Chapter fourteen/Chapter Fifteen/Chapter Sixteen/Chapter Seventeen/Chapter Eighteen
Billy Pérez was a weird freaking kid.
Kelsey, Alec and Michael looked at it weird.
Jason decided to have his son and Mike’s kids hang out. “Well, Bill’s eight, and Greg’s eight. I’m sure they’d get along.”
Gregory, as it turned out, was not having fun. Billy was much more intent on talking to Mike.
“Mikey! You’ve gotten so big!”
“And you’ve gotten so small, dad.”
Gregory invited Elvira over. She was nice. Maybe she could make it better.
“So, you're Billy?”
The kid nodded. “And you’re Elvira?”
“So…You think you're my grandpa?”
Elvira gave him a look of horror.
“Mhm! I’m your dad's daddy!”
“I need a better explanation of this,” Elvira said.
“Well, there was this cultist named Paul–”
“A sentence like that has never been good,” Kelsey said. He and Alec were babysitting them in the backyard.
“Anyway, he decided to make a mini William. Vanny and Mr. Afton both agreed it was stupid and gross, but he did it anyway. My dad was a guy named Matt, and I popped out of his—”
“SKIP THAT PART!” Alec shouted.
“Oh… Anyway, Jason adopted me. But, I remember Mikey being my son.”
“Ok…” Elvira whispered.
Alec had been staring at Elvira for thirty minutes.
“Do you need something, sir?”
Alec proceeded to punch Kelsey in the face.
“OW!” he screamed. “What was that for?”
“That girl is weird, right?” Alec said. “I’m trying to figure out who this girl is?”
“Then why did you punch me!”
“I thought she was Eleanor.”
Elvira looked at Gregory in confusion. “Are your brothers ok?”
“Lonely Freddy!” Alec shouted. “You’re a Lonely Freddy!”
“What! What’s a Lonely Freddy?”
“No. I know you! Elvira Ruiz! You were in the dumpster with the other Lonely Freddies!”
“How do you…” Elvira’s accent broke down. “How the f*ck do you know!”
“I was one of the Lonely Freddies. Alexander Carter!”
“No, Alec Carter got killed.”
“Yeah. By me.”
Alec explained his whole story; swapped with Lonely Freddy, saved by Mike, Mike let him get revenge on his parents and fake him and built him a new body.
“The heck…”
Gregory looked over and saw Turner by the fence. How the hell is he not dead!
“Hola, puta,” Elvira said.
“Hey, who’s the new kid? Billy? Is he also a nerd?”
“I am the reincarnation of a serial killer, who killed kids just like you. That lady in the rabbit costume who came by your school recently is one of my many followers.”
Turner was silent, as any sane person would be.
“I’m just gonna go.”
Billy looked at Gregory and Elvira. “You wanna kill him?”
The pair’s eyes lit up.
“No! No! Dad–Mike is going to kill us if he finds out you killed the class bully!”
“Ok…” Gregory sighed. “Kelsey? Can we go kill the class bully?”
“Can I come? I haven’t killed anyone in a while and I crave blood!”
“NO!” Alec shouted. “If dad—Mike! If Mike finds out, he’ll kill us.”
“We’re robots and you’re both dead,” Gregory said.
Kelsey took the three kiddos to Turner’s house. And they killed him. And they killed his older brother. And his parents.
Michael was not pleased. Gregory and Kelsey were grounded for a month.
“And you! Elvira, Lonely Freddy, whatever! I’m calling your parents and… making up a legal excuse to get you grounded. And you William Jr! Same sh*t! Your father will be furious.” Michael paused for a moment. “I’m becoming my father.”
@Risabom @UyNaYz @Crystal Sea14 @Barney Slayer @RandomAdvertisment @FNAFnerd333 @WaterMelonade1236 @PhantomFerret3048 (yeah yeah yeah, if you want to get tagged, let me know. Also, if you have any ideas or predictions let me know cause I'm running low)