Into the Pit/To Be Beautiful/Count the Ways/Epilogue 1
Fetch didn’t leave Greg alone for two years.
For a month or two, it was the same. Greg was hesitant to talk, worried Fetch would react. He mostly wrote down his words, and eventually learned sign language.
After a couple months, Greg had to go back to talking. Jake McNally, the kid he babysat, lost his mother to cancer while his dad was overseas serving in the military.
Greg tried to make Jake happy. He bought him gifts, took him to parks, took him to restaurants and candy shops. A lot of people mistakenly said they were brothers.
Jake was eventually handed over to the care of Margie Freeman. Margie and Greg got along great. When Margie first came to the house, Greg tried to explain everything she’d need to watch over Jake.
“He’s a good kid. Friendly, shy, sweet. His bedtime is nine.”
Margie later described him as a mom.
Fetch was getting attention hungry. He once followed Greg to Jake’s house. Greg pulled him away before he could hurt the sweet little kid. Greg decided to try to separate himself from Jake and Margie, for their sake.
Fetch slowly began following Greg everywhere he went. He could hardly focus, he never spoke. He faked being mute so he didn’t have to talk. He didn’t want to get them hurt or killed.
And then he met Bianca. Bianca’s mother and little sister were deaf, so she learned ASL almost before she learned English. And she was happy to translate for Greg.
The two fell in love. Greg liked not having to talk, Bianca liked to be able to vent. Greg eventually told her the truth, and she was willing to keep it up.
That robot was driving him mad. He followed him, any negative interaction could end in bloodshed. Jake and Margie tried to talk to him many times, but he couldn’t, worried Fetch would hurt him.
And then, after two years, Fetch disappeared. He was gone. Greg was overjoyed.
He was able to talk again!
He still used sign language a lot, and was cautious whenever he was alone, but other than that his life returned to normal.
By the time he reintroduced himself to Jake, he was already dying of cancer. Greg tried to make his limited time on Earth as good as he could. Greg had to go off to college. But every year he sent Jake a gift.
Greg was planning on becoming a robotic engineer. Bianca was going to become a social worker.
One year, Greg’s gift for Jake was sent back with a note.
I’m sorry, Greg. Jake isn’t with us anymore. I appreciate the gift. I’m keeping all your gifts in his room. Feel free to visit whenever you want. It would be good to have the company. I’m the owner of the house, and I need a friend.
-Margie :)
Greg was inconsolable. Jake was like his little brother. He was gone, and he wasn’t even there!
Greg eventually graduated, but instead of robotics, he worked minimum wage jobs, like janitor and cook.
Greg and Bianca got married and started a family. Bianca’s first son was named Jake, after Jake McNally. Her daughter is named Cynthia, after Bianca’s younger sister. She got pregnant with a third kid, a daughter, in 2030. The child would be named Kimberly.
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