A lobby the size of her apartment building. Vanessa reentered the massive building. Why did people come here? The place was supposedly a mall, yet the Pizzaplex could supply a small civilization.
Vanessa headed up to the Faz-Pad for a coffee and lunch. She was exhausted. But maybe today was going to be a good day. The place had been rebuilt from the fire, with new attractions and stores. Now it felt like a mall.
Vanessa sat with her latte and fried brussel sprouts. No one liked it as kids, but Vanessa didn’t care. Food was food.
Her shift was to begin in sixty to ninety minutes. Vanessa hadn’t seen any of the new stuff included in the upgrade.
And seeing as Burntrap was incredibly quiet—she assumed the old man needed his sleep—the blonde girl paid and made her way to the main atrium.
“Have a splendid day,” the server bot said.
Vanessa headed out the door and walked towards the elevator areas.
“Take a map,” the map bot by the entrance handed her the folded paper.
Vanessa grabbed the map and pat map bot on the head. “Thanks dude.”
@Eien No Akui @Daysofded @CrimsonZipper 1 (let me know if you wanna be pinged)