Feel free to share hottakes: my hottake: I don't think fredbear or springbonnie are important to the lore at all
Feel free to share hottakes: my hottake: I don't think fredbear or springbonnie are important to the lore at all
You got it! (as in ig i'll list off a few i have)
I really wish we see more with the mci victims they're under used
(Slightly similar to the last one) they should have done the cassidy movie
It feels like willam would fit more being a southern person
Not a huge fan of the whole "fnaf should be edgy" crap
More of just like a preference, i like fnaf 1 cec/showbiz inspired stuff
Not a huge fan of "Mikeall", i do think theres atleast protag's in some games (tldr: i dont think every single game protagonist is just mike)
Is my hottake good at all
Ehhh, its fine (have your own opinion of course, but spring bonnie and fredbear are probbaly important, (also mainly since yk the relation between willam and shit)
Oh yea
I have plenty, but they'll cause arguments I'd rather avoid.
(eh me too)
Forgot to also say uhhhh i guess a design related one
(i dont really give a shit if someone makes a character have like a different skintone or hair color then their orignal thing (unless if its racist)
So you talking about scraptrap
(no, its mainly just basically people will make a certain character have a different skintone, and sometimes i guess people get fucking pissed and go "erm actually, this characters white" like who the fuck cares, though to be fair, its a fandom your gonna get drama either way)
Oh ok
1: The Mimic should have never been brought into the main canon. He should have been book exclusive.
2: Foxy should have his own Spin-off game.
3: We need a cow animatronic
4: I don't like the Junior's fan designs. I would prefer the unwithered designs instead of those.
5: "Survive the night" is a better FNAF 2 song than the FNAF 2 song by The Living Tombstone. Purely separating the artists from their work.
6: The Afton story should have ended with UCN and the new games should havee new Fazbear executive trying to recreate the results of his experiments.
7: Bonnie is purple and not blue! The Hell what Scott or anyone else says!
8: GlitchMimic and Mimictrap are shit theories!
9: Dream Theory was terrible even back I FNAF 4 because it flies in t by e face of literally every other game before 4!
10: William Afton is a fury! Spring Bonnie is his persona and the poor crying child walked in on him and his wife bumping uglies while he was in the spring lock suit.
What do you think?