Chapter One/Chapter Two/Chapter Three/Chapter Four/Chapter Five
“This chick is a bendy straw,” Vanessa muttered to herself.
After being annoyed by some pissed off children in the Raceway. Now she had to check out the acrobat in the maze before stopping the presumed Gregory clone up in Bonnie Bowl.
The girl had short cropped black hair, dressed in all black, and easily capable of beating a bunch of fifth graders. And by that, she means to punt children across the room if they dare insult her.
“I’ll have to admit, girl’s psychotic. I like it.”
Vanessa went up to her. She looked about early college aged.
“Hey,” Vanessa asked. “You need to stop.”
As much as Vanessa liked watching kids get punched, she had to stop her.
A man ran into the maze room. “Cassandra!” The man looked similar to her, with black hair, dressed in a black blazer. “I am so sorry. She’s a very good martial artist.”
“No kidding.”
“We’ll be leaving now,” the man said. “So sorry for her.”
Great, Vanessa thought as she headed across the catwalk to Bonnie Bowl.
It so happened that Cassandra and her dad (presumably) were also headed to the bowling alley.
“Out of curiosity,” Vanny asked, “The kid beating people with bowling balls in the alley way isn’t also your kid right?”
The man looked around. “I have a lot of kids. Some of them are just a little…crazy.”
@Crystal Sea14 @Eien No Akui @Daysofded @CrimsonZipper 1 (you know the drill)