Sarah, (sorry Eleanor) was feeling like causing some shit.
Her brother had just come home from college. He had brought home a girl.
“Ma, Sarah,” Daniel, her brother, had said. “This is my girlfriend, Allison.”
“Pleasure to meet you Mrs. Clark,” Allison smiled. Allison had orange-red hair, blue eyes, pale skin and wore a little too much black for Eleanor’s taste.
“She’s studying acting,” Daniel said. He seemed really proud that a computer science nerd could get someone as attractive as Allison.
They honestly looked like they had chemistry, much to Eleanor’s disgust. She had developed a love for torture. Pete, Delilah, Oscar, Nole, Toby. True, for the first three she got a little help from one very angry dead kid’s agony, but it still held.
Andrew infected the objects and, without him knowing, Eleanor made it even worse! That was what she liked. Less work for more fun.
Sarah gagged at her brother. Daniel pulled Allison aside and they headed to the kitchen.
“I have a boyfriend too!” Sara-nor insisted. “Mason Blair. And he loves me!”
“Sarah, you’re fourteen. You don’t know what love is.”
Allison fought back a smile.
“Enough you two!” Sarah’s mother insisted. “Can’t you two stop fighting and be normal siblings for once.”
Where’s the fun in that?
Daniel, Allison and Sarah headed to the local scrapyard. Daniel wanted spare parts for a project.
Sarah wasn’t happy about it. This was where the real Sarah was.
Eleanor was desperately trying to hide the real Sarah’s trash body. It wasn’t helping hearing her muffled screams. Not because she felt bad, but because she didn’t want Daniel and Allison to hear.
Daniel eventually did find her, but she didn’t look like Sarah to him.
“Someone threw out a perfectly good endoskeleton,” He told the girls. “I’m taking it back to work on it.”
Eleanor at first thought that would be bad, but then she realized. Daniel could do all the work for her. Eleanor imagined the pain Sarah would feel watching her brother break her down and put her back together, not even knowing that it was his sister.
Cut to a few weeks later. Daniel stood over Eleanor’s bed, holding an axe.
“What the heck, Dan!”
“What did you do to Sarah, Eleanor!” He held the axe in the perfect place to behead her.
“What are you talking about? I’m Sarah!”
“Are you, you dirty hoe!”
Eleanor turned and saw Sarah. She looked like she used to before Eleanor made her beautiful. Her skin had a metallic shine and seams reading down over her nose and under her eyes.
“Sarah?” Eleanor asked. She felt her illusion fall away.
“I’m back~” Sarah smiled.
Daniel hacked at Eleanor. She spun to the side and looked for an escape. WINDOW!
Eleanor ran towards the window in Sarah’s room. She threw herself out the window, tumbling down the yard. She ran in the direction of the junkyard, then into the hustle and bustle of the town at night.
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