Danny was more than happy to have his birthday at Fazer Blast of all places.
Sure, the girls could hang out in the girly salon. And sure, his favorite animatronic was Monty. And he would much prefer racing.
But he was much better at shooting kids with lasers than racing or golf, or whatever Chica’s was.
It was a game of finding people in green vests and shooting them in the heart. His mom was going on about how video games make him violent. And yet she signs him up for “shoot your besties 101” for his birthday.
As Danny shot another one of his friends, he came across the crush, Stephanie. Stephanie was on his team, lucky him.
“Hey Cammie,” he said. “You wanna shoot up the other team? Or do you wanna do something more?”
Chamile stared at him. “I have a boyfriend.”
“And I’m way better than Jason is.”
Chamile stared at him. “I said no.”
Danny laughed. “But I insist.”
Chamile kicked him and ran off.
“Hey! What the hell!”
Danny heard the sound of being shot by the lasers. Someone behind him laughed.
@Crystal Sea14 @Eien No Akui @Daysofded @CrimsonZipper 1 (let me know if you want a ping)