44 Votes in Poll
Nobody is saying things like "THE GAME NEEDS GUTS AND VIOLENCE AND ON-SCREEN HOMICIDE" when they say "more gore" lmao.
The final product was way overtuned to remove anything violent so it was appropriate for kids. Vannys knife was removed, anything that so much as REFERENCED blood/injuries were cut, etc.
(do slightly agree about the vanny knife and shit part)
Actually @Sampaioe that is EXACTLY what I meant
Release the Nick Carlson cut /j
As much as love Security Breach, they could have hinted at Burntrap more, Vanny was underutilized, Mimic came out of no where, and left the lore a mess. I know someone out there is going to go "Mimic was hinted at from the beginning, you just need to read the books and look back to the Mimic Module in FNAF World!!!!!1111" Uuuum no bro/sis/non-binary sibling. You should be able to piece things together using just the games and not need 50 badly written books to explain one character who DIED IN A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT WAY THAN THE GAMES.
Here's my pitch, the unofficial patch:
Vanny has a more central role, however we find hints throughout the Pizzaplex that she isn't pulling her own strings. She's half as frequent as the other enemies in the game, making her presence more substantial. After you complete the first Princess Quest game, she shows up as much as the Animatronics do. After the second, she doubles in frequency again. She would also have her knife after the second game, showing a shift in her behavior. Her movements less playful and more twitchy and menacing.
Princess Quest happens as normal, Vanessa is freed. But before that part of Glitchtrap is destroyed, it says the cut line:
"I always come back, let me out!"
Gregory and Vanessa repair Glamrock Freddy. Vanessa explains that a program taken from an old prototype animatronic was used in Help Wanted, but the residue of the spirits that haunted the animatronics was also transferred into the game. One spirit was so malevolent, so evil, so powerful, that it's memories and remaining essence became a virus. That virus took control of her, Jeremy and now, the other Glamrock Animatronics. The virus forced her to kill people, the ones we see on the newspaper in the bad ending. Taking their life energy {remnant} to power itself up so it could take/retake it's physical form.
Vanessa starts working on a firewall program to prevent Glitchtrap and the Mimic from escaping. We then play as Vanessa, having to keep out Monty, Chica and Roxy as she writes the firewall program, classic FNAF style. She needs to keep them out of the office and maintain power until the program is completed. If you fail and the power goes out, one of the Shattered Animatronics will randomly jumpscare you. You win and you move on, back to Gregory and Glamrock Freddy.
Meanwhile, our dynamic duo head down to destroy the body of Glitchtrap, passing by the Blob. They then find that they're too late and Glitchtrap has uploaded himself into his "true form" the desiccated body of William Afton, Burntrap. This time around, instead of Monty, Chica and Roxy, Burntrap himself attacks you in between trying to take control of Glamrock Freddy, with the room much more dimly lite except for the recharge station and the old CRT monitors. You need to keep him out of the Pizzeria Simulator office using the doors, Freddy and the charging station and the fire switches as well as avoid the Blob who starts ripping the place apart. "Afton" taunts you the entire time. Some lines reused from Pizzeria Simulator, some from Special Delivery and some new ones.
"You may not recognize me at first, but I assure you, it's still me."
"How can I resist, a promise, such as this."
"Fascinating, what they have become."
"Suffer now, like all who have stood before me!"
"It is not your flesh that sustains me. It is your FEAR."
"You will not be spared. You will not be saved."
"I'm here to claim what is left of you."
"Hide if you want. It did not save the others. It will not save you."
"Henry couldn't stop me, what makes you think you can do better?"
"I will make you suffer.... suffer like so many of the others."
"I will make you suffer, just like I did!"
"Your little friends can't save you now."
"You can't stop me, I always come back!"
Burntrap's jumpscare would use the unused audio of Glitchtrap screaming, followed by a game over screen and a one liner from Burntrap.
"I will find a suit, that's right for you."
""I'm.... back.... I always come back."
"And now you are mine, forever!"
"I can taste the fear in your breath."
"Your time is up, Gregory!"
"Got you!" (Maniacal laughter.)
"That was EASIER than I thought it would be."
"Your oversized teddy bear can't save you now."
"I will enjoy making you three suffer!"
"There was only one way this could have ended, child."
"Your powerlessness is like music to me." (Maniacal laughter.)
After holding off Burntrap and the Blob for 2 or 3 increasingly difficult rounds you're rewarded with the ending cut scene of Freddy and Gregory escaping before meeting up with Vanessa. She and Gregory eat ice cream in the sunrise as Freddy sits next to them. After the credits we see Glitchtrap on a screen in the room with The Mimic, setting up Ruin and Help Wanted 2, where the Mimic is destroyed by Cassie and the last of Glitchtrap is deleted. Ending Afton's legacy and reign of terror forever....
Until Scott and Steelwool need him again, because Afton is too good of a villain to let alone. Maybe that's what the animatronics meant in UCN that they will never let him leave, that they will never let him rest. {J/K} This is my ideal way to tie FNAF into a neat little bow, ending the trilogy Glitchtrap.
I know many of you would disagree with this approach but this is my ideal way of wrapping things up. Afton/MimicAfton is dead/dead again, the Mimic itself is destroyed, preventing Fazbear Entertainment from using its programing to create more Glitchtraps or entities like him, and the world is safe, while leaving it ambiguous if Glitchtrap/Burntrap was really Afton, part Afton, something that thought it was Afton, or something pretending to be Afton by using his memories as a basis.
The rest of Security Breach would remain the same. Vanny would just be there more than twice, we would get some hints to Glitchtrap, Burntrap and The Mimic, we get one new section, a revamped Burntrap fight and a new ending.
I would have the next game set up a new villain. Someone at Fazbear Entertainment finding Afton's research on remnant and agony, then using his notes to try to obtain the immortality Afton used to have. There are a lot of desperate and mentally ill people in the world who would love a piece of that immortality pie. Or cake, or pizza, whatever. It doesn't have to be Afton again or something thinking it's or pretending to be him. It can be someone with a different personality and worldview. Someone who doesn't enjoy the torture and killing, but sees it as a means to an end.
In Help Wanted 2, I would restore Vanny and Glamrock Bonnie's cut lines. It would be Vanny handing you the sock dolls of the missing kids, not Glitchtrap's disembodied hand. In the DLC we would get more of Glamrock Bonnie, we would get some character development for Monty as well as the Rockstar Animatronics, because they all desperately need it. Maybe something that tells us more about Fallfest and what happened in the 70's. With a disco section hosted by DJ Music Man. The world needs more DJ Music Man.
Feel free to agree, disagree, just don't debate on if Mimic was planned or what Glitchtrap is, who he is, if the Mimic was actually Afton the whole time and wearing the real William Afton's skin as a suit Ennard style, this isn't the place for it.
My take: Sampaioe can't read anything longer than two sentences.
(that paragraph is bigger then my sisters forehead)
Do NOT look at my bookshelves
They're probably all history books
War and Peace type shit as well