I had dumb idea: What if in a FNAFiction, Springtrap had the ability to switch between springbonnie and springtrap, like TFA Shockwave? In TFA, Shockwave was a Decepticon scientist, but he had the special ability to change into an unassuming pudgy dude, which he used to gaslight the Autobots. What if a re-made Springtrap could do this? He would change into Springbonnie and masquerade as a nice, ignorant fella but change back into Springtrap when no-one's looking to proceed with his "Evil Plans" Not sure how this would work visually, maybe the Springbonnie plating falls away, or maybe the yellow casings are holographic? And imagine how funny it would be when they find out that the naive, yellow adrenaline junkie is the same guy as the mouldy b*itchpants who tries to kill them. Anywho, just a DuMb IdEa I HaD.