Hello, Good Morning, Afternoon, or Night.
If you haven't noticed, today is 9/11. 22 years after the events of this day.
In order to keep the wiki together today and the day after, I request that everyone respects and honors this day. No one should make posts about themselves that mention today just for content (if that makes sense) or to mock this day just for clicks or for fun or any of the sort. Around 1-3 posts have already been made mocking this day. Do not let it happen again.
Honoring it, like posting a respectful artwork (to stay on topic) made to honor today, in a way. Or just don't post at all. Even if you're in another place. Please and thank you.
If this post is violating anything, I apologize. But I want people to stop. Now.
****(I'm fine with this post being locked to prevent drama, though. That is fine with me.)