40 Votes in Poll
And they said the Same exact thing for the Fazbear frights in the past iirc.
Then changed it.
The lore evolves over time. We shouldn't base all our theories off of a sentence in a book that we aren't even sure if it is canon..
And the first Fazbear fright literally has no connection to the pizzaplex, do you still say that story is canon?
And again, if you reread what I said, not every story takes place in the games.
Some do; but not all.
Just how not every Fazbear frights connected to the stitchwraith.
There is no way that all of those stories are canon.
Which ones are you gonna say arent canon if your gonna pull that card. (if your referring to tales)
About the connection between Fazbear frights and Tales, In The story frality. That same exact heart pendant from To be beauitful appears in frality. (before you say "Well they are probbaly different" no joke the protagonist dies in the same way sarah does).
The whole "cant trust one line" in a book thing feels werid. (since by that logic charlie has no friends in the novels) Besides that line there is evidence to show that tales games is canon to the games. (yea theres also problems but thoose are easily debunkable.)
Its also probbaly canon by the fact, why make a whole book series to explain the backstory of your newest villan, then go "Nope, not canon."
(i do have a shit ton of evidence.)
They made a whole AR game and product line just to cut it and consider it not canon.
They made fnaf world and plenty of clues and made it non canon
They added a superimportant lore secret in the box and then made it noncanon/unopenable/unimportant.
They made over a dozen movie scripts and filmings for the fnaf movie and scrapped many.
My point is they do stupid decisions at times. Or confusing ones.
And I KNOW that fraility references the Fazbear frights. that was my point.
It never mentions the pizzaplex and only has a link to the fazbear frights. Which, he changed the canonity from before.
And how about the story Drowning?
Yeah i know. (also wasnt the box thing just scott forgot what it was?)
(depending on if you belive mimic was in the nightmare jessica had or if it was eleanor then i assume mimic makes frality be canon.)
Besides that (pretty sure tales is canon, also due to the fact that GGY, as an example matches the story of patient 46 (gregory)
Some stories are canon, like ggy and mimic
Im not saying every single story of tales is fake or non canon. Im saying SOME
Like how into the flesh isn't a canon Fazbear fright.
You can't say that every single book is canon when some games in the game universe aren't even canon.
And Scott also mentioned that he didn't make it unlockable due to possible fan outrage.
Does the "canon." also have the bobbiedots? (like what you think its canon)
Technally most stories with the mimic involved are probbaly canon, like tiger rock as an example
(should likely add some also explain shit about characters in the lore, Help wanted talks about steve snodgrass (the dude who made the help wanted game.)
Yeah, like, the ones that have a blatant connection to the games obviously are canon, like mimic and bobbiedots.
But some just don't really all that seem related to the games. More Scott just trying to tell a good story.
What do you think?