This conversation is redundant. Where is your proof. Proof. We're looking for proof. Not what you think, but actual proof for his soul going to Glamrock Freddy. If you don't have any actual proof, then your theory is essentially null and a headcanon.
I just explained it after Henry burned all of the animatronics in Freddy Fazbear Pizza Place Michael was in their too so he died and I'm assuming that his body died but his soul lived on to possess Glamrock Freddy and Glamrock Freddy also states that he changed meaning that Michael wants to change after the events of the bite of 83
Is not evidence.
Glamrock Freddy wasn't even at the fire when it happened.
And michael was completely burnt away, their was no remnant to go inside GR Freddy.
Someone saying they've changed doesn't mean their connected to another person who's done a bad action.
Where. Is. Your. Proof. For Michael being Glamrock Freddy. I don't want to hear your opinion or what you think happened, I want some legitimate proof that he could be possessing Freddy.
Why are y'all getting so mad about it tho
It's just a theory and my simple opinion it doesn't need to be that serious
Im not mad, just confused
Because a theory Is build on evidence
It would be like me saying I made a cheese sandwich when its just bread.
We're annoyed (if you can even call it that, I personally am not) because you're arguing a point that has nothing backing it up. You're calling it a theory when it's really just an opinion. And opinions are fine! But you can't claim that you have a legitimate theory and then not back it up with evidence.
Ok it's a theory and an opinion
What do you think?