First of all that was not intentional secondly He read the Duffel Bags he knows Fazbear Entertainment wouldn't do anything about it and now i have to disucss Gregory "killing cassie" the mimic has no need for the elevator shaft mimic bro can just climb on the walls or yk shape shift into a spider and crawl out he's literally a shape shifting robat plus how would Gregory be able to cut the power of the Elevator shaft when the battery is literally with mimic like it's just sitting next to the Elevator the mimic can just unplug it and he gets cassie unless you're implying that Gregory has the power to hack into any Elevator in the world (even the ones that arent connected to the pizzaplex system) and also look at what happened to cassie she clearly not dead why else would steel wall make roxy say "cassie" i mean it's the only logical explaintion i think the mimic is not trying to kill her anymore i think It’s trying to turn her into vanny 2.0 think about it she's wearing vanny's mask and being plead by glitchtrap to free the mimic so he can turn it back to it's host and what child is easier to manipulate Then a child that has no friends and no family one that thinks her best friend her only friend who she risked her life for just tried to kill her
What do you mean "That wasn't intentional"
He literally put food under the crusher, waited till she was lured, and tried to crush her.
Thats the definition of intentional , that is literally premeditated.
And again, they wouldn't do anything, but SOMEONE would.
Why wouldn't mimic escape then? If your saying that it was the one who cut the elevator lines, why did it not escape? It could just let cassie go and then follow after her?
That was literally its only means of escape rather than climbing walls for hours. And gregory having access over the pizzaplex isn't absurd with how he has such a high security level in sb. Unplugging the power wouldn't cut the lines, it would just hang in place. Thats not how elevators work. Going to the other end of the elevator and just cutting the lines so it can't be used is NOT that absurd. Maybe she said that because she saw cassie dead for all we know.and she HAS FAMILY.