Chapter fourteen/Chapter Fifteen
Gregory looked out the window of Vanessa’s red convertible.
“I don’t wanna go to school,” he complained.
“Well… you need to get used to friends,” Vanessa said. “Trust me, kid, it’ll be good for you. You need friends. Just be nice. And be normal.”
Gregory sighed and hopped out of the car. His backpack was a simple blue one with a little Glamrock Freddy dangly thing.
Mrs. Donaldson.
An African-American woman with curly dark hair pulled back in a red headband, with a white puffy shirt and slim red skirt. Like Dolores from Encanto.
Gregory sat at a table of four. Next to him was a young Afro-Latina girl with a round face, long straight black hair and big hazel eyes. She wore a magenta dress, black shoes and tall white socks.
Across from him was a ginger boy with big round glasses and freckles. He wore a light blue and white striped shirt.
The third kid was a blonde girl with lightning blue eyes. She wore a red dress and pink sneakers.
“So, introduce yourself to your tablemates and let's get started,” the teacher said.
“I’m Avery,” the blonde girl smiled.
“I’m Dylan,” the ginger kid laughed. He spoke with a lisp.
The Afro-Latina hid her head in her arms. “Elvira.”
A couple hours later…
Gregory sat down with a sandwich and water bottle, and a bar of chocolate for a snack. He smiled, wondering which one of the people in his house threw it in. Vanessa? He had a hunch it was Vanessa.
“OI! Elvira!”
The most elementary school bully walked into the cafeteria. He was tall, with curly black hair. Four kids followed him; a short kid in glasses, a chubby kid in a red t-shirt and skinny twins. Gregory remembered the glasses kid from class.
Elvira grabbed his hand. “Hide me,” she said. Her accent was even easier to hear.
“Oi. Elvira! What kind of name is that? Sounds like a bug, or a cartoon villain.”
Says the Disney channel bully.
The tall kid grabbed Elvira by her arm. “Where’s the lunch money? Better not be in pesos!”
Elvira handed him a wad of cash and he dropped her. He turned to Gregory. “You new here kid?”
Gregory nodded. “I don’t have lunch money.”
The kid looked at Gregory’s lunch. “Home lunch?”
He reached and grabbed his chocolate bar. “My name’s Turner twat, and I run this cafeteria!”
The group walked away. Elvira looked at Gregory.
“Lo siento,” Elvira muttered.
@Risabom @Crystal Sea14 @UyNaYz @RandomAdvertisment @BunnyBen87 @WaterMelonade1236 @FNAFnerd333 @Barney Slayer @PhantomFerret3048 (yeah. Ask if you want to be tagged in this hot mess.)