I'll be honest, these two seem like they deserve each other
(This artstyle is so cancerous 💀)
(Atleast Devon will leave Heather alone, lol.)
And another thing, why are these two so similar??
40 Votes in Poll
I'll be honest, these two seem like they deserve each other
(This artstyle is so cancerous 💀)
(Atleast Devon will leave Heather alone, lol.)
And another thing, why are these two so similar??
If you read Fazbear Frights, you would know what im talking about.
I heard some people said that Alec deserved what coming to him.
And then some of them gave Matt a redemption arc.
It like this
"Alec deserves it"
"Matt doesn't deserve it, im giving him a redemption arc"
People hates Alec when you got protagonists like Devon(he's my favorite though) and Sergio.
What are your thoughts on this?
She is the fucking worst
Like, she gets upset when people judge her yet she calls Brooke "basic"
Even Dylan calls her out.
No, she did not "change in the end" it seems like that, but her arc was ended by Freddy.
She might get back with her grandpa, but I doubt she even changed(my opinion).
She is just very low on my list and she is so unlikeable, maybe more than Alec.
Always just " my omg he made eye contact with me he is so into me" or "ugh, he likes another girl, I will insult her because I didn't get what I want, oh I'm a goth and I romanticize death like a wannabe"
"Ugh, don't try to make me happy, I will never be happy because I'm ungrateful"
Even Devon acts edgier than her, and he isn't even a goth.
Maybe Freddy should just throw her off the cliffs, along with Tag-Along Freddy
She is just very overrated in my opinion.
32 Votes in Poll
So I have this nightmare where Julius was crawling in my hallways and I woke up with cold sweat.
And then there was a weird dream about Alec turning emo and then Lonely Freddy just died
Then a dream where I was in school and then Devon came out of nowhere and terrorize the school with his fucking Ak-47, I ask him why he did that.
His reasoning?
"I'm doing this for Heather's attention?"
And then where that What We Found music video by Dawko comes out except, Micheal appears.
Maybe I should take a break
Yeah finally posted some art of mine and it’s the good old hypno Freddy,uh,hypnotizing Alec!BTW this is my design I pictured for Lonely Freddy while reading the story.I like to think the lonely Freddy dolls have a male and female variation.If you don’t like it I respect you opinion just leave your rude comments to yourself.
Chapter fourteen/Chapter Fifteen/Chapter Sixteen/Chapter Seventeen/Chapter Eighteen/Chapter Nineteen/Chapter Twenty/Chapter Twenty-One/Chapter Twenty-Two
“Are you sure you want to throw a party?” Vanny asked.
“Of course,” Afton assured her.
“The last party you threw ended with your son’s brains on the floor.”
“I don’t care! I need those two here! ASAP!”
“This is stupid,” Michael said.
“But at least I get to see Freddy!” Gregory smiled.
The father and son were followed by Kelsey, Alec, the Stitchwraith with an illusion disk, Billy aka the Fleshtrap and Vanessa, trying to make it look normal.
“But I have to see my dad.”
“Well, I’m coming with you!” Billy grabbed his arm and smiled.
“Fine. But stay careful. I’m technically babysitting you.”
Billy, Gregory and Michael followed the white rabbit to the abandoned storage unit.
Michael’s father sat atop a makeshift throne, made of a plush chair and metal. A wheelchair sat near him.
“Hello son. My dear grandson… That thing.”
Billy waved.
“Vanny, remind me why it exists?”
“Paul didn’t listen,” Vanny answered.
“Right. Now…”
“What do you want, old man?” Michael asked. He crossed his arms over the chest. The younger boys stood behind him.
Burntrap snapped his fingers, a grinding, painful sound. “Vanny. Now!”
Anny threw a VR headset over Michael’s head and pushed him to the ground. Gregory tried to run, but she grabbed him and knocked him out.
Her attention turned to the small child. “Want to go killing?”
His eyes lit up as if she had offered him ice cream. “I would love to!”
“Good. Let’s piss off Ness even more.”
“DAD!” Michael shouted. “Gregory! Nessa! Billy! Alec?... Kells?”
Michael fell to his knees.
“What's going on?” he muttered.
He felt a hand on his shoulder. “Breathe, son. It’ll all be over soon.”
“What’s going on!” Michael felt tears roll down his face. “You’re… You’re controlling me!”
Michael stood and ran from his father.
“You can’t escape me, Mike! I’m your father! I OWN YOU!”
Gregory stood up. Michael was unconscious with a VR headset over his head.
“Daddy?” Gregory asked. He walked over to him.
“Gregory!” Kelsey ran up and hugged him. “We need to get out of this place.”
“What’s going on?”
Alec pulled off the VR headset. He helped Kelsey hold Michael.
“Your grandpa is trying to control you,” Alec said.
William stood up. “Alright listen here bitch! You get off my–”
William face planted into the floor. “Got damn it. VANNY!”
The boys ran off, Michael starting to wake up.
@Risabom @Crystal Sea14 @BunnyBen87 @FNAFnerd333 @RandomAdvertisment @UyNaYz @WaterMelonade1236 @PhantomFerret3048 @Barney Slayer (There are like two more parts, so if you want to be tagged do it now)
Chapter fourteen/Chapter Fifteen/Chapter Sixteen/Chapter Seventeen/Chapter Eighteen
Billy Pérez was a weird freaking kid.
Kelsey, Alec and Michael looked at it weird.
Jason decided to have his son and Mike’s kids hang out. “Well, Bill’s eight, and Greg’s eight. I’m sure they’d get along.”
Gregory, as it turned out, was not having fun. Billy was much more intent on talking to Mike.
“Mikey! You’ve gotten so big!”
“And you’ve gotten so small, dad.”
Gregory invited Elvira over. She was nice. Maybe she could make it better.
“So, you're Billy?”
The kid nodded. “And you’re Elvira?”
“So…You think you're my grandpa?”
Elvira gave him a look of horror.
“Mhm! I’m your dad's daddy!”
“I need a better explanation of this,” Elvira said.
“Well, there was this cultist named Paul–”
“A sentence like that has never been good,” Kelsey said. He and Alec were babysitting them in the backyard.
“Anyway, he decided to make a mini William. Vanny and Mr. Afton both agreed it was stupid and gross, but he did it anyway. My dad was a guy named Matt, and I popped out of his—”
“SKIP THAT PART!” Alec shouted.
“Oh… Anyway, Jason adopted me. But, I remember Mikey being my son.”
“Ok…” Elvira whispered.
Alec had been staring at Elvira for thirty minutes.
“Do you need something, sir?”
Alec proceeded to punch Kelsey in the face.
“OW!” he screamed. “What was that for?”
“That girl is weird, right?” Alec said. “I’m trying to figure out who this girl is?”
“Then why did you punch me!”
“I thought she was Eleanor.”
Elvira looked at Gregory in confusion. “Are your brothers ok?”
“Lonely Freddy!” Alec shouted. “You’re a Lonely Freddy!”
“What! What’s a Lonely Freddy?”
“No. I know you! Elvira Ruiz! You were in the dumpster with the other Lonely Freddies!”
“How do you…” Elvira’s accent broke down. “How the f*ck do you know!”
“I was one of the Lonely Freddies. Alexander Carter!”
“No, Alec Carter got killed.”
“Yeah. By me.”
Alec explained his whole story; swapped with Lonely Freddy, saved by Mike, Mike let him get revenge on his parents and fake him and built him a new body.
“The heck…”
Gregory looked over and saw Turner by the fence. How the hell is he not dead!
“Hola, puta,” Elvira said.
“Hey, who’s the new kid? Billy? Is he also a nerd?”
“I am the reincarnation of a serial killer, who killed kids just like you. That lady in the rabbit costume who came by your school recently is one of my many followers.”
Turner was silent, as any sane person would be.
“I’m just gonna go.”
Billy looked at Gregory and Elvira. “You wanna kill him?”
The pair’s eyes lit up.
“No! No! Dad–Mike is going to kill us if he finds out you killed the class bully!”
“Ok…” Gregory sighed. “Kelsey? Can we go kill the class bully?”
“Can I come? I haven’t killed anyone in a while and I crave blood!”
“NO!” Alec shouted. “If dad—Mike! If Mike finds out, he’ll kill us.”
“We’re robots and you’re both dead,” Gregory said.
Kelsey took the three kiddos to Turner’s house. And they killed him. And they killed his older brother. And his parents.
Michael was not pleased. Gregory and Kelsey were grounded for a month.
“And you! Elvira, Lonely Freddy, whatever! I’m calling your parents and… making up a legal excuse to get you grounded. And you William Jr! Same sh*t! Your father will be furious.” Michael paused for a moment. “I’m becoming my father.”
@Risabom @UyNaYz @Crystal Sea14 @Barney Slayer @RandomAdvertisment @FNAFnerd333 @WaterMelonade1236 @PhantomFerret3048 (yeah yeah yeah, if you want to get tagged, let me know. Also, if you have any ideas or predictions let me know cause I'm running low)
Chapter fourteen/Chapter Fifteen/Chapter Sixteen/Chapter Seventeen
It started at school.
When Vanessa was supposed to pick him up, Gregory saw her approach the small asphalt area where the kids waited.
It didn’t take long to realize she wasn’t his “mom.” Her hair had rainbow streaks, her eyes were lavender purple instead of green. Vanny…
Vanny wasted no time in kidnapping children. Gregory kind of expected this. And she took Turner, so he wasn’t too mad.
It’s when Kelsey and Alec ran to him he was concerned.
“Where’s Nessa?” he whispered.
Alec pushed him out of the school area, grabbed his backpack and ran.
“What’s going on?” Gregory asked. “Where’s Vanessa?”
“Work. Mike is…” Kelsey stopped himself from finishing.
“Where’s my dad?”
When they got to the house, the door was pried open. Alec covered Gregory’s eyes and pushed him into the house.
“Daddy!” Gregory shouted.
Glamrock Freddy grabbed him and tried to shield him from seeing his father.
But Gregory did see it. His dad was on the floor, a puddle of blood around his head.
Kelsey immediately ran to Michael and started bandaging. Freddy shielded Gregory’s vision.
“Daddy!” he called out. “Freddy, let me go! I need to see my dad! Freddy let me go!”
Gregory was locked in his room. Freddy refused to let him out, not until the threat was taken care of.
Gregory stared out the window. The person next door was a nice looking kid. Black hair, dark greenish blue eyes, skin that almost had a greenish tint.
He tapped his window and the two opened it up.
“Are you ok?” the kid asked.
“No,” Gregory said. “My dad’s hurt and my big brothers won’t let me see him.
“That’s horrible,” the kid said. “I mean, if my dad got hurt, I frankly wouldn’t care. But my new dad, I would be really sad.”
New dad? Gregory thought.
“Wait, is Mikey your dad?”
Gregory nodded.
“Oh my god! Is he ok! Is he bleeding!”
“Why the heck are you so concerned?”
“I’m his dad! Of course, I’m concerned!”
Gregory had dozens of follow up questions, but then he heard someone knock on his door. He quickly shut his window and ran to the door.
Michael stood on the other side, his head wrapped in bandages.
“I hope you weren’t too—”
Gregory wrapped his arms around his father’s waist. “You scared me. I thought you were dead.”
Mike smiled. “It takes more than that to bring me down.”
Gregory dragged him and sat him down on the bed. He rubbed the bandages to make sure they were in place.
“I’ll be fine, Greg.”
“I’m just checking. You look pale.”
“Vanessa is on her way,” Michael told him.
Gregory stretched out a tentacle and wrapped it around him. Michael looked towards the window.
“Who were you talking to?”
@Risabom @UyNaYz @Crystal Sea14 @Barney Slayer @RandomAdvertisment @FNAFnerd333 @WaterMelonade1236 @PhantomFerret3048
Chapter fourteen/Chapter Fifteen
Gregory looked out the window of Vanessa’s red convertible.
“I don’t wanna go to school,” he complained.
“Well… you need to get used to friends,” Vanessa said. “Trust me, kid, it’ll be good for you. You need friends. Just be nice. And be normal.”
Gregory sighed and hopped out of the car. His backpack was a simple blue one with a little Glamrock Freddy dangly thing.
Mrs. Donaldson.
An African-American woman with curly dark hair pulled back in a red headband, with a white puffy shirt and slim red skirt. Like Dolores from Encanto.
Gregory sat at a table of four. Next to him was a young Afro-Latina girl with a round face, long straight black hair and big hazel eyes. She wore a magenta dress, black shoes and tall white socks.
Across from him was a ginger boy with big round glasses and freckles. He wore a light blue and white striped shirt.
The third kid was a blonde girl with lightning blue eyes. She wore a red dress and pink sneakers.
“So, introduce yourself to your tablemates and let's get started,” the teacher said.
“I’m Avery,” the blonde girl smiled.
“I’m Dylan,” the ginger kid laughed. He spoke with a lisp.
The Afro-Latina hid her head in her arms. “Elvira.”
A couple hours later…
Gregory sat down with a sandwich and water bottle, and a bar of chocolate for a snack. He smiled, wondering which one of the people in his house threw it in. Vanessa? He had a hunch it was Vanessa.
“OI! Elvira!”
The most elementary school bully walked into the cafeteria. He was tall, with curly black hair. Four kids followed him; a short kid in glasses, a chubby kid in a red t-shirt and skinny twins. Gregory remembered the glasses kid from class.
Elvira grabbed his hand. “Hide me,” she said. Her accent was even easier to hear.
“Oi. Elvira! What kind of name is that? Sounds like a bug, or a cartoon villain.”
Says the Disney channel bully.
The tall kid grabbed Elvira by her arm. “Where’s the lunch money? Better not be in pesos!”
Elvira handed him a wad of cash and he dropped her. He turned to Gregory. “You new here kid?”
Gregory nodded. “I don’t have lunch money.”
The kid looked at Gregory’s lunch. “Home lunch?”
He reached and grabbed his chocolate bar. “My name’s Turner twat, and I run this cafeteria!”
The group walked away. Elvira looked at Gregory.
“Lo siento,” Elvira muttered.
@Risabom @Crystal Sea14 @UyNaYz @RandomAdvertisment @BunnyBen87 @WaterMelonade1236 @FNAFnerd333 @Barney Slayer @PhantomFerret3048 (yeah. Ask if you want to be tagged in this hot mess.)
Freddy and Michael stared at each other, a bit freaked out.
“So… I’m inside that?” Mike asked.
“I guess…” Kelsey asked.
“But… I’m not Michael. I’m Freddy.”
“It’s more complicated than that,” Alec said. “I’m not the master of souls and stuff, but I know that souls can split into parts. I only know because when Charlie found out her soul was in pieces, she refused to shut up about it.”
Kelsey laughed a little.
Alec continued. “Charlie’s soul was split in half. Maybe it was split between you two.”
“I feel… spiritually full,” Mike said.
“I do not feel like Mike,” Freddy added.
“How about you guys yell at each other about who’s Mike and who’s not after Gregory gets to school?”
Michael turned and saw Vanessa as she physically dragged Gregory down the stairs. Gregory used his tentacles to attach him to the stairs.
“I don’t want to go to school!” Gregory complained. “Can’t you just code that stuff into my head like the other three grades!”
Michael had almost forgotten it was Gregory’s first day of fourth grade.
Freddy pulled him off and held him in the air. “Now Gregory, what are the rules?”
Gregory rolled his eyes. “Don’t talk about how f*cked up your family is. Don’t cuss.”
“Doing a great job, clearly,” Kelsey interrupted.
“Yes, I know who Alec, Kelsey and AJ are. No, I won't talk about the robots or the ghosts or the bunny lady.”
Vanessa handed him his backpack. “And no tentacles. No showing off the robot parts.”
“Try to be normal,” Michael simplified.
“Since when were we normal?”
@Risabom @Crystal Sea14 @UyNaYz @RandomAdvertisment @BunnyBen87 @WaterMelonade1236 @FNAFnerd333 (yeah. I've said it enough times. Do you wanna be tagged? Tell me.)
Gregory was regretting his choice to live with his dad.
He wasn’t alone in the house. There was his dad and Vanessa, and Glamrock Freddy, but he hadn’t expected there to be other people.
There were two blond teenagers, Alec and Kelsey and the weird wired thingy called The Stitchwraith.
Alec, formerly known as Lonely Freddy, had curly blond hair, leaf green eyes, light skin and freckles.
Kelsey, aka the Angry Springlock Kid, had straight blond, diamond blue eyes, light skin and black scars all over his body.
The Stitchwraith was 5’9” of wires and a black cloak. He was possessed by two young boys, eleven-year-old Andrew and nine-year-old Jake. Mike also gave him an illusion disk, which makes him look human. Pale skin, black hair, one brown eye and one green, dressed entirely in black, nicknamed AJ in public.
Gregory thought it was weird living in this house, with three/four people who he had no relation to.
“They’re kind of like my adopted kids,” he said. “Not legally. Since they’re all technically dead.”
Gregory also learned about something: Ghost vision. When you're a soul possessing a robot, you see other souls along with the animatronics. Jake and Andrew have it, Alec has it, Kelsey has it.
It was weird. This “ghost vision” must have had them distracted. Everyone was looking at Glamrok Freddy.
Gregory overheard the trio talking in Alec’s room once.
“We have to tell Mike,” he said.
“How?” Kelsey complained. “He can’t see him like we do.”
“How does one explain that?” Andrew asked.
“Well, we have to try. We’re his friends—his adoptive children—we need to help him out,” Alec insisted.
Kelsey rubbed the bridge of his nose. “How does one explain that there is a 80s glammed up version of you living inside an eight foot bear!”
Into the Pit/To Be Beautiful/Count the Ways/Epilogue 1/Fetch/Lonely Freddy/Out of Stock/Epilogue 2/1:35 AM/Room for One More/The New Kid(pt. 2)/Epilogue 3/Step Closer/Dance With Me/Coming Home/Epilogue 4/Bunny Call/In the Flesh/The Man In Room 1280/Epilogue 5/Blackbird/The Real Jake/Hide and Seek/Epilogue 6/The Cliffs/The Breaking Wheel/He Told Me Everything/Epilogue 7/Gumdrop Angel/Sergio's Lucky Day/What We Found/Epilogue 8/The Puppet Carver/Jump for Ticket/Pizza Kit/Epilogue 9/Friendly Face/Sea Bonnies/Together Forever (this series is getting long. only seven after this though)
William tried not to laugh. “Go home? Michael, you're safe here.”
Michael scooted back. He pulled his legs up onto the chair. “I don’t feel safe.”
William looked him over. He was tied to a chair. He hadn’t had organs in twenty five years. He hadn’t experienced starving in so long. He hadn’t had something thumping in his chest since Baby’s.
It must have felt weird. William didn’t know his son well, but he knew what he felt without organs. Empty… but an empty he’d gotten used to.
“I-I’m thankful for the… organs,” Michael stuttered. “But, I don’t want to be tied up in a basement for the rest of my life.”
William put a hand on his son’s shoulder. He could sense the agony in his veins, rushing and pumping through his newly regained heart.
“I don’t want you to leave,” he said. “You're all I have left.”
William was really hoping Michael forgot all the times he tried to kill him.
“I love you Mike. I want the best for you.”
“Prove it,” Michael said. “Let me go.”
William grabbed a knife from the desk next to him. For a split second, Michael’s expression changed from pain to fear. His lips trembled.
William cut loose the ropes restraining him, then cut loose his hands.
“Thanks dad,” Michael stood up. He almost immediately fell over.
Kelsey ran up to him. “Mike? Are you alright?”
“I’m just… tired and… achy.”
Kelsey helped the man up. Alec grabbed the small box with his illusion disk in it. The purple was beyond stopping, he was stuck as a corpse no matter how many organs you put in him.
Kelsey and Alec helped Michael out of the house and into the back seat of the truck.
“You guys… you didn’t need to come for me,” Michael said as he reached for his earring.
“Nonsense,” Alec protested. “You helped us. You didn’t need to do that. You’re a good person Mike.”
“No I’m not. I killed my brother. I don’t deserve people like you.”
The Stitchwraith put a hand on his shoulder. “You killed one person, by accident, and have helped so many people. I think you’ve more than made up for it.”
Michael didn’t sound like he believed Andrew, but he wasn’t apt to argue.
“Can we get KFC? I’m hungry for the first time in twenty five years.”
“And you want your first meal to be KFC?” Alec asked.
“No!” Jake jumped in. “I say we get cake!”
“Brownies!” Andrew insisted.
“How about we just get food? I don’t really care where, just as long as it’s edible.”
Kelsey hopped in the driver seat, Alec in the passenger seat and the Stitchwraith under the tarp in the back.
@Crystal Sea14 @MasterCrep @Barney Slayer @ShinyJDog1 @.that-gay-fox. @Risabom @Stacten2 @UyNaYz @Duusuthepeacockkwami @Mr VIX @RandomAdvertisment @Pumpkin Picker Without The Title @A badly made sockpuppet @Kaiser emperor of cheese empire
Into the Pit/To Be Beautiful/Count the Ways/Epilogue 1/Fetch/Lonely Freddy/Out of Stock/Epilogue 2/1:35 AM/Room for One More/The New Kid(pt. 2)/Epilogue 3/Step Closer/Dance With Me/Coming Home/Epilogue 4/Bunny Call/In the Flesh/The Man In Room 1280/Epilogue 5/Blackbird/The Real Jake/Hide and Seek/Epilogue 6/The Cliffs/The Breaking Wheel/He Told Me Everything/Epilogue 7/Gumdrop Angel/Sergio's Lucky Day/What We Found/Epilogue 8/The Puppet Carver/Jump for Ticket/Pizza Kit
“Kelsey Resh,” the rabbit said.
Kelsey looked around nervously. Michael was tied to the chair in the back corner of the room. Next to him on a table, was a plate with a chicken drumstick and a can of soda.
In front of him, the rabbit costume of Afton smiled. Detective Larson had one glowing purple eye, one regular blue. Kelsey took a defensive stance.
“Kelsey,” the rabbit repeated. “Don’t pretend you don’t know me. I killed Andrew. You know his pain. I caused that.”
Kelsey took a step back, desperately looking for a weapon.
“Don’t you resent him? Don’t you hate Devon for causing this?”
It wasn’t his fault, Kelsey told himself. He didn’t know.
“I know what you do in your free time. Michael told me all about it.” The rabbit looked over at Mike. “How many times did you lead them there? Five? Six? And you did how many each time?”
“Two,” Kelsey muttered. He felt ashamed. “I took two each time.”
“How many times?” The rabbit repeated.
“Six or seven,” Kelsey looked away from Mike. He knew he would be upset.
“You're no better than me,” Afton informed him. “You killed fourteen teens from your school–plus Devon, so fifteen.”
“What do you want!” Kelsey shouted.
“Join me, Kelsey. You can kill all you want. Didn’t you enjoy hacking up bodies and hiding them in the ground outside the pizzeria?”
“I cooked one once,” Kelsey added. “I didn’t eat it though.”
Even Afton looked horrified by that. “Well? Was it fun? Did you like the feeling of blood on your face?”
Kelsey nodded weakly. He couldn’t help but admit he liked what William was selling.
He looked up. Alec and the Stitchwraith clamored down the stairs. Andrew and Jake were already giving Afton the stink eye.
“Alexander Carter,” Afton smirked. “You killed Lonely Freddy because he stole your body. And while you were at it you killed your parents and almost killed your sister. Was it fun?”
“Don’t listen to him!” Jake shouted to Alec. “He’s trying to get in your head!”
“Oh really?” The rabbit directed his attention to the kids. “And answer me this, how many people have you killed? Both of you?”
“Ten,” Andrew said angrily.
“Nine… I think...” Jake said solemnly. Everyone looked at him. Even Andrew couldn’t believe it was that high. He was just some sweet little cancer patient. He wouldn’t hurt a fly.
“You aren’t as innocent as you appear, Jake McNally.”
“Jake, don’t listen to him!” Andrew grabbed him. “You are the most precious, innocent, adorable kid I know.” The boys hugged.
“You can’t be serious,” Afton butted in. “You’re both killers. Monsters. The exact things your parents warned you about when you were toddlers.”
“Shut up,” Andrew demanded. Afton didn’t listen.
“Join me, and you can finally play the role of the monster. The role you were born to play.”
Kelsey couldn’t help but notice the boy’s eyes flickering purple. Were they considering it, or was Afton just getting in their heads? Kelsey didn’t want to admit it, but he was considering it too. He couldn’t help but remember the feeling of blood on his hands. The ax in his grip as he cut up a classmate.
Larson’s eyes were completely purple. Kelsey remembered what Jake told him. “He had a purple scar, after we fought the trash rabbit.” Maybe Afton already had a hold on him.
Michael let out an ear-bleeding scream. Kelsey looked over.
He was crying. He was looking down at where his stomach would be. Kelsey could tell he was in a lot of pain. Agonized pain… Agony like the stuff Kelsey had flowing through him, and Andrew radiated.
“Michael!” The rabbit ran over to him. He grabbed his son’s face and forced eye contact. “What’s going on?”
“Pain…” Michael whispered. “So much pain…”
“What do you mean! What’s going on!”
Michael looked away from him. “D-dad. Do you care about me?”
The rabbit nodded.
“Then let me go home.”
@Crystal Sea14 @MasterCrep @Barney Slayer @ShinyJDog1 @.that-gay-fox. @Risabom @Stacten2 @UyNaYz @Duusuthepeacockkwami @RandomAdvertisment @Mr VIX @Pumpkin Picker Without The Title @Kaiser emperor of cheese empire @A badly made sockpuppet
Into the Pit/To Be Beautiful/Count the Ways/Epilogue 1/Fetch/Lonely Freddy/Out of Stock/Epilogue 2/1:35 AM/Room for One More/The New Kid(pt. 2)/Epilogue 3/Step Closer/Dance With Me/Coming Home/Epilogue 4/Bunny Call/In the Flesh/The Man In Room 1280/Epilogue 5/Blackbird/The Real Jake/Hide and Seek/Epilogue 6/The Cliffs/The Breaking Wheel/He Told Me Everything/Epilogue 7/Gumdrop Angel/Sergio's Lucky Day/What We Found
Michael sat in the abyss. He looked for something, anything.
Yet he was trapped.
“Michael!” He heard Kelsey scream.
“Kells!” Mike shouted back.
Mike was still in his corpse form. He didn’t like it. He wanted his illusion back.
Mike looked around for Kelsey, but of course he wasn’t there. He wasn’t worth rescuing.
“Michael~” His father loomed behind him. He felt him there, he didn’t need to look. “You seem stressed.”
Michael couldn’t help but cry. “Let me go!”
“But… I’m your father. I only want to help you. And right now, you could use it.”
Michael felt his father walk in front of him. His dad smiled. He looked… normal. He looked the same he had looked when he had abandoned Michael, when he died.
William put his hands on Michael’s face. “You’ve gotten so big,” his father smiled. “And how could I kill someone with a face like that?”
William put his hands on his cheeks. They felt cold.
William smirked as he stared at Michael. His father could only laugh as he snapped Michael’s neck.
Michael woke up with a start. He was tied to the chair. He struggled to break free, he wanted out! He needed to get out.
“Don’t bother,” Larson was apparently sitting next to him. “You’ve been cuffed.”
Michael realized the metal bracelets wrapped around his wrists. “Did they kidnap you too?” Michael asked.
Larson nodded.
“I see the boys are talking,” his father said. Michael turned to see the glitched out rabbit standing before him. “Michael…”
“Shut up!” Michael shouted. “What do you want! What do you want to do to me! If you think I will ever join your stupid cult you are mistaken!”
Glitchtrap only smiled. “You’re so adorable when you’re mad.”
“Admit it! You just want to kill me!”
“What! Michael, how could you say such things. You are my everything. You’re all I have left. I wouldn’t kill you if it meant I could stop the apocalypse.”
Michael had a hard time believing that, mostly because he knew his dad would want an apocalypse. More dead bodies.
“And maybe if you’d stop helping those ghosts I could show you that,” Glitchtrap added.
“I’m helping people. It’s what I do! It’s what I’ll do even after you're gone!”
The rabbit laughed. “Mike, we’ve gone over this. I always come back! I won’t die!”
“Admit it dad! You won’t live forever! Someone will stop you. I don’t care if it’s me, or some kid, or a cop, or the weird giraffe baby! Someone will stop you!”
The room was silent. Afton had felt weaker in his trash rabbit suit, but he assumed that was because it was only a fraction of his soul. He could control people as Glitchtrap. He was nearly a god! He wasn’t going to die, at least... not soon.
“Do you feel… anything different?” William asked. He pressed against Michael’s stomach.
“I feel fine.” He scooted away.
“Check again. Maybe in silence.”
Glitchtrap snapped his fingers. Suddenly, everything went quiet. It felt like Michael had gone deaf. He heard a faint ringing and… he felt his heartbeat! He didn’t have a heart. After Ennard, his blood just floated loosely around his body.
He looked down at his chest. Slowly, it rose up and down. Up and down. Up and down.
He was breathing!
His stomach churned for food. Hungry. He didn’t have a stomach. He hadn’t eaten in decades.
“What did you do!” Michael said. It sounded like he was underwater.
With another snap, Michael could hear everything.
“Consider it a birthday gift, for all those years I forgot.”
“You… you… how?”
“I had to kill a few people to do it, but it was well worth it.”
“You… You gave me organs?” Michael was slightly in shock.
“I knew you would be happy.”
Michael heard a bang from upstairs, like someone was trying to break down a door.
Kelsey, Michael thought.
“Vanny! Lewis! Hold them off. Michael, let's get you something to eat.”
Kelsey and Alec smashed against the door. “We know he’s there!” Kelsey screamed.
Vanessa opened the door and sent Alec tumbling.
“He isn’t here,” she said blankly. She had her hair loose. She wore a purple summer dress and black flats.
“I know he’s here,” Jake said. “I can sense the depression.”
“What in god's name is that?” Vanny looked at the back of the truck where Julius’s mangled remains were laid. Reed grabbed a blanket and covered him.
Kelsey took the opportunity. He kicked Vanessa away and ran inside.
Basement, basement, basement.
He found a hatch on the floor. He pulled it open and ran down the stairs.
At the bottom, Larson was tied to a chair, gagged, with a knife to his neck. Who had the knife? The glitched out rabbit.
Michael was in the opposite corner of the room. Meaning, the only thing between Kelsey and Michael, was a glitching serial killer.
@Crystal Sea14 @Barney Slayer @MasterCrep @ShinyJDog1 @Risabom @Stacten2 @.that-gay-fox. @EmmzaCrazy @UyNaYz @Duusuthepeacockkwami @RandomAdvertisment @Mr VIX @Pumpkin Picker Without The Title @Kaiser emperor of cheese empire @A badly made sockpuppet
Into the Pit/To Be Beautiful/Count the Ways/Epilogue 1/Fetch/Lonely Freddy/Out of Stock
“Michael, I know you didn’t-”
“I promise you, I didn’t kill them. You know I’m not capable of doing that!”
Michael could barely speak through the tears. “After what you’ve been through, I know you wouldn’t. But I need solid proof that you didn’t kill those kids.”
“They weren’t even kids! They were like fourteen! I couldn’t kill an eight year old without the help of three people and a giant yellow bear. How am I supposed to kill five teenagers!”
Larson showed him some pictures of the kids; Riley Watson, Hanna Bradley, James Sheldon, Marco Ortiz and Uriel Paterson. “Do you recognise any of them?”
“NO!” Michael was shouting at them now.
“Larson, we can send him in for a polygraph another time. Send him home.” The chief told him.
Larson let Michael leave. He was in tears. “I wouldn’t do that.”
“I know.”
Larson asked Michael's neighbors and the people he lived with a few questions. He was surprised to see that he had people at his house.
Two blond kids, both looking like teens. One had green eyes and freckles, the other had blue eyes and a black scar across his eye. From his exposed skin, Larson could see the scars all over his arms.
When he saw him, he quickly threw on a hoodie, apparently not liking these scars.
“Who the heck are you?” Larson asked.
“Alec,” the green eyed kid said.
“Kelsey,” the kid with the scars said. “What do you need, officer?”
“Michael,” he stated bluntly. “How do you know him?”
“He helped us,” Alec said. “He’s a good person.”
“Where was he on May eighth?”
“Crying in bed,” Kelsey said. “He had a rough week.”
“After that?” Larson assumed even Michale Afton wouldn’t spend all day crying in bed.
“He went to the grocery store, the pharmacy, then the cemetery.”
“The cemetery?”
“It was mother’s day,” Alec told the officer. “He wanted to give his mom some flowers.”
Larson didn’t look like he fully understood.
“His mom is dead,” Kelsey clarified.
“Ok, after the cemetery, where did he go?”
Kelsey crossed his arms. “He came home, made lunch and headed to meet someone at the gym. Said her name was Charlie.”
“Michael goes to the gym?” Larson had seen him. He wasn’t a gym dude.
“They met there,” Alec said. “We never said he worked out.”
“Ok. What happened afterwards?”
“He and Charlie got smoothies. Then he came home, made dinner and cried in bed again.”
Larson had written all of that down. He needed to talk to this Charlie girl, solidify his alibi. But from the looks of it, he was busy all day. Of course, he could be lying.
Larson headed out of the house, Alec and Kelsey shut the door behind him.
“What the heck do they think he did?” Kelsey said.
“Some kids died at Freddy’s. I guess with his family history, they think he did it.”
“Bullshit. The man can barely get out of bed in the morning.”
(wanted to post this yesterday, but it was my brother's birthday and I was tired. I'll still post 1:35 AM today, tagging an everything.)
Into the Pit/To Be Beautiful/Count the Ways/Epilogue 1/Fetch
Alec wanted out. He wanted to go home. He was hopeless.
How long has it been? Ten, twenty years? He had only slightly gotten to know the other Lonely Freddys; London, Berenice, John, Kevin, Bradley, David, May, and so on. There were around twenty of them there.
The lid opened, light blinding Alec. A man poked his head inside. Alec got a good look at him. Light skin, dark blue eyes, long brown hair, some dangling over his face.
He held his nose. He didn’t seem to like the smell. The man overlooked the pile of Lonely Freddys.
“Who wants to come home?” the man asked, focusing on Alec. “You look like a good one.”
The man grabbed him by the torso, not caring much for the dried vomit all over him.
The man threw him in the back of his car. Alec moved for the first time in a while, his body aching. Alec tried to get a good look at the man, but all he saw was his nametag. Michael A. Mechanic.
Alec woke up on a desk. He was in a garage, but it looked like it had been transformed into an animatronic workshop. There was a bucket of soapy water, sponges, towels and a tarp on the ground.
The man, Michael, had rolled up his sleeves. He was cleaning up the mess of towels and sponges. Alec looked down at his chest. The vomit had been washed off, almost aggressively.
“Did he…” Alec could hardly believe it.
“I see you're awake,” Michael said. His British accent took Alec off guard. “What’s your name, by the way?”
“A-Alec,” he responded.
Michael picked him up. “Full name. Where’s your address?”
“Alec Carter. Why do you want my address?”
“Don’t you want your body back?”
Alec could hardly contain his surprise. “My body? I could be human again!”
Then he thought about it. How long had he been in that dumpster? He got thrown in in 1999.
“What year is it?”
“2009?” Alec had been in that dumpster for ten years! He missed ten years of his life, ripped away from him.
“That’s not your only option, you know. I could find someone else, and you could body swap with him. I could just build you a new body. You could also just stay like that. I won’t judge.”
Alec got a feeling Michael was lying about himself. He knew how to build robots. He looked human, but felt off. Like he wasn’t fully human, at least not anymore.
But who was Alec to judge?
He had made his choice. He wanted a robotic body. Eternal youth, not having to adjust to a life he didn’t live. Besides, Hazel probably liked the new Alec anyway.
Of course, he had to pick a new name. There can’t be two Alec Carters. It was hard, but he thought of a good one.
“Alex Graham,” he triumphantly told Michael. Mike merely rolled his eyes and shrugged.
Of course, Alec wanted revenge. He wanted that more than anything. But, he had a better way. Mike didn’t really approve, but he wasn’t stopping him.
So, Alec, still inside Lonely Freddy at this point, walked to his old house. His sister still lived there, so did his parents and his replacement.
Hazel brought Alec in, unknowingly signing the rest of the house’s death warranties. When no one was looking, he headed into the kitchen and grabbed a meat cleaver. With a bit of hesitation, he hacked into his mother’s leg, causing her to fall. He went cut through her chest, blood gushing everywhere. Mike was going to have to wash him again.
He turned his attention to his father. He grabbed the knife and threw it at him. He was aiming for the heart, but he hit him in the dick. Alec couldn’t tell which was worse.
He grabbed a meat tenderizer (since when did they have this?) and beat his father’s head with it. He didn’t stop until he could see bone. He was kind of enjoying it.
Fake Alec stood in the doorway, mortified. Alec worried he had convinced himself that he was the real Alec.
How to make this as painful as possible?
That was when he realized. If he killed his clone, Hazel would be blamed. Hazel would go to jail. He couldn’t let that happen.
He needed to blame his clone for this. He had to make it look like a murder-suicide. Otherwise, his sister would be in big trouble.
But how was he supposed to do that with these tiny hands?
He grabbed the weapons and forced them into his hands. It took like five tries, his parents were old but his body snatcher was in the prime of his life.
He eventually got them in. He forced the cleaver into Fake Alec’s chest, watching him bleed out, almost giddy.
He turned to Hazel. He wasn’t going to kill her.
“Tell the cops he killed them, and then himself,” he told her. “Otherwise, you’ll go to jail. No one will believe you if you say I did it.”
Hazel sat mortified on the couch, so Alec left through the window and headed back to Mike’s house.
From the news, he could tell she listened. Ian and Meg Carter killed by son in murder-suicide.
@Crystal Sea14 @Duusuthepeacockkwami @ShinyJDog1 @Barney Slayer @.that-gay-fox. @UyNaYz @ShotoLevi @Risabom @Stacten @The11boom @Kaiser emperor of cheese empire @EmmzaCrazy @Pumpkin Picker Without The Title
Alec, Reed, Kelsey and CC only had two bottles of water and a box of chicken between them. They hadn’t slept amazingly, but they had slept. Kelsey was sure they had that over the other contestants.
But he knew at least one of them was lying about their role.
“We need to eat,” Alec said.
“There isn’t enough! Reed shouted. “And who knows when we’ll get to eat again.”
“We should try to-”
CC’s head exploded in blood. Alec, Reed and Kelsey stood defensive. Alec chased after the man who put a bullet in the baby boy's head.
When he returned, Kelsey held CC’s body. He was dead. Kelsey pulled him closer. “He didn’t deserve that.”
Kelsey hid him in a bush. He grabbed the box of chicken hidden in the bush.
Kelsey wanted to be happy, but he just sat up and kept walking.
Michael waited for the siren. He waited for the evening announcement. He wanted to sleep.
“The following Hiders have been killed: CC, Toby and Angel. The following Seekers have been killed: Oscar and Sam.”
CC! He was in here! No! He didn’t deserve this! No!
“Only one of you will be leaving this place alive. This is the end of this broadcast.”
That was what Michael was waiting for. He knew it! Only one person was going to be able to win.
He could almost hear the sounds of teams breaking apart and killing each other. He couldn’t wait to see the ground dyed red from the blood.
He may have been hanging out with his dad too much.
He climbed up a tree and made a place to rest. People would be too distracted killing their teammates to hunt other people.
Michael drifted off to sleep, for the first time in months.