan failed, allowing William Afton to survive.
This is the story of Andrew, the Sixth Child. A forgotten spirit who kept the killer alive.
Here are the missing children in my AU.
Ping list:
Let's go!
Okay, so the missing children in my AU still have the same names, I don't think any of their last names were confirmed, but I gave them last names in this AU. They also possess the glamrocks in this AU.
Susie Richards - She was five years old when she died and possesses Glamrock Chica in this AU.
Jeremy Richards - Susie's brother. He was 6 when he died and possesses Glamrock Bonnie in this AU.
Fritz Andrews - He was 6 when he died and possesses Glamrock Foxy in this AU (Glamrock Foxy is real in this AU).
Gabriel Rodriguez - He was 8 when he died and possesses Glamrock Freddy in this AU.
Cassidy Miller - She was 9 when she died and possesses Roxanne Wolf in this AU.
Andrew Johnson - Andrew is not originally part of the MCI, but he died when he was 9 and possesses Montgomery Gator in this AU.
Um, you can ask to be pinged on all AU posts, for now have this picture I drew of my AU Susie.
I'm gonna go to bed now it's 9:30pm where I am. Anyways, yep
I wanted to go over a few pieces of evidence of why Andrew went through the Dittophobia experiments.
In TMiR1280, Andrew gives Afton neverending nightmares (UCN) which is similar to how Afton experimented on the victims through neverending and repeating nightmares.
In the Stingers, Andrew states, "I remember I wanted him to suffer, the way he made me suffer", which could explain why Andrew specifically chooses to torture him the way he does, since both UCN and the Experiments could be seen as similar.
In UCN, the FNaF 4 office is the only office skin to not have mixed elements from other games, not to mention how nearly identical it is
In Dittophobia, Afton leaves pre-recorded messages for his victims convincing them to stay if they are close to escaping, this would fit with Andrew’s background since it is implied that he didn’t have a good home life, didn’t have any friends, and overall wasn’t loved, and no one would know that he went missing.
Under AndrewMM, it’s possible that Andrew had gotten kidnapped by Afton after breaking out of his room. Yellow Man is shown to be drunk and uncaring, fitting with Andrew’s backstory of not being loved.
Nightmare in UCN has a voiceline where he states, “The shadow fears me.” In TMiR1280, one of the forms Andrew manifests as is a shadow, if the shadow = Andrew, it suggests that he was very afraid of the experiments.
Sorry it's upside-down I don't know why it is
Who should I draw next comment who you think
(in this AU, every golden freddy spirit possesses golden freddy.)
Evan Afton, watching Andrew: Ah yes. The mysterious and beautiful Andrew, so demure…
Evan Afton: …I wonder what sort of melodic sounds this wonderful being makes?
Andrew: *screaming*
Cassidy: When I first met you, I did not like you.
Andrew: I'm aware of that.
Cassidy: But then you and I had some time together.
Andrew: Uh-huh?
Cassidy: It did not get better.
Evan Afton: The clock is ticking! We don't have time for this asinine tomfoolery!
Michael Brooks: This unmitigated poppycock?
Andrew: Extravagant hogwash!
Evan Afton: Okay, stop.
Andrew: What is everyone for Halloween?
Evan Afton: I’m superman.
Michael Brooks: A clown.
Andrew: So I’m guessing we don’t need to get you a costume then?
Cassidy: You know, studies show that keeping a ladder in the house is more dangerous than a loaded gun.
Cassidy: That's why I own TEN guns.
Cassidy: Just in case some maniac tries to sneak in with a ladder.
Andrew, jumping out of Michael Brooks's closet: BOO!
Michael Brooks:
Michael Brooks:
Andrew: *makes a sad face*
Michael Brooks: Ahh! Oh my god! You scared me!
*Michael Brooks is fighting William Afton*
Andrew: Just stay calm! You already have everything you need to beat him!
Michael Brooks: The power to believe in myself!?
Andrew: No, a knife! Stab him!
Evan Afton: How stupid do you think I am?!
Cassidy: You really want an honest answer to that?
Evan Afton: I once went on holiday and pretended to be twins. It was amazing fun. I invented this mad, glamorous sibling and went around really annoying everybody. And ya know, I could get away with anything when I was my crazy twin Evan Afton.
Andrew: But you're Evan Afton.
Evan Afton: Kinda stuck. It’s a long story.
Evan Afton: Why can’t we all just get along?
Michael Brooks: Because most of us are assholes, Evan Afton.
Andrew: I’m gonna die alone.
Evan Afton: Andrew, you’re not gonna die alone.
Andrew: Michael was my safety net, okay? His soul got freed and now I have to get an alligator.
Cassidy: Uh-huh. Why is that?
Andrew: If I’m gonna be an old lonely spirit, I’m gonna need a thing, you know? A hook. Like that guy in the subway who eats his own face.
Andrew: So I figured I’ll be “Ghost With a Pet Alligator”, you know? Crazy alligator ghost.
Andrew: Then I’ll get more alligators, call them my babies. Kids won’t walk past my place, they will run! RUN AWAY FROM CRAZY ALLIGATOR GHOST!!!
(click for full image)
(the title is satirical i DO know five knights of fnaf lore)
The theory says that the UCN is the FNAF world flip side, because William neither Andrew could have ever seen the nightmares and/or Ennard
Well, the theory tells that the flip side is a place made out of memories, and Andrew brought William there yo torture him with many of his creations, and theorizes that maybe Eleanor is XOR... If I'm not remembering it wrong it says that Eleanor and Andrew are fighting for the control of the flip side, Eleanor wants it to free William and Andrew to torture him, and also Eleanor meanwhile can use William as an agony farm...
That was all the theory, credits to: Aaron D. Schmidt for creating the theory... Also I didn't explain everything he says a, because it was too long, the problem is that the theory is in Spanish, well, have a good day/night and cya