For those new to this kind of thread, you take any image from the FNaF wiki and a caption to make it funny.
Rules: Nothing NSFW.
That's all. Now let your imaginations run wild!
I am fear!!
Why hello everybody and welcome to Freddy Fazbears REVAMPED pizzeria!
Want presents? Visit the puppet at the prize counter! Gather every plushie to get... a rare golden freddy plushie!
Chica here encourages kids to eat lots and lots of pizza! Just don’t eat it in front of her...
Our main animatronic Freddy is usually seen giving speeches to the crowd. Listen to one sometime!
Bonnies sweet guitar riffs are to DIE for! Not that I mean it really of course.
Springtrap here may be a bit moody but he has his... reasons... Just avoid him okay?
Want ice cream? Politely ask baby and she will give you some! Be careful for claw- never mind.
We also have a school area for kids who want to learn (not plenty do though)...
Come check it out sometime!
Now, I will tell you a story. Once, an engine attached to a train was afraid of a few drops of rain. He went into a tunnel, and squeaked through his funnel, and wouldn't come out again. The engine's name was Henry. His Driver and Fireman argued with him, but he would not move. "The rain will spoil my lovely green paint with red stripes," he said. The Guard blew his whistle until he had no more breath, and waved his flag until his arms ached, but still Henry stayed in the tunnel, and blew steam at him. "I am not going to spoil my lovely green paint with red stripes for you," he said rudely. The passengers came and argued too, but Henry would not move. A Fat Director who was on the train told the Guard to get a rope. "We will pull you out," he said. But Henry only blew steam at him, and made him wet. They hooked the rope on and all pulled, except The Fat Director. "My doctor has forbidden me to pull," he said. They pulled and pulled and pulled, but still Henry stayed in the tunnel. Then they tried pushing from the other end. The Fat Director said, "One, two, three, push!". But he did not help. "My doctor has forbidden me to push," he said. They pushed and pushed and pushed, but still Henry stayed in the tunnel. At last another train came. The Guard waved his red flag and stopped it. The two Engine Drivers, the two Firemen, and the two Guards went and argued with Henry. "Look, it has stopped raining," they said. "Yes, but it will begin again soon," said Henry. "And what would become of my lovely green paint with red stripes then?" So they brought the other engine up, and it pushed and puffed, and pushed and puffed as hard as ever it could. But still Henry stayed in the tunnel. So they gave up. They told Henry, "We shall take away your rails, and leave you here for always and always and always." They took up the old rails, and built a wall in front of him. Now Henry can't get out, and he watches the trains rushing through the other tunnel. He is very sad because no one will see his lovely green paint with red stripes again. But I think he deserved it. Don't you?
Escape to the next thread here.
Now it’s your turn to recite a campfire tale Electrobab!
This is the legend of swampy forest. One day two children were wandering around swampy forest at dark. They didn’t listen to their parents when they said: “Don’t go to swampy forest after dark”. The children, brother and sister ran in anyways. They liked the thrill. As they wandered into the dark gloomy forest, it seemed as if the trees were moving. The kids thought it was an illusion. They kept walking and they came to a tree that seemed to be whispering. “Come closer... Come closer...” being the stupid kids that they were, they walked closer. The tree used its branches and dragged the screaming children into a hole in the bark. You can still hear their screams to this day...
Ummm Electrobab... aren’t we camping here in swampy forest?
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