Into the Pit/To Be Beautiful/Count the Ways/Epilogue 1/Fetch
Alec wanted out. He wanted to go home. He was hopeless.
How long has it been? Ten, twenty years? He had only slightly gotten to know the other Lonely Freddys; London, Berenice, John, Kevin, Bradley, David, May, and so on. There were around twenty of them there.
The lid opened, light blinding Alec. A man poked his head inside. Alec got a good look at him. Light skin, dark blue eyes, long brown hair, some dangling over his face.
He held his nose. He didn’t seem to like the smell. The man overlooked the pile of Lonely Freddys.
“Who wants to come home?” the man asked, focusing on Alec. “You look like a good one.”
The man grabbed him by the torso, not caring much for the dried vomit all over him.
The man threw him in the back of his car. Alec moved for the first time in a while, his body aching. Alec tried to get a good look at the man, but all he saw was his nametag. Michael A. Mechanic.
Alec woke up on a desk. He was in a garage, but it looked like it had been transformed into an animatronic workshop. There was a bucket of soapy water, sponges, towels and a tarp on the ground.
The man, Michael, had rolled up his sleeves. He was cleaning up the mess of towels and sponges. Alec looked down at his chest. The vomit had been washed off, almost aggressively.
“Did he…” Alec could hardly believe it.
“I see you're awake,” Michael said. His British accent took Alec off guard. “What’s your name, by the way?”
“A-Alec,” he responded.
Michael picked him up. “Full name. Where’s your address?”
“Alec Carter. Why do you want my address?”
“Don’t you want your body back?”
Alec could hardly contain his surprise. “My body? I could be human again!”
Then he thought about it. How long had he been in that dumpster? He got thrown in in 1999.
“What year is it?”
“2009?” Alec had been in that dumpster for ten years! He missed ten years of his life, ripped away from him.
“That’s not your only option, you know. I could find someone else, and you could body swap with him. I could just build you a new body. You could also just stay like that. I won’t judge.”
Alec got a feeling Michael was lying about himself. He knew how to build robots. He looked human, but felt off. Like he wasn’t fully human, at least not anymore.
But who was Alec to judge?
He had made his choice. He wanted a robotic body. Eternal youth, not having to adjust to a life he didn’t live. Besides, Hazel probably liked the new Alec anyway.
Of course, he had to pick a new name. There can’t be two Alec Carters. It was hard, but he thought of a good one.
“Alex Graham,” he triumphantly told Michael. Mike merely rolled his eyes and shrugged.
Of course, Alec wanted revenge. He wanted that more than anything. But, he had a better way. Mike didn’t really approve, but he wasn’t stopping him.
So, Alec, still inside Lonely Freddy at this point, walked to his old house. His sister still lived there, so did his parents and his replacement.
Hazel brought Alec in, unknowingly signing the rest of the house’s death warranties. When no one was looking, he headed into the kitchen and grabbed a meat cleaver. With a bit of hesitation, he hacked into his mother’s leg, causing her to fall. He went cut through her chest, blood gushing everywhere. Mike was going to have to wash him again.
He turned his attention to his father. He grabbed the knife and threw it at him. He was aiming for the heart, but he hit him in the dick. Alec couldn’t tell which was worse.
He grabbed a meat tenderizer (since when did they have this?) and beat his father’s head with it. He didn’t stop until he could see bone. He was kind of enjoying it.
Fake Alec stood in the doorway, mortified. Alec worried he had convinced himself that he was the real Alec.
How to make this as painful as possible?
That was when he realized. If he killed his clone, Hazel would be blamed. Hazel would go to jail. He couldn’t let that happen.
He needed to blame his clone for this. He had to make it look like a murder-suicide. Otherwise, his sister would be in big trouble.
But how was he supposed to do that with these tiny hands?
He grabbed the weapons and forced them into his hands. It took like five tries, his parents were old but his body snatcher was in the prime of his life.
He eventually got them in. He forced the cleaver into Fake Alec’s chest, watching him bleed out, almost giddy.
He turned to Hazel. He wasn’t going to kill her.
“Tell the cops he killed them, and then himself,” he told her. “Otherwise, you’ll go to jail. No one will believe you if you say I did it.”
Hazel sat mortified on the couch, so Alec left through the window and headed back to Mike’s house.
From the news, he could tell she listened. Ian and Meg Carter killed by son in murder-suicide.
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